Chu Yang also took a shower and changed his clothes, and the whole person looked very energetic.

"Young master, Zhou Shao said that the plane has been parked at the airport~~"

Zhao Wan'er also stood at the door of the bedroom and said a word.

"Okay, let's go!"

Chu Yang replied, and walked out of the study with Chen Ziruo in his arms.

"Young master, the car is ready!"

Zhao Wan'er also said a word as she walked.

In front of the villa, the three Rolls-Royce Phantoms looked unusually domineering.

Although one car is enough, after all, it is to accept your own private jet, so you have to make a scene.

Chu Yang and the three of them sat in the limited edition Rolls-Royce Phantom in the middle, which is a global limited edition, and there are no more than three in the world, one of which is collected by Rolls-Royce as a collector's item, and the other is in the hands of a certain chief in the Middle East.

For the rest of the car, Zhao Wan'er also spent 68 million to buy it back.

It's expensive, but it's enough for the scene.

The convoy of Rolls-Royce Phantoms came out of the villa and drove all the way towards Haidu International Airport.

Along the way, the team was the center of attention!

After all, it is a Rolls-Royce Phantom, with an average price of tens of millions of super luxury cars, and the team composed of three luxury cars of this level is indeed very eye-catching!

", Rolls-Royce Phantom, and there are three of them at once?!"

"This car is estimated to be tens of millions, right? What kind of family, can buy so many luxury cars at once?!"

"Why doesn't the middle one look different? It can't be a fake, right?"

"I'll see... That one is a limited edition, and there are only three cars in the world, and the price is definitely more than 50 million!"

Someone recognized the Phantom in the middle as a global limited edition, with an expression of envy on his face.

Looking at the time, it is almost the scheduled time, and it is not very far from Haidu International Airport, it is estimated that it will only take five or six minutes!

Private jets are parked in the private jet zone of the international airport, which is specially set up for private jets at Haidu International Airport.

Of course, the annual management fee is indispensable.

Like Chu Yang, a Boeing 77-8 VIP private jet, I am afraid that the airport management fee alone will have to pay millions every year!

As the most professional boss in the industry to do private jet services, Zhou Hao's service has always been in place.

In addition to reselling private jets, there are also a series of services, and what he does here is basically a one-stop service.

The captain and co-pilot are the most experienced pilots.

As for the flight attendant, Zhou Hao has also been cooperating with the flight attendant college.

He donates about 20 million or 30 million yuan to the flight attendant profession every year, in order to select better and better flight attendants.

Not more than twenty-five years old, not too tall and not too short.

The looks are all beautiful women, and the body requirements are even stricter.

How to say it, he has contacts with flight attendants all over the country, and in a year, there are only more than 100 excellent flight attendants like this.

But the effort still makes sense, at least, so far, no customer will say they are not satisfied with the flight attendants he has selected.

"Let me emphasize to you again, whether you are selected by Chu Shao or not, you can't snub Chu Shao, do you understand?"

There were two rows of flight attendants standing in front of Zhou Hao, a row of twelve people, a total of twenty-four people.

These are the best and most beautiful of all the flight attendants selected this year.

After all, Chu Yang is now his brother, and Chu Yang has spent so much money, he can't let Chu Yang feel that he has spent 2.5 billion is not worth it, right?

There were also a few young people standing next to Zhou Hao, who looked like they were in their early twenties, and they were all dressed fashionably.

"Brother Hao, you said that this Chu Shao is really so rich, but why haven't you heard of it before?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? People even have money to buy this kind of big guy, do you think people can have no money?"

"I guess Chu Shao should have inherited a large amount of inheritance recently, and in the years before, he didn't know that he was actually the eldest son of a super family?!"

"I think you've read too many novels!Inherit the inheritance?And the eldest son of a super family?!"

Zhou Hao scolded with a smile, looking at the three Rolls-Royce Phantoms driving in the distance, he also recovered his expression all of a sudden.

"Cheer me up, Chu Shao is here!"

Zhou Hao also emphasized in a low voice, he always had to leave a good impression on Chu Yang.

Three Rolls-Royce Phantoms drove over, and several rich second generations around Zhou Hao were also a little envious.

It's not that they can't afford it, it's just that they can tell at a glance that the Phantom in the middle is a global limited edition.

