Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 591: A rookie teaches a rookie

Ding Chen hurriedly covered his girlfriend's mouth, roaring in the night, he must not be scolded by others.

"Where is that place? It's amazing. We've been looking for four or five days and haven't seen a single firefly. How can there be so many there?" Pingping took Ding Chen's hand and asked.

"That place is the private manor we saw in the afternoon. I'll take a few photos first, and Pingping will help me get the telephoto lens." Ding Chen said while fiddling with the SLR in his hand.

"The lens you bought with your part-time job can finally come in handy." Pingping went to the room to get the lens and handed it to his boyfriend.

"The majors we both study require a DSLR."

"We will graduate next year. You are not in a hurry at all." Pingping said: "Our professional employment scope is very small, and I am so anxious."

"Aren't you going to take the postgraduate entrance exam?" Ding Chen turned around and asked.

"Don't you have to pass the test first?" He glanced at his boyfriend plainly, then walked towards the bathroom, and said as he walked, "Don't be a fool this time, although my parents don't say it, they still hope You can stay in Hangcheng."

"But I want to go back to my hometown to develop agriculture after I graduate with a master's degree," Ding Chen said.

It's a pity that his girlfriend didn't hear what he said, because she had already walked into the bathroom and continued to take a shower.

Ding Chen sighed, put on the lens, adjusted the parameters, and took a picture in the direction of the manor.

After taking the photo, he took a closer look and imported the photo to the laptop he carried with him.

Sure enough, the tens of thousands of dollars of the lens is still very powerful. In addition, Ding Chen's photography skills are also very good, and the photos taken can be directly used as screensavers.

Pingping came out of the shower, saw the photo taken by her boyfriend, and said, "It's really beautiful."

"I just said that after graduating from a master's degree, I want to go back to my hometown to develop agriculture." Ding Chen whispered.

"Okay. I'll go with you." Pingping replied in a low voice.

Ding Chen thought he heard it wrong, turned to look at his girlfriend, and confirmed with his eyes.

Ping Ping nodded firmly.

Ding Chen was stunned for a moment, then jumped up from the chair, wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and turned around.

"What about the uncle and auntie?" After he was happy, he thought of a very realistic question and asked.

"What do you think? It will be several years before we graduate with a master's degree. Are you still unable to handle my parents in these few years?" Vindication asked.

"That should be possible."

"Don't worry, I'll help you too. My parents just don't want me to suffer. But as long as I live well and you treat me well, they won't have other ideas."

"Yeah." Ding Chen hugged his girlfriend and nodded.

Lin Tianwen didn't know that because of one of his actions, the fate of a couple hundreds of meters away changed.

The girls watched the fireflies and fulfilled their wishes, so they asked Lin Tianwen to turn on the lights, and then dispersed the fireflies.

The sky filled with fireflies flew back to the valley around the manor.

"Okay, I also watched the fireflies, and the coolness took a ride. Go back to sleep. They will all be back tomorrow. Brother Tianwen is planning to hold a bonfire party, and you will have to put on a show." Xuan Xuan stood up with the back of her chair and smiled. said.

"A show? Don't we have a lot of professional players here?" Ada said with a smile.

"Then we can't let Yunluo and the others do the whole game, right?" Zhang Xiyu asked.

"It's voluntary, but I can't. I'll do it myself. As long as you are not afraid of spending paper towels, I can sing all night. No, I can play all night." Lin Tiantian stood up and supported Xuan Xuan.

"I will ask everyone to sign up in the group." Zhang Xiyu said.

"You can do whatever you want. Go back to sleep now." Lin Tianwen said.

Soon there was no one in the pavilion, and they all returned to their rooms.

There are no entertainment activities, it is better to go back to sleep.

The last day of June, which happened to be Sunday, was sunny with thunderstorms.

Starting around nine o'clock, Lin Tianwen ordered ten Candlelights and ten Youyings, and they were sent over. He used his right to successfully jump in the queue and got the car ahead of time.

After that, the girls who had been working outside came back one by one.

Some came directly by car, while others came back from Jiugendo by shuttle.

Except, everyone is here.

Even Haney came back.

The sisters have a big reunion. She can't be absent. In the words of her agent, Sister Hong, you can climb the high branch with difficulty, but don't come down by yourself.

The garage on the negative second floor is finally no longer empty. There are a total of 240 parking spaces in the garage.

After more than 30 cars were parked, it was still a bit empty, but it was much better than no car at all.

There are nineteen girls in the manor, so it is very lively, especially Yunluo, she is a pistachio.

Lin Tianwen was a little confused when he saw his women who almost filled the round table in the restaurant. It seemed that there were really too many. Many people have been working outside, and they also stayed away from him.

To say that he is not guilty, it must be a lie.

Fortunately, he is used to being a leader, and his emotional management is still quite in place. If it was replaced by him before, he might have a sad expression on his face.

