Chapter 538 Qin Xuetong’s Identity Revealed

At this time, Li Tianyu also saw the doubt and dissatisfaction in Guan Hekai’s eyes.

And Guan Hekai’s girlfriend, Su Shulan, had roughly the same look, even more ridiculous and contemptuous.

Li Tianyu didn’t care either. They were all kiddies. Why would I be angry with them, so he said casually: “I’m the boss and don’t know how to run a hotel, but I’ll pay for someone who can run a hotel to come over to work, so I am not busy.”

Su Shulan rolled her eyes when she heard it.

Although Su Shulan is not a hotel management major, she is familiar with Li Junhai and Tan Jing, and she often goes out to play and party for dinner together.

I have to say that because Su Shulan has found Guan Hekai as her boyfriend, she still has a sense of superiority, especially in front of Tan Jing.

For women, jealousy and comparability are more obvious and stronger, so Su Shulan looks down on Li Junhai’s legendary cousin even more.

Tan Jing’s boyfriend Li Junhai couldn’t do it, and he talked about Li Junhai’s cousin. The key point was very outrageous. It made people bragging when they heard it. I really wondered what Li Junhai and Tan Jing wanted to do.

Today I saw the justice, and Su Shulan wondered whether to expose them, so that the two of them could no longer talk about the so-called cousin in front of her.

Isn’t that cool?

So, Su Shulan smiled and said, “Brother Li, right? We also want to see your hotel. I don’t know when it will be convenient?”

Tan Jing turned to look at Su Shulan.

Who can’t tell Su Shulan’s strange voice and the same strange expression?

It’s nothing more than not believing that Li Junhai’s cousin is the owner of a luxury hotel.

Tan Jing didn’t believe it before, but after seeing the Tianyu Palace in Dibei Water Town with his own eyes, he was completely impressed.

Now Tan Jing is completely at ease and full of hope. If Li Junhai can go to work at Tianyu Palace in the future, even if he starts from the bottom employees, he will be promoted soon.

In addition to the relationship that Li Tianyu is Li Junhai’s cousin, Tan Jing is also very optimistic about Li Junhai’s ability, otherwise he would not agree to associate with Li Junhai and become a partner.

Of course, Tan Jing’s ideas can’t be talked to others casually, after all, they will invite people to make irresponsible remarks.

Hearing Su Shulan’s words, Li Tianyu said lightly: “Are you Li Junhai’s classmates? You can visit at any time.”

Su Shulan: “Are you talking about the hotel in Dibei Water Town?”

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: “Yes.”

Su Shulan stared at Li Tianyu’s expression, wanting to see some clues, and asked: “Luxury hotel?”

Li Tianyu: “It is indeed a luxury hotel.”

When Li Tianyu said this, he turned his head and called out “Junhai”.

Li Junhai only then reacted and responded quickly.

Li Tianyu: “Looking back, you and Tan Jing can take these two classmates to the hotel for a round, and I will send you a phone number in a while. You can just contact him directly and you can arrange a better room for you.”

Li Junhai was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Li Tianyu’s expression and tone are too domineering, this is exactly the aura of the domineering president in the TV series!

By the way, if you use an adjective to describe it, it is domineering side leakage!

Tan Jing also breathed a sigh of relief, it was obvious that Li Tianyu had found it back.

Because both Guan Hekai and Su Shulan’s expressions changed, the original doubts on the face were all covered by astonishment.

It’s no wonder that they haven’t been out of society yet, and they are not very old. There is no such thing as Li Tianyu’s opponent of “old fritters”. As long as they let go of their momentum and pressure, they will definitely wilt.

But again, this is not enough.

After all, there is no proof. Although Li Tianyu speaks beautifully, he can’t prove that he is really the owner of a luxury hotel in Dibei Water Town.

If you want to see it on the ground, at least you can’t go now. After all, Dibei Water Town is too far away from the Happy Valley of the Imperial Capital.

Even if the road conditions are good, it will take more than two hours to arrive.

So it’s light, but it’s very difficult to do.

If this Li Junhai’s cousin is really cooperating with Li Junhai’s bragging rights, then he will have to cover the hotel out of his own pocket.

The hotels in Dibei Water Town are expensive, OK!

Just to expose the lies of Li Junhai and Tan Jing, the price is also higher.

Guan Hekai and Su Shulan immediately “awakened” and returned to the looks they had just now.

Guan Hekai just wanted to say something so that Li Tianyu could show his feet, but saw that the scene before him was a little strange.

Su Shulan noticed Guan Hekai’s strangeness, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Guan Hekai pointed to the front.

Others also turned their heads and looked around, and found that not far in front, that is, the entrance of the pendulum, there were a lot of people around, and there was some commotion, as if something terrible had happened, and people gathered from time to time.

When Li Tianyu saw it, he felt bad, and immediately walked over there, thinking that Qin Xuetong’s identity was not exposed, right?

Li Tianyu really guessed it, because the surrounding people were all talking, and their faces were full of excitement and joy.

“Qin Xuetong, it seems that Qin Xuetong really came to Happy Valley to play.”

“Have you seen it clearly? Isn’t it fake?”

“We didn’t see it, and we heard what others said, saying that we saw Qin Xuetong playing this, and we should be able to see her in a while.”

“By the way, I heard that Qin Xuetong also brought a little girl about ten years old. Is it her illegitimate daughter?”

“Are you crazy!? How old is Qin Xuetong!? At most, she is in her twenties. Can her daughter be in her teens?”

“What are you in your twenties, you haven’t graduated from university yet!”

“That’s not necessarily true. It’s not open right now, and it’s not unmarried mothers.”

Listening to these people, Li Tianyu felt a little headache.

This is so tightly blocked, can sisters Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue come out?

The pendulum had stopped a long time ago, but Qin Xuetong and the others hadn’t come out yet, and they were obviously frightened by the sight outside.

Of course, in fact, the matter is solved quite well, it is nothing more than trouble. Sign these people, take a photo, and then run away in the chaos.

At this time, Li Junhai and Tan Jing also came over.

After hearing the words of these onlookers, I couldn’t help being shocked.

Guan Hekai: “Qin Xuetong? Are they saying that Qin Xuetong is also playing in Happy Valley?”

Su Shulan: “It looks like it is, or what are they doing around here?”

Li Junhai: “That’s a coincidence, right? By the way, brother, whoever came with you, are they also playing this?”

Li Tianyu nodded: “They…”

At this moment, Li Tianyu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said, “You can do me a favor.”

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