Hearing the sound of closing the door, Li Xuewei and the three walked out.

"Xiaofeng, he?"

Guan Yulan didn't say explicitly, but Lu Feng understood, Guan Yulan asked Li Dali.

"Aunt Lan, I asked my uncle to rest outside!" Hearing

this, Guan Yulan, who was originally a little nervous, also completely relaxed at this moment.

A little dead heart nodded on his face.

The two sisters held Guan Yulan tightly beside them, did not speak, and their calm eyes just now were full of worry.

After a while, Guan Yulan came to her senses this time and said: "Xuetong, you haven't eaten yet, go in and sit down to eat! Xiaofeng, Xuewei, you two haven't eaten enough just now!

After that, he walked into the dining room alone.

Li Xuetong looked embarrassed, didn't say more, and followed Guan Yulan inside.

Li Xuewei watched the two walk in, and then came over in a very surprise, and asked softly next to Lu Feng.

"Brother Feng, those three people just now?" directly

stopped shouting Li Dali's name.

"I've already beaten away, don't worry!"

said Lu Feng softly, walking towards the restaurant.

Seeing Lu Feng's action, Li Xuewei gently deflated her mouth.

One dinner, Lu Feng ate very embarrassed, and almost no one on the table spoke.

Some people dare not speak, and some people want to speak, but they dare not speak.

"Okay, eat, come, Xue Tong, eat this, Xue Wei, eat this!"

After eating, Lu Feng glanced at the clock hanging on the wall and found that the time had exceeded two o'clock in the morning.

The two sisters helped Guan Yulan clean up the food on the table after washing.

"You guys go to sleep first, Xiaofeng and I have something to talk about!"

Speaking softly to Li Xuetong and Li Xuewei, Guan Yulan said.

Just now, the two sisters were almost forced to finish eating, and at this moment, they were both sleepy, and the exhaustion on their faces could be seen with the naked eye.

"Hmm!" both

looked at their mother a little worriedly.

But they were still obedient, they knew that the next thing should involve their father, and there was not so much they could intervene in.

When the two sisters walked into one of the bedrooms together, Guan Yulan spoke softly.

"Xiaofeng, you

and Xuetong?" Hearing this, Lu Feng understood, Guan Yulan should also be worried about the relationship between Lu Feng and Li Xuetong.

"Aunt Lan, you also know, but I treat Xue Tong as a relative!" Lu

Feng did not evade and said directly.

Guan Yulan's originally worried look suddenly became even more sad at this moment.

Unexpectedly, things at home eventually affected their children.

"Aunt Lan, it's okay, I treat you as family, so there's no need to say more!"

said Lu Feng softly and comforted.

"Is it Xue Tong's own choice?"

asked Guan Yulan softly.

"It's my own choice!"

Li Xuetong opened the bedroom door, a little lost, but still spoke.

The two heard the sound and looked up, there was also a figure leaning on the door frame, looking worried, apparently the two sisters did not sleep.

"Come here, sit down!"

Guan Yulan greeted Lu Li Xuetong softly.

Hearing Guan Yulan's words, Li Xuetong came over and sat next to Guan Yulan with a somewhat stunned expression.

"Mom, Lu Feng and I have broken up!"

said Li Xuetong pretending to be relaxed.

"Shut up!"

Guan Guan Yulan said in a deep voice, her tone stern, which startled Li Xuetong.

"Xiaofeng, you also saw the situation of our family!" "

Xue Tong broke up with you, it was also a last resort, you?" Guan

Yulan looked at her eldest daughter beside her, a little hated the opening of iron and steel.

In the past, Li Xuetong went home, regardless of whether Lu Feng came back with her or not, but Li Xuetong would always hang Lu Feng on his lips, and his face was full of happiness.

However, when I came back today, I not only had the sadness on my face, but also the powerlessness and sadness that came out of my bones.

She knows how much Li Xuetong likes Lu Feng, and breaking up like this is really what Li Xuetong wants.

"Aunt Lan, it's okay, I don't blame her!" Hearing

Lu Feng's words, the two were stunned.

"However, I still take you as my relatives!" "


Li Xuetong's rare voice sounded, inaudible.

Li Xuewei, who was standing in the door frame, also walked over at this moment, and did not sit next to Guan Yulan, but sat next to Lu Feng, which scared Lu Feng's whole person to the point of almost scattering.

This little nizi, this time, it won't be a big thing!

Lu Feng glared at Li Xuewei sternly, and glanced at her who was sitting next to her An'an, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mom, sister, I believe that Brother Lu Feng treats us as relatives, let's talk about

Li Dali now!" Li Xuewei spoke softly, pulling the topic to Li Dalian.

Looking at this scene in front of her, Guan Yulan sighed in her heart.

"Xuetong, are you really going the right way, your sister!" "

Li Dalian!" mentioned Li Dalian's

name, glanced at Li Xuewei, who had no respect for his father, and called Li Dali by name, Guan Yulan also understood.

These two sisters actually have no father in their hearts for a long time, not to mention Li Dali came back this time, and his performance in the past few months is really not a father!

If it weren't for worrying about Li Xuewei's college entrance examination, Guan Yulan would not tolerate it to this day.

Now, when the college entrance examination comes out, Li Xuewei did well.

Modu University should be easy.

Now, too, it's time to solve the problems at home.

"Aunt Lan, by the way, leave Uncle Strong's affairs to me!"

said Lu Feng at this time.

"Little wind!

Guan Yulan looked a little worried, Li Dali had been fooling around outside all day, and I don't know how many three sects and nine streams he had befriended.

Let Lu Feng deal with it, how can it

!"Aunt Lan, it's okay, trust me! I'll talk to Uncle Vigorous first!"

In this room, there are no people who have the slightest affection for Li Dali, let alone that.

Judging from the business card he picked up, Li Dali is more than so simple behind him.

It is better to deal with it early, after all, Lu Feng himself has to rush back to school for the final exam.


he is not there, something happens to Guan Yulan's house, then it will really be too late!

The two sisters had a spirit in their hearts and also spoke.

"Mom, leave the matter to Lu Feng to handle, after all, Li Dali solved it early, it is good for our family

!" Hearing this, Guan Yulan also understood, and then said a little worriedly: "Xiaofeng, you have to pay attention to yourself, Li Dali that person, don't worry about him, you must protect yourself!" Seeing

that he finally said yes, Lu Feng nodded silently, in this way, it can be regarded as okay, and it should be easier to deal with it tomorrow.

"Okay, go to sleep, it's so late!" Guan Yulan glanced at the time and said, "Xuetong Xuewei, you two sisters, go back to sleep! Xiaofeng, you sleep in this room, I sleep in the storage room!" Looking at the

master bedroom of Guan Yulan's fingers, Lu Feng immediately shook his head and refused.

When he came to Guan Yulan's house before, he slept in the storage room, but this time he slept in the master bedroom, what is going on?

"Aunt Lan, everything is as usual!" Before

he finished speaking, Lu Feng had already walked into the storage room.

Said to be a storage room, it is actually a standard second bedroom, but a few wooden boxes with a sense of age are slightly stacked.

Lu Feng, who was lying on the bed, remembered the prompt sound in the system that had sounded early after twelve.

"Detected that the time has passed twelve o'clock, the next time is Monday, congratulations to the host for getting the opportunity to check in once a week, please ask the host if you sign in!"

This is the first weekly check-in, and I don't know what will be checked, Lu Feng is full of curiosity.

"Sign in!" Lu Feng silently ordered in his mind.

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