When Su Qi heard this amount, she didn't show much surprise, and just said lightly:

"I hope you don't brag."

"As soon as I let me know that you don't have that much money, I'll immediately apply for a transfer back to headquarters."

"Now give me a list of the properties under your name, and I can arrange the trip and start managing it." "

Worthy of an iceberg beauty.

Three sentences without leaving the business.

Nothing else.

Bai has such a good face.

Chen Ning put his hands in his pockets and said: "Industry, at present, I only have one automobile mall, which is not my name.

"I'm only responsible for investing.

"As for other industries, after a while, there may be an acquisition of a cosmetics company."

Hearing this, Su Qi's eyebrows frowned slightly: "That is, you don't have a company in your hands to manage now?"

Chen Ning thought for a while and said: "Longteng Company is my newly registered parent company.

"It's convenient to manage other companies later."

"In the future, you will be in charge of scheduling in the Longteng Company." Listening

to Chen Ning's words, Su Qi's heart really collapsed.

You know, which boss in the rich club is not his hundreds of industries?

And she also earns money for others to earn a red color.

Now taking over Chen Ning, the boss, there is no decent company under him.

Just when she wanted to apply for a replacement, Chen Ning casually said to Cao Deshun:

"This secretary is good, I want it."

"Arrange two Lamborghini for me, one for Sookie and one for Zhao Caixia downstairs."

"How much money, this will be transferred to you."

Cao Deshun immediately said: "No problem! This is arranged!" and

soon the financial bill was sent, two Lamborghini, a total of twelve million.

Six million on average.

Chen Ning directly scanned the code to pay.

Two Lamborghini also quickly drove downstairs.

Chen Ning looked at Su Qi and said casually: "Let's go secretary, go downstairs and look at your new car."

This made Sookie pause slightly.

The rich people who have served themselves before, although they are also very generous.

But he was not so generous that he gave himself a Lamborghini as soon as they met.

It seems that this young man does have some strength.

But she still had that cold look on her face, and she didn't thank Chen Ning for this.

Chen Ning didn't mind either, knowing that feelings needed to be cultivated slowly, and he couldn't come in a hurry.

So he took Sookie downstairs.

Zhao Caixia had long been standing at the entrance of the stairs waiting.

Seeing Chen Ning go up for so long, she was a little uneasy.

At this time, seeing Chen Ning coming down, he quickly asked, "President Chen, are you all right?" Chen

Ning smiled slightly: "What can I do?"

"Introduce you to each other, this is Su Qi, and in the future, he will be the big secretary of Longteng Company."

"This is Zhao Caixia, the owner of the car mall I invested in.

When Zhao Caixia heard this, she quickly greeted Su Qi: "Secretary Su is good!

I saw her go upstairs alone just now, and I don't know what she was doing.

Unexpectedly, it was Chen Ningzhao's secretary.

Su Qi was not so enthusiastic, glanced at Zhao Caixia slightly, and commented:

"As the owner of the car mall, you will probably lose money." I'll guide you back to your work. Hearing

this, Zhao Caixia almost didn't choke!

Why did this secretary speak so ruthlessly?

Chen Ning knew Su Qi's temper, and looked at Zhao Caixia and waved her hand: "She's just this kind of person, don't pay attention to her." Rest assured, I trust you completely. Listening

to Chen Ning's words, Zhao Caixia's heart warmed.

As long as Chen Ning supports himself.

As for the small calculations of others, they are completely ignored.

Chen Ning continued: "Oh yes, the car ordered for you has arrived, Lamborghini, let's see if you like it."

"One for the two of you. With

that, he threw the car keys to the two of them.

[Congratulations to the host for spending 6 million yuan for Zhao Caixia and getting a thousandfold return

reward of 6 billion yuan] [Congratulations to the host for spending 6 million yuan for Su Qi and getting a 10,000-fold return reward of

60 billion yuan] [CCB arrival: 66 billion yuan, balance 204511646550.69 yuan]

Chen Ning glanced at the SMS reminder.

The balance reached 200 billion.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!" Zhao

Caixia immediately shouted.

Such treatment was something she had never thought of.

As for Sookie, after getting the key, she came to the car, sat in the car and looked at it twice, and came out:

"This car is good,

I will be used as a means of transportation in the future."

"Besides, you'll have to find me an office."

"I have a proclivity for not being in and out of the office.

"Can it be done?" Hearing

Su Qi's words, Chen Ning's brain turned.

Doesn't that mean having an entire building as office space?

Chen Ning waved his hand and said directly:

"You drive around, tell me which building you fancy, I'll buy it and give it to you!"

Just rent it.

Chen Ning said: "No, only by buying it and giving it to you can I show my sincerity."

Su Qi looked at Chen Ning seriously: "I'm here to help you earn money, not to help you squander."

"Since you are not a professional, please listen to me in this regard, OK?" Chen

Ning had to say: "Okay, okay, rent it, you can see how to do it."

Su Qi held the car door and continued: "Also, since I will take care of the company for you here in the future, you have to prepare a three-story bungalow villa for me."

"I want to be finely renovated, ventilated, and close to the city."

"Also, the annual property and utility bills are all borne by you." Hearing

this, Chen Ning instantly came to his senses.

"Okay, no problem! I'll arrange it for you!" "

Be sure to pick the most expensive lot! Buy the most expensive house!" The

sales consultant next to him was envious.

Why didn't they meet such a rich man?

Cao Deshun also secretly smacked his tongue on the side.


Chen Ning agree one by one, Su Qi had nothing to say.

Chen Ning looked at Zhao Caixia and arranged

: "Caixia, you go to sort out the car shop! Connect with President Cao!" "

I took my secretary to buy a villa!" Zhao

Caixia immediately nodded: "It's President Chen!" Chen

Ning greeted Cao Deshun again, and then took Su Qi


Driving his own billion-dollar Lamborghini poison is ahead.

Let Sookie keep up.

All the way to the most expensive bungalow sales department in Yangcheng.

It is said that this sales department is the only place in the whole of Yangcheng where you can buy bungalows and villas.

Chen Ning and Su Qi got out of the car one after the other.

The sales consultant of the bungalow quickly ran out after seeing the car of the two.

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