Chen Ziruo hugged the phone tightly, his face was ruddy like a ripe apple.

Take the initiative?

But what do people say?

Invite him out to dinner?

But I refused someone's invitation before!

What should I say?

Chen Ziruo was very entangled, and she had almost no experience in this area.


After hesitating for a long time, Chen Ziruo made up his mind to send a message to Chu Yang.

However, Chu Yang has begun to concentrate on playing the landlord, how can he have the heart to read WeChat?

If you're full of food and drink, you have to complete at least a third of your tasks today, right?

"King Bomb!".

Chu Yang directly threw out Wang Fang and won the first game!

"It's not a challenge!".

Chu Yang pursed his lips and started the next game while knocking on the melon seeds.

Since he came back from eating, he has opened a hundred rounds, has not lost a single game, and directly won a hundred consecutive games!

One glance at the Happy Beans in the game, there are already a billion Happy Beans!

On average, after an average game, the wins and losses are in the tens of millions of happy beans!

"At this rate, I'm afraid I can complete this task in one night, right?"

Chu Yang muttered, looked at the time, and won a hundred games, but it only took an hour.

"Take a break!".

Chu Yang quit the Happy Fight Landlord and glanced at the unlock bar of the Happy Farm, which has almost unlocked a third of the progress!

"As I thought, I'll be able to unlock the game Happy Farm when this quest is completed!"

Chu Yang gently rubbed his temples with his hands, which was very pleasant.

On Chen Ziruo's side, he finally made up his mind to send a message to Chu Yang, but the message was sent over, and an hour has passed, and there has been no movement.

"He should have something to be busy with, well, a wealthy young master like him must be very busy in normal times!".

Chen Ziruo held the mobile phone in his hand, and from time to time he would see if Chu Yang had replied to her messages.

It's been more than an hour, and the phone is almost out of battery, but Chu Yang hasn't moved at all.

Chen Ziruo is naturally a little lost, when has she ever been so active with a boy?

When she was in school, she was the school flower of the school, and the boys who chased her were all bombarded every day to send her messages and add her friends.

However, for such a boy, Chen Ziruo has never ignored him.

Now suddenly I send a message to a boy, and then people don't care about me at all... It feels like the book.

How much you looked forward to it at the beginning, then now, how disappointed you are.

"He hasn't replied to you yet?".

Song Qian walked over in pajamas, saw Chen Ziruo's face full of loss, and gently put her hand on Chen Ziruo's shoulder.


Chen Ziruo didn't raise his head, and said weakly.

"It shouldn't be! At that time, I looked at the way he looked at you, that kind of longing, as if ~~well, I ate you in one bite, how ~~".

Song Qian was also puzzled, with her understanding of men, she felt that it shouldn't be like this!


"Unless he's trying to whet your appetite!".

Song Qian raised her eyebrows, and her voice raised a few decibels at the moment, "Men, it's all the same, I see, that's what he must think!".

"Ah, hang my appetite~~ Is that so?".

Chen Ziruo turned his head and looked at Song Qian, but he also asked in disbelief.

"Definitely, don't worry, since he's friends with you, I can guarantee that he'll contact you in a day's time!"

Song Qian also patted her chest and said.

Chen Ziruo didn't speak, the expression on his face was a little better, and he had a little more expectation.

Here, Chu Yang washed his face and made a cup of tea, and he was also preparing to fight the landlord for another night.

As for his original mobile phone, he turned it off directly.

The current situation is that the task is the main thing, and everything else cannot be a distraction from completing the task yourself.

One hour, another hundred wins!

Two hours, three hours..........

From returning home, he started fighting the landlord at six o'clock, and Chu Yang fought directly for ten hours!

During this period, it created a record in the history of the happy landlord!

For the first time, a player has won 800 rounds in a row!

During the period, because the cards were too bad, they were handed over to the escrow to play, and then the record was broken!

The latter is also a win-win streak!

On average, you can win 100 games in an hour, which is quite fast!

Ten hours later, it's already four o'clock in the morning!

There are ten rounds left!

"Good boy, I finally see hope!".

Chu Yang sighed, if it weren't for the completion of the task, he wouldn't want to play any more joyful landlords in his life!

It's not difficult at all!

After a thousand rounds, that is, because I didn't play and lost, the rest are all wins!

glanced at his happy beans, and now there are more than 100 billion happy beans!

"Four twos!".


In the last game, Chu Yang's cards were quite gorgeous, and he naturally became the landlord.

First, the plane flies, and then the four twos directly shake off the cards in their hands, and win the last game perfectly!

[Ding, congratulations to the player for winning a thousand rounds of fighting the landlord, rewarding the player with 10 billion cash, which has been deposited into the player's account, please check the player!].

[Ding, congratulations to the player for winning a thousand rounds to fight the landlord, rewarding the player with a villa in the eastern suburbs of Haidu, worth 2 billion, the real estate certificate has been deposited in the player's ICBC exclusive safe, please pay attention to check!].

[Ding, congratulations to players for unlocking the Happy Farm, now you can experience the fun of becoming a farmer!].

Three system prompts directly appeared on the mobile phone screen, directly shocking Chu Yang and almost speechless!

I knew that the rewards of the system were huge, but I didn't expect the rewards to be so generous!

Not to mention 10 billion in cash, there is also a villa worth 2 billion in No. 1 Courtyard in the eastern suburbs of Haidu!

"Sure enough, after a thousand rounds of fighting the landlord, this reward is really rich!".

Chu Yang saw the prompt of the system, his face was full of smiles, although he was shocked, but to be honest, he was much calmer than before!

I glanced at the time, and it was exactly half past four in the morning!

It was not yet dawn outside, and although there had been a fierce battle all night, at this moment, Chu Yang couldn't sleep at all.

[Ding, win 10,000 rounds to fight the landlord, and the player can get a generous reward!].

[Ding, please experience the Happy Farm!].

"Let's go play to the Fun Farm!".

Chu Yang's side has long been tired of playing Happy Fighting Landlords, although the system has released the task of winning 10,000 games to fight landlords, but as before, this kind of task has no time limit.

Now Chu Yang is worth tens of billions, has a mansion, a luxury car...

There's no need to fight so hard, just go and complete the task of winning 10,000 games to fight the landlord at once, right


Besides, that's 10,000 rounds!

If you play too much, you'll really vomit!

Let's have fun at a happy farm!

[Players are welcome to experience the Happy Farm, please unlock the first-level farm, complete the task, and reward the player with a generous reward!].

"Sure enough~~".

As soon as Chu Yang clicked into the Happy Farm, a system prompt popped up on the mobile phone screen.

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