"Ziruo, what's your situation?".

Sure enough, when I saw Chen Ziruo's circle of friends, Chen Ziruo's mother also sent a message to ask Chen Ziruo what the situation was for the first time.

"Mom, I... I got a boyfriend..."

Chen Ziruo looked at his phone and hesitated for a while before sending out the message.

"He's rich?".

Chen Ziruo's mother is not stupid, although she doesn't know how much the supercar costs, but that villa knows that it is worth a lot of money at a glance!

"Well, he's quite rich~~ But, Mom, don't worry, he's really good to me!".

If Chen Ziruo saw her mother say this, she also knew that her mother would definitely worry about herself again.

"You've grown up, and your mother can't control you anymore, but don't wronged yourself..."

Chen Ziruo's mother sent a long message here, and Chen Ziruo's eyes moistened a little after reading it.

made an OK gesture, but Chen Ziruo didn't say anything else.

In fact, Chen Ziruo still knows her mother very well, when she was at home before, her mother often told her that she didn't want her to find a particularly rich husband in the future, and she hoped that her daughter would be happy in the future.

But her daughters are now living in other people's villas, and it would be impossible if she didn't understand it.

In addition to his mother, of course, many people also sent messages to Chen Ziruo.

"Ziruo, what's your situation? It can't be that you bought a lottery ticket and won the jackpot, right?"

"That's a Ferrari limited edition Rafa, right?

"I really envy you! That villa can't be in Haidu, right? How much does that cost!".


There are a lot of people who send messages privately, and Chen Ziruo, a familiar person, can chat a few words, but she doesn't take care of people who are not very familiar.

Chu Yang has also played more than a hundred fights with landlords here, how to say it, it is indeed a bit boring.

Although I didn't lose a single hand, I still couldn't lift my energy!

"Take a break!".

Chu Yang put away his mobile phone here, and rubbed his temples with his hands closed with his eyes closed.

"It's comfortable, but it's a little boring!"

Chu Yang had only experienced the rich life for two or three days, and he couldn't stand it a little.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, although I do enjoy it, I suddenly lose motivation and have no direction to struggle, and life becomes quite boring.

"Why don't you find something to do?"

Chu Yang suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, "I really have to find something to do for myself!"

"Wan'er, come here!".

Chu Yang made a direct call to Zhao Wan'er.

"Young Master!".

Zhao Wan'er was drinking tea in the room next to her, and she came directly to the study when she received the call.

"What's a good project to hear?".

The corners of Chu Yang's mouth rose, raised his head to look at Zhao Wan'er and said with a slight smile.

Hearing Chu Yang say this, Zhao Wan'er was also stunned for a moment, "What is the young master referring to?"

"It's the kind of company that starts, what's a good project, young master, I've been in a panic lately, and I'm going to start a company to have fun!".

When Chu Yang said this, Zhao Wan'er understood.

"Well, young master, many money-making projects on the market have actually been finalized, but if you are willing to spend money, young master, you can actually do it!"

Zhao Wan'er said vaguely, but Chu Yang smiled, "For example?".

"For example, live broadcast platforms, e-commerce platforms, logistics, production of mobile phones... These industries are actually very good!".

Zhao Wan'er thought about it, bit her lip and said.

"Indeed, what you said is now finalized..."

Chu Yang nodded, "But you're right, as long as I'm willing to spend money, I can indeed do it!"

"You go out first, I'll think about what I do!"

Chu Yang waved his hand and motioned for Zhao Wan'er to go out, Zhao Wan'er moved her lips and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

"Okay, young master!".

Zhao Wan'er answered, and also walked out of Chu Yang's study.

"The young master is really panicked with money!".

Zhao Wan'er couldn't help but complain in her heart, after all, in Zhao Wan'er's opinion, Chu Yang has so much money that it can be said that he can't spend it in his life, and there is no need to spend money to open any company.

If you do it well, if you don't do it well, tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars will be gone in a year or two.

Take Dingdong, one of the three major e-commerce platforms in China, as an example, it broke through the blockade of Taohao.com at that time, and in order to occupy a certain position in the domestic e-commerce market, it smashed two or three hundred billion yuan into it!

Although the company's market value is very high, Dingdong has only turned a profit in the past two years.

Now that the market of the e-commerce platform is saturated, if the young master recognizes the e-commerce platform, even if he throws money hard, I'm afraid that there will be no climate without hundreds of billions, right?

After all, there are so many things involved in e-commerce platforms.

Not to mention anything else, why can Dingdong break through the blockade of Taoxiang.com?

Or the big hadron of the people is far-sighted, and he has to make his own logistics even if he spends money and loses money.

The rise of Dingdong logistics has played an absolute role in the Dingdong platform.

"I hope the young master won't be hot-headed and just look at the e-commerce platform!"

Zhao Wan'er couldn't help but think of it in her heart.

However, speaking of which, it really made her think of it.

When Chu Yang heard Zhao Wan'er talk about the e-commerce platform just now, he had an idea.

"The e-commerce platform is really good, now the richest man in the world, what is that called, it seems to be doing e-commerce!".

Chu Yang sat at the desk, "But if I do e-commerce, my current little money is really not enough to toss!"

Chu Yang is not ignorant of knowledge, he now has 10 billion cash in his hand, and now he has spent 2.5 billion yuan to buy a private jet, although his money is easy to come by, but he spends money very quickly!

"There's no hurry, wait until I complete this task, or check in for a few more days!".

Chu Yang also has an assessment of his strength, he doesn't fight unprepared battles, since he has to do it, even if he can't do his best, he must at least be among the top three, right?

Take the current domestic e-commerce giants as an example, which market value is not hundreds of billions?

If he wants to compete with them for the market, the money in his hand is far from enough.

"Wait, it won't be long

before I think it will be!"

Chu Yang stood up and twisted his waist, "Let's go to the bar at night!"

Chu Yang used to like to go to bars a lot, but at that time he was still very poor, and he usually made two bottles of beer.

As for the booth or something, he has never consumed it.

After all, the basic consumption of the card seat has to be 1,008, where can he afford to spend before!

I remember once, when he went to the bar to drink, there happened to be a rich second generation who opened an exclusive wine cabinet in the bar, and then the whole bar celebrated for the rich second generation for half an hour.

That kind of scene is really interesting when you think about it now.

At that time, he heard the people in the bar say that it seemed that the rich second generation opened an exclusive wine cabinet, 100,000 yuan a year, which was specially used to store wine.

At that time, when Chu Yang heard that a wine cabinet for storing wine would cost 100,000 yuan a year, he was also quite envious.

But now that I think about it, 100,000 yuan can be used for a year, which seems to be quite cost-effective!

After all, in the personal safe he has in ICBC, the cost of taking care of ICBC alone is more than 2 million a year!

Compared to his personal safe at ICBC, the exclusive wine cabinet in the bar is really not expensive.

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