Chu Yang didn't want to hate them because of this little thing, after all, he himself knew that his popularity was definitely not as good as Zhou Hao's.

Of course, he's not a cautious person, and he can't hold a grudge against them just because they didn't greet him.

The villa that Fuyong Club used to hold the auction is not small, although it is not as small as the villa next to it for leisure and entertainment, but overall, this villa is not small.

The interior is even more luxurious, the first floor is the hall, and the second floor is the VIP room.

Let's put it this way, those who are qualified to participate in the auction are worth at least hundreds of millions!

But those who are eligible to enter the private room on the second floor are all top giants!

Those who can enter the private room must be worth more than 5 billion at least, otherwise, they can only sit in the hall like everyone else.

Zhou Hao and they naturally have a private room, after all, as the top rich second generation in Haidu, whether it is Zhou Hao or Du Shaokang, they are worth more than tens of billions!

Chu Yang naturally has the strength to enter the private room, but since he came with Zhou Hao, and the area of a private room is large enough, it is also very good for everyone to sit together and chat, and drink tea.

There were still a lot of people who came to participate in the private charity auction today, and as far as the eye could see, the entire hall on the first floor was full of people.

Even the private rooms on the second floor are almost full.

There are naturally a lot of rich people in the sea, and just like Zhou Hao said, there are usually treasures to be taken out at this kind of temporary auction.

Chu Yang originally wanted to come over and join in the fun, but if he could come across something he liked, it would naturally be no problem to take it down.

Zhao Wan'er also glanced downstairs, and many people were very familiar.

As the housekeeper of the Chu family, Zhao Wan'er has also read all the rich information in Haidu recently.

Although Chu Yang said that he would not necessarily use these people, once he needed to use them, Zhao Wan'er must ensure that she could find the contact information of these people as soon as possible.

There is a display table of more than 30 square meters at the front desk of the hall, and then there is also a large screen with a large area on the wall.

Of course, Chu Yang also has a 100-inch TV projection in the private room on the second floor.

After looking at the time, it was half past seven, and the auction was almost about to start.

The person presiding over the auction here is Yu Guang, the special auctioneer of the Fuyong Club Auction!

As many as 5,000 pieces of treasures have been auctioned out by him, with a total turnover of more than tens of billions!

Yu Guang walked up to the auction table, wearing white gloves on his hands, and first bent deeply to everyone with special respect, and then the auction officially began.

It's not much different from the auction in the movie, but as a special auctioneer, it's definitely not something that those actors can realize.

The first treasure is a spiritual artifact, although it is very precious, and the starting price is also 5 million, but it is rarely asked.

After all, it is a spiritual artifact, and even if it is a very precious collection, it is not very popular with the rich.

In the end, only a few people bid, and the price of 5.5 million yuan auctioned off this artifact.

The second collection is a landscape painting by Tang Yin, with a starting price of 10 million!

After all, it is Tang Yin's painting, and the collection value must be very good.

There are naturally a lot of people who like it, rich people, like vassal elegance, although they may not be able to understand the connotation of the painting, but if they can collect it, it is also good.

Chu Yang also admired this landscape painting created by Tang Yin, a master of calligraphy and painting, through the projection screen.

"Sure enough, it is Tang Yin's masterpiece, and the artistic conception between the mountains and rivers is indeed quite charming!"

Although Chu Yang doesn't know much about calligraphy and painting, good things are also things that everyone knows.

"Ziruo, it just so happens that you need to make some calligraphy and painting works in your creative bookstore to attract popularity, so let's give this painting to you!"

Chu Yang looked at Chen Ziruo and smiled slightly, and said softly.

"Brother Chu, but this painting is so precious, if you put it in the store, won't it be good?"

Chen Ziruo was worried about this, but Chu Yang didn't care, and when the time came, he would send a low-level biochemical guard to stay in the store twenty-four hours a day.

With biochemical guards here, what other young people in this world can have ideas about bookstores?

