Chapter 277

By the dimly lit French window, after Wang Jing finished speaking, Lin Qian watched Wang Jing silently, watching Wang Jing for about two minutes. Wang Jing was uncomfortable looking at his face. Self-confidence, at this moment, can’t help but diminish a lot.

“You think Silk Bar Media is worth three hundred million, but in my opinion…”

“It’s not worth it.”

For a long time, Lin Qian shook his head with a soft voice.

“You just opened your mouth for the future and closed your mouth on the prospects, but you said very little about the current situation. The idol group market is a blue ocean in China. Needless to say, I think many people know it, and I also know it. The main focus of the media is idol groups, but it does not mean that you have the ability to eat this blue ocean.”

“Your SNH48 of Silk Bar Media seems to be very popular and is frequently searched, but in fact, the entire SNH48 combined, I am afraid that it is not as strong as the ability of a first-line star to attract gold.”

Lin Qian’s face was plain, and he talked eloquently on the matter.

“Do you have any celebrities at Silk Bar Media who can be on the stage?”

“Are there any stars with over 10 million Weibo fans?”

“You have so many members of SNH48, and how many fans have broken through one million, and how many people just use it as a background board?”

Facing Lin Qian’s questions, Wang Jing’s expression gradually became a little ugly, and Yang Rui, who was beside them, quietly squeezed Wang Jing’s sweat.

Regardless of Lin Qian’s young age, but Yang Rui has experienced Lin Qian’s greatness.

Thinking that when he invested in Lin Qian’s angel round, Lin Qian’s performance was also very sharp, he just increased the original 20% equity directly to 30%.

The most important thing is that people’s words are well-founded, and you won’t even want to disagree.

Want to see people young and the lion speaks loudly?

Ha ha……

It can only be said that it is daydreaming, it is so beautiful!

Yang Rui thought this in his heart, but on the surface he was acting as a qualified listener watching and nose.

“Mr. Lin, I admit that we currently do not have any celebrities at Silk Bar Media, but the route our company takes is the cultivation of idol groups. Since it is cultivation, it takes a certain amount of time. In this mode The fans of the women’s groups that have grown up will be very sticky. In the future…”


Seeing what Wang Jing was about to talk about in front of him, Lin Qian decisively raised his hand and interrupted Wang Jing.

“You SNH48 formed a group in 2012, and it has been three years. It has not been developed for a full three years. I can only say that your development cycle is a bit too long. If I invest money in it, follow With your long development cycle, I want to know when will my money be profitable?”

The so-called business talks, originally Lin Qian and Wang Jing talked very harmoniously before they talked about business matters, but after they talked about business matters, the two people had a bit of a point to the point of view.

Wang Jing was interrupted by Lin Qian, and then denied by Lin Qian again. Her complexion became unsightly, but she didn’t say much, just took a deep breath, and then slowly spit it out. His complexion gradually returned to normal.

Having spent decades in shopping malls, Wang Jing is naturally aware of the difficulty of financing.

From the angel’s turn to the listing, there are PreA rounds, A rounds, B rounds, C rounds and even D rounds in the middle.

For technology companies, as long as they have enough good products, financing is not a difficult task, but for media companies like Silk Media, when they do not have enough results, they want to raise money every step.

In front of investors with strong financial resources like Lin Qian, Wang Jing is the naked Party B, and the status of the two parties is inherently unequal.

And Lin Qian’s words are not excessive.

Financing is actually the same as bargaining with vendors.

You make a price, and I bargain, it is normal.

If Wang Jing didn’t even have the ability to bear pressure, he wouldn’t be able to go as far as he is today.

“Mr. Lin, we have said so much, but you still haven’t said it clearly. Do you have any intention to cooperate with our Siba Media?”

After Wang Jing’s expression returned to normal, she stopped arguing with Lin Qian, but asked a very fundamental question.


Faced with Wang Jing’s question, Lin Qian answered like this almost without even thinking about it.


“I don’t want to invest in your Silk Bar Media, I want to…”

“Wholly purchase of your Silk Bar Media!”

Lin Qian’s words followed closely, it can be described as shocking, making Wang Jing and Yang Rui both stunned.


There was an incredible look on Wang Jing’s face, and even due to shock, the tone of his voice changed slightly.

“That’s right, I want to wholly acquire your Silk Bar Media.”

Lin Qian’s face was as usual, and he reconfirmed calmly.

Lin Qian just started the idea of ​​acquiring Siba Media.

It is impossible to participate in the investment of Silk Media, because Lin Qian knows exactly what kind of scams Silk Media is.

Obviously a good hand really made them play poorly.

As the first company in China to start an idol girl group, a few years later, when the idol group Netcom began to explode, it was clear that Silk Bar Media could give it all, riding the giant penguin ship and soaring upwards, but they turned out to be wrong. At this time, giving up all the original advantages, even started the men’s team!

Perfect missed the best time to take a ride. By the time Silk Media reacted, the rest of the media companies had already completed the layout, which made Silk Bar Media lose its original advantages.

As for the idol men’s group that they gave up their advantage and invested heavily to build, facing the idol group created by the explosive network, it is as fragile as a bubble, and it is directly drowned without even a wave in the market. NS.

Therefore, it is impossible for Lin Qian to invest in shares.

However, Lin Qian is still very interested in this if he can directly acquire Siba Media as a wholly-owned subsidiary.

The pit of Silk Bar Media lies in the decision-making at the upper level. As for the middle and lower levels, it is still very valuable.

First of all, what impressed Lin Qian most were these trainee resources of Silk Media.

From the already debuted Zhonghai 48, to the upcoming Yenching 48 and Yangcheng 48, to the many trainees who are in the trainee stage, these people add up to nearly two hundred people.

Of these nearly two hundred girls, all of them are carefully selected by Silk Bar Media. In terms of appearance, figure, and talent, all of them are above the standard. Silk Bar Media just collects and trains these girls, and it takes a lot of money. After nearly five years, it can be seen that these girls were hard-won.

For Lin Qian, who will focus on short videos and idol groups in the future, these top quality girls are the most precious resources.

If these girls can be earned under his command, it will undoubtedly save Lin Qian a lot of time and energy in the future.


Say I’m someone Lin who is greedy for the bodies of these beautiful girls?

who is it?

Who is slandering me, Lin? !

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