After lunch, the girls who just arrived went back to their rooms to pack their luggage. Everyone's living habits are different, and they have their own ideas about where things are placed, so even if there are servants, these things still have to be done by themselves.

Lin Tianwen took a nap, and then took advantage of the shady spot by the lake to go fishing with a simple homemade fishing rod and earthworms dug from the ground.

It was the first time he came to this lake for fishing. This lake is actually a small reservoir. When the manor was planned, the reservoir was generously enclosed.

After the system has been redesigned, this reservoir is absolutely amazing.

A circle of willow trees is planted around the lake, the embankment is built with bluestone, and a pavilion is built every other section, and the pavilions are connected by corridors.

There are lawns by the lake, and some fruit trees are planted here and there.

There is a pier on the east and west sides of the lake, and two speedboats are parked.

Lin Tianwen drove a golf cart to the lake, found a pavilion, put down his fishing gear, and prepared to start fishing.

Zhang Xiyu helped him make this homemade fishing rod. The fishing rod is made of bamboo, and it is still possible to fish for crucian carp. And there are also a lot of bamboo in the manor, which are sourced locally.

Fishing line float and lead sinking hook are all bought online.

When Zhang Xiyu was in the orphanage, in order to improve the meals for the children, she often went to the river near the orphanage to fish with the fishing rod she made.

Put on the bait, flick it gently, and the hook sank under the action of the lead sinker.

The water depth by the lake was adjusted by the construction team when the manor was being built. It used to be four or five meters deep, but now it is only about two meters deep. When it is ten meters away from the shore, the water will become deeper.

There were a lot of small fish in the lake, and the bait was eaten all at once. After sitting quietly for more than half an hour, Lin Tianwen did not catch a single fish.

In the middle of the journey, a servant came to bring him tea and fruit.

Lin Tianwen is not in a hurry. If you don't catch fish, you can't catch it. It's rare to enjoy life.

Take a sip of tea and take a look at the float. These days are rarely comfortable.

Situ Jin packed up her room and happily ran to the study to find Lin Tianwen, but she was completely empty.

She came out of the study, ran into Liu Wenqi, and asked, "Butler Liu, where did Brother Tianwen go?"

"Mrs. Jin, the boss is fishing by the lake."

"Oh, thank you." After Situ Jin finished speaking, he ran away, covering his face as he ran. It was too embarrassing, but Butler Liu called me my wife, and I was so happy.

Situ Jin ran outside, found a four-wheeled electric car, and drove to the lake to find Lin Tianwen.

When I got to the lake, I saw Lin Tianwen who was raising his pole frequently in the pavilion.

After parking the car, Situ Jin came to Lin Tianwen's side.

"Brother Tianwen, have you caught any fish?"

"Not yet. Do you still like the decoration of the room?"

"I like it. It just feels too big." Situ Jin sat on the stone bench and said.

"You'll get used to it. Would you like to try it?" Lin Tianwen pointed to the fishing rod and asked.

"Okay! However, I have never fished."

"It's fine. I'm also fishing for fun, and the fish in this lake are not very good." Lin Tianwen said.

The fish in this lake are all the fry that Lin Tianwen let people put when the manor was first built. As for the fish in the lake before, they have been trawled clean and given to nearby homestays or villagers.

Now the fish in the lake are all the species that Lin Tianwen likes, such as crucian carp, perch, mandarin fish, fat head, white twig, and herring to be dried in winter, and so on.

Because it has never been artificially fed, the fish in the lake tend to be wild, which is not very good for Lin Tianwen's fishing level is not even a fishing enthusiast, although his home is by the sea Yes, there are many lakes and rivers near his hometown, but there are only a handful of times he has fished since childhood.

The two of them fished in the gazebo for more than two hours, but they didn't catch a single fish.

But Situ Jin was very serious about her studies. She had no doubt that Lin Tianwen, who taught her, was also a rookie.

This situation didn't stop until Zhang Xiyu came over and asked them to go to dinner.

"Brother Tianwen, let go of those fishes in the lake. They are still young." Zhang Xiyu looked at Lin Tianwen's bait and said.

"Okay, just give Xiyu a face, and I won't be fishing today." Lin Tianwen also went down the stairs when he saw it, otherwise he would be very embarrassed.

Zhang Xiyu covered her mouth and smiled, then helped to put away the cheap fishing gear and went back together.

"Get up first, and I'll take a shower." Although Lin Tianwen sat in the pavilion, he was still sweating slightly.

When he came out of the shower, the bonfire was already lit, but it looked like there was a pile of fire like a bonfire.

There is a special place for outdoor parties in the manor, just in the southwest corner of the garden, below the infinity pool.

The ground is covered with sand, which was specially shipped from Hainan.

Some of the six chefs are grilling skewers, some are making teppanyaki, and some are making juice.

Lin Tianwen sat on the beach chair and waved to Liu Wenqi, motioning her to come over.

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