"Sure enough, it's Chu Shao, there are countless luxury cars under his name..."

Several people couldn't help but think like this in their hearts, they were not very familiar with Chu Yang, and at most they had learned something from Zhou Hao.

Everyone was looking forward to it, after all, Chu Yang spent 2.5 billion to buy such a private jet.

In particular, the two rows of empty space standing on the side were all filled with expectant smiles.

Just now, Zhou Hao also kept emphasizing Chu Yang's identity to them, and he also knew what it would mean if he could be selected.

The future is bright, not to mention, if you are taken by others again, then the identity and status will be different in an instant.

The car stopped, and everyone was in good spirits.

The car door opened, and Zhao Wan'er also got out of the car first to help Chu Yang open the car door.

Chu Yang and Chen Ziruo walked out of the car, and Zhou Hao also gave everyone a look.

"Chu Shao is good, welcome Chu Shao!"

The stewardess standing in two rows also faced Chu Yang, bent down slightly, with a standard smile on her face, and greeted Chu Yang cordially.

Chu Yang also looked at the flight attendants with a slight smile, although he didn't speak, he was still very satisfied with Zhou Hao's arrangement.

Glancing up, the white Boeing 747-8 VIP private jet was quietly parked on the side.

Compared with the private jets of other wealthy people in China, Chu Yang's is obviously five or six times bigger than theirs!

There are also several private jets parked at the airport, but compared to Chu Yang's Boeing 747-8, it is really far behind.

"No wonder it's so expensive, it looks really good!"

Chu Yang muttered in his mouth, and Chen Ziruo stood beside Chu Yang and held Chu Yang's arm affectionately.

Zhou Hao also walked over here, "Chu Shao, how is it, are you satisfied?"

"Brother Hao, yes, it seems that my money is worth it!"

Chu Yang also shook hands with Zhou Hao here, and said with a smile.

Zhou Hao also noticed Chen Ziruo beside Chu Yang, he was not blind, and he could obviously see that the woman next to Chu Yang was not the one from yesterday.

Yesterday's promise was short hair, and today's Chen Ziruo has waist-length hair.

"Chu Shao, introduce you to a few friends!"

Zhou Hao also looked at the rich second generation beside him and said, "This, Du Shaokang, the young master of Du's shipyard, that, Zuo Yue, sells tea at home, but no one dares to call it the second in China..."

"Chu Shao is good!"

The few rich second generations brought by Zhou Hao don't seem to be very old, and they are all in their early twenties.

"They know that you are coming today, and they are all clamoring to come over~~"

Zhou Hao also smiled a little embarrassedly, but speaking of which, these rich second generations that Zhou Hao made friends with were not gentlemen, and they were all very motivated.

Since it was brought over by Zhou Hao, Chu Yang naturally had no opinion.

"Today I am the east, and I invite everyone to get together in the evening!"

Here, Zhou Hao also said with a smile.

After all, Chu Yang will also pay the full amount at once after acceptance, and for the Boeing 747-8 of 2.5 billion, he, a middleman, will have to earn at least 50 or 60 million, or even more.

Chu Yang didn't have an opinion, here Zhou Hao led the way and took Chu Yang to board this super luxurious VIP private jet!

Compared to the average private jet, this Boeing 747-8 VIP private jet has quite a lot of space!

To put it simply, when he walked into the plane, the words "palace in the air" popped out of Chu Yang's mind!

Compared to their own mansion, it's not bad at all!

Vaulted ceilings, spiral staircases, wall cabinets, TVs, hardwood floors, the interior is made of almost all of the world's best materials!

"Chu Shao, how is it, I feel that it is worth the money!"

Zhou Hao also smiled slightly, looked at Chu Yang and said, "The president of Boeing once commented on it, it is a combination of unparalleled luxury and operational flexibility!"

Let's put it this way, this Boeing 747-8 VIP private jet has everything you would expect from a top-of-the-line mansion.

Chu Yang naturally nodded with satisfaction, "That's right, we have spent the money, and it has to match the value after all!

Chu Yang said that he was satisfied, and Zhou Hao was also relieved.

He was afraid that Chu Yang's vision was very high, and he couldn't even look down on this top-of-the-line version of the Boeing 747-8 VIP private jet.

