"Xiaowei, what did you do just now!"

Inside the nanny's car, Bai Xinyan, who was sitting in the back, looked at Xiaowei, the assistant who was driving in front of her, with a look of surprise.

This time, they decided on their own, so there was no full-time driver from the company to help them drive.

Only Xiao Wei temporarily acted as this driver.

"Sister Xinyan, how does Lu Feng's arms feel!"

Looking at the joy that could not be concealed between Bai Xinyan's eyebrows, Xiao Wei said a little proudly.

That's thanks to the great opportunities she created.

"What do you say! Next month, or you will go on a business trip to the northwest!

Bai Xinyan spoke gently, her tone threatening!

"Sister Xinyan, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Xiao Wei quickly apologized.

She is really not afraid of business trips, after all, every business trip, the company arranges comfortably.

However, Sister Xinyan's face still has to be taken care of!

After speaking, something came to mind.

"Sister Xinyan, don't we go back and take a look? Just now we left, Zhu Ziang is still there!

Xiao Wei's voice together, Bai Xinyan remembered that she was saying that she seemed to have forgotten something, and she forgot Zhu Ziang.

In Lu Feng's embrace just now, she felt that she had forgotten all her troubles, she was still very shy, and her brain was empty.


Bai Xinyan exclaimed.

Zhu Ziang, this person, usually looks at Sven, but in fact, he is an out-and-out madman in his heart.

She left Lu Feng there, and Zhu Ziang might make a move on Lu Feng.

"Go back and take a look!"

Bai Xinyan spoke up anxiously.

Xiao Wei did not hesitate, and the vehicle that was already about to leave the basement turned around and galloped towards the place just now.

By the time we got to the place where the park was originally parked, there was no trace of anyone here.

"It's not going to happen!"

Xiao Wei's opening made Bai Xinyan even more worried.

Hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Lu Feng's number.

"Hey, Sister Xinyan, what's wrong?"

Listening to the calm and usual voice coming from Lu Feng's side, Bai Xinyan silently breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"It's okay!"

Bai Xinyan didn't know how to speak, could it be that she was worried about Lu Feng, so she came back to take a look?

"Oh! I'm fine, Sister Xinyan don't worry! "

Lu Feng had already intersected with Xiao Wei's car during the driving of the vehicle just now.

Xiao Wei didn't see him, but he saw Xiao Wei's.

He also thought that Xiao Wei didn't know the way and took the wrong exit, but when he saw this call, he knew that Bai Xinyan was worried about him.

Only then did he speak.

"Okay, be careful when you drive on the road! Good bye!

Bai Xinyan didn't say much.


Listening to the hang-up sound coming from the other side of the phone, Bai Xinyan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaowei, let's go!"

She said to Xiao Wei in a relaxed tone, and now she was relieved.

"How's it going!"

Lu Feng looked at Li Xuetong, who was still holding his laptop on the terrace, and spoke with a puzzled face.

I didn't expect that she had been busy for a day, and she was still reading these materials, wasn't she tired?

"I want to do my best!"

Li Xuetong glanced at Lu Feng behind her, and she didn't know how this little man did it.

It's just that behind the scenes, at such a young age, such a big group was created.

Today Li Xuetong is wearing a set of guitar girls' skirts, the front is as usual, the back is knotted with ties, a large piece of white and tender skin is in front of Lu Feng's eyes, and Lu Feng's hand slipped in from behind.

If you want to distract Li Xuetong, you can't continue to watch.

"You this?"

"Washed, clean!"

Li Xuetong couldn't stand it, it was inconvenient in front, and Lu Feng's fingers came to the back to make a monster.

Looking at Li Xuetong, who finally did not hold the laptop and collapsed in his arms, Lu Feng smiled slightly.

Li Xuetong's sensitive point has one more point.

"Brother Feng, do you say I can really do a good job?"

Li Xuetong was still a little worried, she was really worried about whether the work Lu Feng gave her would exceed her ability too much.

If he doesn't do it well, what will the group think of him!

"You, don't worry!"

Lu Feng looked at Li Xuetong, held her face, and said softly.

When he came back in the evening, he had taken care of everything.

Not only for Zhu Ziang, but also to ring the alarm bell for people within these groups in advance and give a signal for Li Xuetong to work in the group.

Wanxing Music Group, 9 a.m., in the central conference room.

Many people arrived one after another, greeting each other.

"Hello Director Qiu!"

"Mr. Song is good!"

"Good autumn!"

"Mr. Zhu is good!"

"Good autumn!"

"Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Song

is good," "Mr. Zhu is good!"


The bosses greeted each other, but they looked at the woman sitting in the first place with some doubt.

Swing art!

How could the people of the head office appear here, and such a company leadership meeting was held.

The first on the left is Song Hongchen, president of Wanxing Music Group, and the first on the right is Zhu Zhijun, vice president of the company.

The two people who received the swing call this morning were very surprised, usually the head office would not hold such a meeting in a branch with such fanfare.

In particular, all personnel at the level of director and above are required to be in place.

"President Qiu, please also reveal, is there anything specific?"

Song Hongchen gently spoke, this temporary meeting, they really have no bottom in their hearts!

Zhu Zhijun also leaned slightly on the side to show that he was listening.

Swing Yi shook his head and looked at the appearance of the two, the decision here will cause an earthquake in Wanxing Music Group next!

"Everyone has arrived!"

Swing Yi spoke gently, although she is also a director, but everyone knows.

This director is not at the same level as these directors.

"It's all here!"

Song Hongchen spoke gently, she grasped the expression of Swing Yi just now, and a bad premonition rose in her heart.

"Okay, let's make a long story short!"

Swing Art no longer hesitated, took a folder in his hand, and gently opened it.

"After the decision of the chairman, it was decided to remove Zhu Zhijun from the position of vice president of Wanxing Music Group! Removed Sun Xiangming, deputy director of the marketing department of Wanxing Music Group, from his post! Removed Li Wei, Minister of Internal Affairs of Wanxing Music Group, from his post! Removed from the post of Weibo, head of the human resources department of Wanxing Music Group............. A

series of dismissals caused silence in the conference room.

At first, everyone was still shocked, as soon as they opened their mouths, it was Zhu Zhijun, and as the name of the swing art became more and more pronounced, everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts, for fear that the next one would be their name.

Everyone understands that when this letter of dismissal comes out, Wanxing Music Group is about to have a major earthquake.

"Okay, that's all, no doubts!"

After reading the swing art, he looked at the people with different minds below, and asked softly.

No one spoke, everyone was waiting for the leader, and they looked at the first person in unison, where it was Zhu Zhijun.

Zhu Zhijun took a deep breath and spoke in a solemn voice.

"Director Qiu, may I ask why is this?"

Directly read out the duties of the swing artist, which is a sign of disrespect.

"You want to know?"

Swing Yi also looked slightly cold, what did Zhu Zhijun want to do.

This is the order of the chairman, and in Wanxing Entertainment Group, everyone knows that the treatment here is good, and it is good for artists.

So everyone is full of yearning for Wanxing Entertainment.

But we all know that another thing is recognized, within the group, the chairman said everything!

"Take a look!"

Gently signaling, Swing Yi took a not too thick folder from the assistant's hand and threw it directly in front of Zhu Zhijun.


Folders bounce on the desktop and sounds spread across the room.

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