First, it is to protect Chen Ziruo's safety, and second, the guards around him now have been replaced by mid-level biochemical guards, and these low-level biochemical guards have to find something to do for them.

"It's not a big problem~~"

Chu Yang smiled, and also signaled Zhao Wan'er, who was standing next to him, to bid.

After all, it is Tang Yin's work, and there are many people who like it.

The starting price was 10 million, and now it has been increased to 23 million!

And look at this trend, there is a trend that continues to rise!

Chu Yang stretched out three fingers, and Zhao Wan'er also understood what Chu Yang meant, and directly bid 30 million!

Originally, everyone was increasing the price by 1 million and 1 million, but Chu Yang was good, directly asking from 23 million to 30 million!

However, as soon as the price of 30 million was shouted, there were indeed a lot fewer bidders in an instant.

After all, liking is one thing, and one's own economic strength must also be considered.

But the price of 30 million is obviously impossible to scare off everyone, as soon as Zhao Wan'er quoted this price, many people continued to add the price.

"Thirty-two million!"

"Thirty-five million!"


Chu Yang smiled bitterly, looked at Zhao Wan'er, and also drew a six in his hand.

Zhao Wan'er was also stunned when she saw Chu Yang's gesture, she felt that there was no need to call such a high price all at once, as long as they kept bidding, they would definitely be able to win it in the end.

However, since Chu Yang had asked her to bargain, it was impossible for her to disobey Chu Yang's orders.

"Sixty million!"

Zhao Wan'er asked for the price again, just now they were still around 38 million, and now Zhao Wan'er directly raised the price to 60 million!

Tang Yin's landscape paintings, if the price is 10 million, the price is acceptable to 3,000 to 40 million.

But if the price exceeds 40 million, they will naturally have to think about it.

Sure enough, Zhao Wan'er raised the price directly to 6,000, and everyone who was still competing very hotly also stopped bidding!

Yu Guang has presided over the auction for so many years, and he has a lot of experience, what kind of local tyrant has he ever seen?

His favorite is Chu Yang, who directly raises the price very high if he doesn't agree with him.

But sometimes, it's also very beneficial.

After all, raising the price at the first time can be regarded as a sign of determination, which can scare a group of people who want to bid.

Of course, there is also the case of acquiring a treasure that is not worth so much money at a very high price.

But then again, it's an antique after all, and the price of this thing isn't fixed.

In the eyes of those who like it, the price of the collection is naturally very high, and it can even reach the concept of priceless treasures.

Of course, in the eyes of those who don't like it, they are also likely to be worthless.

Tang Yin's landscape paintings, the price of 60 million is already very high.

The previous few people who wanted to bid also shook their heads and gave up directly!

No one continued to bid, and Zhao Wan'er's bid of 60 million naturally became the highest bid in the audience!

"Has anyone raised the price again?!"

Yu Guang looked at everyone, and also held a hammer in his hand, "Sixty million, is there anything higher than sixty million?!"

No one responded, although some people really liked it, but after all, the price had been raised to 60 million, and even if they liked it, they could only give up and continue bidding!

"Sixty million for the first time!"

"Sixty million for the second time!"

"Sixty million for the third time!"

Yu Guang directly knocked down the small wooden hammer in his hand, and then said quite excitedly, "Okay, our second treasure, Tang Yin's landscape map, was obtained by our distinguished No. 9 guest at a high price of 60 million!"

As soon as Yu Guang's voice fell, the audience also burst into warm applause.

This time the auction is a private charity auction, and of course it doesn't mean that all the money goes to charity work.

Generally speaking, the reserve price is removed and then the auction house commission is removed, and the rest is used as a charitable fund.

Of course, this is also a well-deserved thing.

Like Chu Yang, his bidding price is 60 million, and he has to remove the reserve price of 10 million and the commission of 500,000!

In general, if it is not a charity auction, the commission will naturally be 5% of the transaction price!