Although he can go back, the loss in the middle is almost tens of millions.

Of course, according to the agreement, if Chu Yang doesn't like it, Chu Yang will pay for the loss in between.

"Wan'er, you will transfer the money to Zhou Shao's bank account in a while!"

Chu Yang was indeed very satisfied with this super luxurious private jet, and he also directly instructed Zhao Wan'er to transfer the money to Zhou Hao's account.

"Okay young master, I know!"

Zhao Wan'er is wearing a professional suit today, and she looks quite energetic.

Zhou Hao had always been in contact with Zhao Wan'er by phone before, and he had never seen what Zhao Wan'er looked like.

However, he could think that Zhao Wan'er should also be very beautiful, and sure enough, as soon as Zhao Wan'er answered here, Zhou Hao couldn't help but stare at her.

"Chu Shao is really temperamental, and the women around him are more beautiful than the other~~"

Zhou Hao thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it, looking at Zhao Wan'er and smiling slightly, he didn't dare to have any other thoughts.

"Chu Shao, you need to have at least ten to twelve flight attendants on this plane, and I have brought all of them here, why don't you choose them?"

Zhou Hao also looked at Chu Yang here and asked Chu Yang's opinion.

"On such a big plane, wouldn't there be too few ten to twelve flight attendants?

Chu Yang glanced at the flight attendants in front of him, they all looked very good, besides, his private jet had such a large space, and more than a dozen people did seem a little deserted.

"Naturally, it's no problem to ask for it, but in this case, wouldn't Chu Yang have to spend a lot of extra money..."

Zhou Hao naturally hoped that Chu Yang would bring these flight attendants down, how to say it, they had a cooperative relationship before, and if they didn't find a job, he would have to pay them a basic salary.

Although it is not much, it is more than 5,000 a month.

Ten or twenty people are nothing, the key is not that there are at least hundreds of flight attendants under him!

If there are many people, the basic salary paid to them every month alone will be hundreds of thousands!

Zhou Hao is not Chu Yang, he only earns hundreds of millions of dollars a year, where is there so much money to support these flight attendants?

"It doesn't matter if you have money or not~~ It doesn't cost much!"

The corners of Chu Yang's mouth rose slightly, looked at Zhou Hao and said, "Brother Hao, generally speaking, how is their annual salary calculated?"

Even if Chu Yang didn't ask, Zhou Hao wanted to tell Chu Yang in detail.

"If you are a flight attendant, the annual salary is generally about 500,000, and the captain and co-pilot must be a little more expensive, the captain and I are looking for the best in the industry, with an annual salary of three million a year, and a co-pilot, an annual salary of two million a year!"

Zhou Hao also briefly introduced their annual salaries, Chu Yang also thought about it, looked at Zhao Wan'er and said, "If the captain is the captain, give him an annual salary of five million, the co-pilot with an annual salary of four million, and as for the flight attendant, the annual salary is one million!"

Chu Yang is very generous, except for the captain's annual salary, which is already very high, Chu Yang also directly doubled the annual salary of other people.

"Okay young master, I've written it down!"

Zhao Wan'er nodded here, and also instructed the servants around her to register the personal information of those flight attendants.

The flight attendants standing on the side also didn't expect Chu Yang to directly ask them all down!

You know, before coming, Zhou Hao told them that it is estimated that twelve people need to be selected.

After seeing Chu Yang's Boeing 747-8 VIP private jet, they all knew very well that the identity and status of the owner of this plane must be very unusual, if they could be selected, then the future would naturally be bright.

All the flight attendants were pinching their strength just now, no one wanted to be eliminated, after all, they were willing to work in this kind of top-level private jet, even if the salary was lower.

But then again, how can a master who is willing to spend 2.5 billion to buy such a big guy be such a stingy person!

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Yang's words just now came out, those flight attendants, including the two captains, all showed excited expressions on their faces.

After all, that's double the annual salary!

"Chu Shao is really atmospheric!"

Zhou Hao is also very satisfied with Chu Yang's style of doing things, how to say it, these people are all cultivated by him, and he naturally hopes to help these people find a good employer.

"Brother Hao praised it falsely~~"

Chu Yang also smiled indifferently, and looked at Zhou Hao and said a polite word modestly.

PS: 4,000 words super large chapter, ask for customization!_

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