The reporter was also intimidated by Chen Ning's arrogant remarks! I

have never seen anyone who has promised such a large amount of investment in public!

Investment projects of tens of trillions of yuan are generally carried out on a state-by-state basis.

Unexpectedly, a young man dared to boast about Haikou?

"You lied to people! How can you have so much money!" "

You must be trying to fool us!

I'm a director. What relationship do you say. "

All of a sudden, stunned the person just now.

I didn't expect Chen Ning to react so quickly.

Didn't they keep holding on to the relationship between the two?

The relationship between director and actor.

Even if you are a director and an actor, how did you go back to the hotel last night?"

Chen Ning said quickly: "Audition."

"Do you know the audition?" "

When you come to the role, I will also ask you to audition."

When Chen Ning spoke, he took a different tone.

I could hear the laughter of the people below.

Chen Ning continued: "Oh yes, all those who participate in the filming of the film have a daily salary of not less than one thousand. Dragon set included. Chen

Ning looked at the person who was looking for trouble just now: "But you." Gee.

He shook his head: "It shouldn't be okay." The

people around laughed loudly.

Attention is completely shifted to this person.

The man looked confused, he came to fight Yang Ming, how did he become a laughing point?

"No, I, you..." He

looked left and right at the people around him, but no one sympathized with him.

At this time, everyone was attracted by Chen Ning's film plan.

There is still something to grasp about Yang Ming.

"Director Chen! When will the movie start! Do you think I can do it?"

"I don't want to run tricks! Arrange a role for me! I like the character of Dashi the most

!" "My temperament, this talent, Luo Ji is none other than me!"

"I want to play Zhizi! The kind that can be seen everywhere!"


The people below are all attracted by the topic of the movie.

Seeing this, Yang Ming was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, such a crisis public relations was cleverly solved by Chen Ning.

The agent also breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and stretched out his hand to organize: "Come and come, it's hot outside, everyone go inside and discuss."

"You can give any opinions, there are fruit drinks for everyone!" Hearing

this, they no longer had any grievances.

They all entered the entertainment company, sat at various tables and chairs, and discussed things about the three-body problem.

As for those looking for trouble, either join them in the discussion at this time.

Or leave in ashes.

Don't dare to say anything more.

[Name: Yang Ming] [Age: 26 years old

] [Score: 98

] [Evaluation: Spend money for her to get a 10,000-fold return reward]

Yang Ming

looked at Chen Ning, with affection: "Thank you, Ning Ning, if it weren't for you this time, I would..." Chen Ning

waved his hand and smiled: "This matter also depends on me, I drank a broken piece last night."

"What, I didn't last night... So what?"

Yang Ming burst out laughing, looking at Chen Ning with a hooked look in his eyes.

Nothing was said.

This made Chen Ning blind.


of you who make movies, don't act at this time, okay?"

"Sister Ming! People inside are calling you in! They all want to take a picture with you!" the

agent ran out and shouted.

Chen Ning had to say: "Okay, you go first."

"I'll talk about it later."

Yang Ming glanced at Chen Ning with a smile, and Chen Ning's heart went up and down.

When she entered the door, Chen Ning's phone rang.

It was Sookie who called.

"Hey, Su Su, what's going on?"

"President Chen, how can you make such a big joke in front

of the media!" "Why don't you tell me in advance if you have an external statement

!" "Once it can't be completed, it will damage the image of Longteng Company!"

Chen Ning paused for a moment, and then remembered.

It should be that she saw the live broadcast of the media just now.

"Su Su, how can it not be done. Isn't it just making a movie?

"You go and set up a film company and find me some good actors."

"By the way, those high-grossing actresses in the film industry, all give me an appointment!" Hearing

Chen Ning's words, Su Qi was angry: "President Chen, I have to talk to you properly

!" "You shoot like this regardless of the cost, you will lose

the company!" "I don't allow you to do this!"

Chen Ning said casually: "It doesn't matter if the company loses money, as long as you are there." Hearing

this, Su Qi visibly paused.

It was actually warmed by Chen Ning.

Su Qi slowed her tone and said

, "That's not okay, but I was sent by the club to specifically assist you, and I can't let you lose money."

Chen Ning sat in the car and started the car: "If you don't want me to lose money, quickly find me more beautiful women."

"I have too much money to spend, so I'm worried." "


Sookie's mood, which had just calmed down, was mobilized again.

I think this boss is really unreasonable!"

"Okay, don't say it, the things I just said will be implemented as soon as possible." Remember to find more beautiful women!"

Sookie hung up the phone directly.

Chen Ning looked at the screen, and the corners of his mouth slightly hooked:

"Your rating is really difficult to improve."

"I'll have to figure it out." He

said, driving towards the school.


Salicic acid came to the company early in the morning.

I was a little embarrassed to meet Li Lei, a colleague who bought cosmetics together yesterday.

I don't know if Watermelon caught up with her in the end.

After all, they all work together, and if they don't look up, they don't want to make the relationship too stiff.

So he took out the cosmetics that Chen Ning bought yesterday, took them to Li Lei and said:

"Lei Lei, I'm sorry yesterday."

"That's my former neighbor, who made some money and wanted to buy me some gifts."

"This is BB cream from the counter, for you."

Li Lei glanced at the cosmetics on the table and looked at the salinic acid:

"Boyfriend is boyfriend, old neighbor, what to pretend."

"I didn't expect you to hide quite deeply." Such a high-quality phoenix man can be taken down by you.

"It took a lot of strength, right?" Liu

Acid Acid heard this, his brows wrinkled slightly: "Li Lei, what do you say?"

"He's my neighbor, younger than me, well, how could it be my boyfriend."

"And he's so rich, how can I deserve him." When

the girls around heard the voices here, they all gathered around.

Seeing salicic acid holding cosmetics in his hand, he exclaimed: "Wow, sour, high-end cosmetics!" "

This bottle costs tens of thousands! How can you afford it?" Li

Lei, who was sitting at the workstation, hugged her arms and said:

"Well, you don't know." "

Sour behind our backs hooked up with a phoenix man outside, old and rich."

"No, a bottle of tens of thousands of cosmetics, just give it to me."

When they saw the BB cream on Li Lei's hand, they couldn't do it with envy, and said on the side:

"Sour, you can't eat alone!" "Such an excellent man, take it out and share it!"

"That's it!

"It's okay at noon, let's have a meal together

?" "Sour, shouldn't you be thinking of the Kanaya Tibetan Han?"

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