But in the case of a charity auction, the commission is five percent of the reserve price!

How to say it, after all, it is nominally charity, and everyone can't make a contribution, and then the Fuyong Club still charges a very high commission, right?

The high price of 60 million directly photographed Tang Yin's landscape map, and Yu Guang on the stage also began to introduce today's third collection.

The third treasure, the Heart of the Ocean, is an extremely precious blue diamond!

Large blue diamonds, extremely precious blue diamonds, are rare and rare.

Famous Diamond - Hope!

Weight: 45.52 carats, starting at 50 million!

The blue diamonds on the screen look really dazzling, and the vivid dark blue looks particularly charming.

"It's really good, the starting price of 50 million is okay, Ziruo, do you like it, if you like it..."

Chu Yang didn't care about diamonds, but his own woman was here, since this blue diamond looked so bright, it was okay to buy it and give it to Chen Ziruo.

However, before Chu Yang's words were finished, Zhao Wan'er, who was standing on the side, interrupted Chu Yang's words.

"Young Master, this diamond does look beautiful, but I don't recommend you take a picture!"

Zhao Wan'er said that it was not recommended, but her tone and attitude were also quite sincere, which meant that she couldn't take pictures of it.

"Oh, why?"

Chu Yang was also stunned for a moment, Zhao Wan'er rarely opposed herself so decisively on weekdays, so Chu Yang also asked with interest.

As a woman, Chen Ziruo is naturally quite excited to see such a big blue diamond.

However, since Zhao Wan'er said that it was not recommended for Chu Yang to take pictures, there must be a reason.

"Famous diamond - hopefully, this is a rare blue diamond. But it's also a diamond that brings bad luck to its owner!"

When Zhao Wan'er said this, Chu Yang understood.

He looked at Zhao Wan'er and motioned for her to continue.

"Young master, young lady, you see its blue beauty, but it seems to emit a vicious light, this diamond is called hope, but in the long river of history, whoever becomes its owner generally does not end very well~~"

Zhao Wan'er said this, Chu Yang didn't have any interest in this blue diamond.

"Young Master, Young Madam, let me tell you one of the most widely circulated stories, and the silence of the Titanic may have something to do with it!"

It is better to believe that it is there than to believe that it is not.

Although this blue diamond looks dazzling and very cute, it is an ominous thing after all, and Chu Yang has no need to spend money to buy such an evil thing.

Although Chen Ziruo liked this blue diamond very much, she was also shocked into a cold sweat when she heard Zhao Wan'er say such evil.

Fortunately, Zhao Wan'er recognized it, otherwise if this thing was really photographed, wouldn't it be a disaster for herself?

Those who understand naturally understand, and those who don't understand are naturally confused by the heart of the ocean.

Since the auction house took this thing out for auction, it is naturally impossible to tell the story behind it in detail, and of course it is impossible to say that it is a gem that can bring bad luck to the owner.

If that were the case, who would bid for an auction on it?

Chu Yang doesn't bid here, but there are a few people bidding.

Chu Yang didn't care who would be so brave and spend money to buy such an evil thing.

Here, the staff of the Fuyong Club also walked to Chu Yang's private room with a gift box and a POS machine.

The auction rules of the Fu Yong Club are to auction on the spot, pay on the spot, and once auctioned, there will be no credit.

No one dares to take pictures at the Fuyong Club and not pay, because anyone who dares to do so will permanently disqualify him from entering the Fuyong Club!

Chu Yang motioned for Zhao Wan'er to pay the money, and here he also glanced at the landscape painting in the box.

Zhao Wan'er also swiped the money with Chu Yang's bank card, only 60 million, Chu Yang's bank account has more than 900 billion, and 60 million has been swiped, and the account balance looks like it hasn't changed.

There are indeed a lot of good things in the collection, and in addition to Tang Yin's landscape painting, Chu Yang also took a blue and white porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty plus a jade Ruyi.

Yuan blue and white porcelain cost a little 500 million, that jade Ruyi is said to have been used by the ancient emperor when he sacrificed to the sky, and it also cost a sky-high price of 100 million.

However, Chu Yang doesn't pay attention to the price, as long as he likes it, he can ask for as much as he wants.

Other people's price increases are all one million and one million, but Chu Yang's price increase is directly tens of millions and tens of millions.

Just like the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty that he photographed, the reserve price was only 50 million, and it took half a day for people to increase the price there to 80 million.

Chu Yang didn't plan to ask for this blue and white porcelain, but he thought that it could be put in his study as an ornament, so he directly asked for 150 million!

From 80 million to 150 million, Chu Yang added 70 million at once!

This really confused everyone, and even the special auctioneer Yu Guang on the stage was stunned for a moment!

To be honest, if Chu Yang really wanted this blue and white porcelain, he didn't need to use 150 million to win it at all.

But that kind of price increase is too slow, how can Chu Yang withstand a million-to-one million price increase?

directly asked for 150 million, which instantly broke the thoughts of all those who wanted this blue and white porcelain.

Zhou Hao and Du Shaokang were also shocked by Chu Yang's aura, knowing that Chu Yang was rich, but they really didn't know that people didn't treat money as money at all!

After an auction, they won three treasures in this private room.

Tang Yin's landscape painting cost 60 million.

The blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty cost 150 million!

The jade Ruyi used by the ancient emperor to worship the sky cost 100 million!

In the auction alone, Chu Yang directly smashed out 260 million!

Although they are all the top rich second generation, they spend money like water on weekdays, but to be honest, compared to Chu Yang in front of them, it is simply a small thing, and it is not worth mentioning at all!

At the end of the auction, Chu Yang also received a special gift from the Fuyong Club.

A bottle of shipwreck wine worth 2.6 million yuan!

After all, Chu Yang spent a lot of money at the auction and directly consumed 260 million!

Even though it was a charity auction, the Fuyong Club did not earn a penny more from Chu Yang, but the Fuyong Club still generously gave away a bottle of shipwreck wine with a price of up to 2.6 million!

Mainly in view of Chu Yang's spending power, although this time it is a charity auction, you must know that Fuyong Club may hold an auction every month.

At that time, if Chu Yang still comes to participate in the auction, then they will earn more money from Chu Yang.

"Good boy, this wine is good!"

"It's not bad, my dad auctioned a bottle from the Fuyong Club before, and the mellow aroma of this wine is unforgettable!"

"Sure enough, it is worthy of Chu Shao, but the Fuyong Club is clever enough, and he knows how to please us Chu Shao!"

"That's not it, Chu Shao's shot is 260 million, to put it bluntly, everyone here today, except for Chu Shao, is all..."

Du Shaokang was also straightforward, he stepped forward, looked at Chu Yang and smiled, and began to slap his beard.

However, before he finished the next sentence, Zhou Hao also glared at him, and then Du Shaokang also quickly changed his words and said, "Everyone here today, except for Chu Shao and our Brother Hao, are all spicy chicken!!"

As soon as Du Shaokang said this, several people around him were not happy, and they directly quarreled with him.

Chu Yang also stood up here, stretched his waist, looked at Zhou Hao and said, "Brother Hao, didn't you say that there is an auto show, let's go and see the car!"

The auction is over, and all the treasures you can see have been taken.

Chu Yang remembered what Zhou Hao said about the poison at the auto show before, after all, if there was really a Lamborghini poison for sale, he wouldn't mind spending another one or two hundred million to take it down.

The best thing in his garage right now is the limited edition Ferrari Rafa that is rewarded by the system, followed by the limited edition Lamborghini bull!

Of course, there are several Bugatti cars worth 20 million or 30 million, and as for the Lamborghini poison worth 120 million, if he can take it down, then there will be another top-of-the-line supercar in his garage that countless men envy and envy!

PS: 5000 words super large chapter, ask for customization!_

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