, The recruitment interview was held in the villa, and Zhao Wan'er could be taken a fancy to, no matter which aspect, it was quite prominent.

"Isn't it, you're hiring a servant?"

"I'm a college student who graduated from 985 in China, let me be a servant, am I sick?".

"I'm gone, I'm not going to waste time here with you!".

As soon as a few girls heard that they were recruiting maids, they immediately left the villa.

However, there are many people who stay, mainly because they want to know more about it.

After all, Zhao Wan'er asked them to come over for an interview without saying anything, so she sent them an address.

The specific position and specific salary, Zhao Wan'er didn't say it before.

But in fact, this is also a test for them by Zhao Wan'er.

If you start with an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, I'm afraid that the few who left just now will stay obediently, right?

"Tell me about myself!"

Zhao Wan'er had selected a total of eighteen suitable candidates before, and just now five people left at once, and there were still thirteen people left.

However, she didn't plan to really hire so many people, and now there are thirteen people left who haven't left, which is a bit unexpected for her.

"My name is Zhao Wan'er, the current young master's personal butler, I am twenty-two years old this year, graduated from Harvard University last year, and have a double degree in management and psychology!".

Zhao Wan'er's self-introduction is not much, but the content revealed is amazing enough!

The remaining thirteen people were all shocked to hear that Zhao Wan'er was a double degree doctor who graduated from Harvard University!

Such an education, such an age... No matter which company it is in China, isn't it all rushing to ask for it?

How could it be... Became someone's personal housekeeper?

"You must be very curious about what the young master's annual salary is for me, and I am not afraid to tell you that my annual salary is 20 million!".

Zhao Wan'er was sonorous and powerful when she spoke, and as soon as the number of 20 million came out, the rest of the people were all silent.

The annual salary is 20 million!

Personal butler?!

Oh my God, even if you're a super genius who graduated from Harvard University, I'm afraid it's not worth the price, right?

"To be honest, when the young master offered me this annual salary, my expression was the same as yours... Huh!".

Zhao Wan'er smiled slightly, and then said, "Although we are recruiting servants, the annual salary given by the young master is not low... 500,000 base salary, of course, if you have the ability, you can be the same as me, with an annual salary of tens of millions!".

As soon as Zhao Wan'er said this, the thirteen people who stayed were directly excited!

The basic salary is 500,000 yuan, which is too exaggerated, right?

Although he is a servant, but... There is no resistance at all when this basic salary is offered!

"Of course, I will evaluate your performance from time to time, and I can't give up on improving my ability just because I'm just a servant now, we will implement the last elimination system like most companies!"

Although Zhao Wan'er has never been a housekeeper, she is definitely a good hand at managing the company.

Is it even more difficult to manage a domestic servant than managing a multinational company?

Although the last elimination system is somewhat cruel, it is definitely one of the most effective management methods.

No matter where you are, no matter what position you hold, if you don't have a motivated heart, what's the difference between you and salted fish?

"Of course, you still have the right to choose, it's too late to go!"

Zhao Wan'er added, and the rest of the people couldn't help but discuss a few words in private when they heard Zhao Wan'er say this.

But discussion is discussion, and no one really left.

They are not fools, a job with a basic salary of 500,000 yuan, even if they are all graduates of domestic high-level colleges, I am afraid that they will not be able to have such a high annual salary in a short period of time after joining the company, right?

Everyone is no longer a child, and they all know the cruelty of this society.

Although I stayed to be a servant, the annual salary I was given was high!

Moreover, the big cake that Zhao Wan'er threw at them just now also made them make up their minds!

If you perform well, wouldn't your annual salary reach millions or even like Zhao Wan'er, your annual salary can also reach tens of millions?

"People who graduated from Harvard University can stay as housekeepers, so why can't I, who graduated from a famous domestic university, stay as a servant?"

Almost everyone thinks so, after all, their recent job search experience has taught them that although this job is not necessarily decent, the salary is definitely the highest they can find!

"I'll stay!".

"I'll stay too!".

"And I..."

Someone took the lead, and the rest of them also hurriedly took a stand.

"Remember what I just said, and you'll be grateful for the decision you made today!"

The effect of Zhao Wan'er's mobilization was still very good, and she recruited thirteen servants who definitely met Chu Yang's requirements at once.

"The contract will be signed tomorrow, and for now, I have to take you to work in advance!"

Zhao Wan'er looked at the time, there was not much time left for her, she had to arrange everyone's work when Chu Yang came back.

However, she also made enough preparations before Zhao Wan'er, and she directly distributed the work and assigned it.

This is a team, and it is also a team led by a super genius like Zhao Wan'er.

"In the future, you will all be in my charge, of course, in this family, you must know who is your boss!"

After Zhao Wan'er finished assigning the work, she also emphasized some things.

"Our young master's name is Chu Yang, and he is also the object we need to serve in the future!"

Zhao Wan'er asked everyone to line up, stood in front of all of them and said, "If you see the young master in the future, you have to call the young master good, of course, if you see the young grandma, you also have to ask the young grandma how good!"


When everyone heard Zhao Wan'er say this, they all echoed loudly.

"There are still a lot of things, and it is impossible for me to tell you so much detail for a while, and in the days to come, as the big housekeeper of the family, I will naturally supervise and manage everyone!"

Zhao Wan'er also set up the image of a strong woman in front of everyone, although Zhao Wan'er looks very young, and she is in her early twenties, but the resume of the people is really eighteen streets away from everyone present!

"Okay, you should remember all the work you were assigned just now, right?"


Zhao Wan'er asked, and everyone else echoed and said that they remembered.

Although the time is short, Zhao Wan'er has also planned all the work that the maid should do.

Everyone will be responsible for cleaning the villa, and of course, Zhao Wan'er also assigned the area they need to clean in the shortest possible time.

Of course, targeted, Zhao Waner also subdivided the work into four major sections.

There are three servants in each section, and four servants in one section.

"I will evaluate your work attitude and effect, and if you are at the bottom of the assessment for three consecutive times, you should know very well what the result is!"

Zhao Wan'er smiled slightly and continued, "One more important thing is that at home, we have to treat the young master as the young master~~".



Hearing Zhao Wan'er say this, those people all nodded vigorously.

"With a basic salary of 500,000 yuan, I am afraid that I may not be able to use such a high annual salary if I buy it for three or five years!".

"Yes, I'd love to see how our young master looks like now..."

"If I can become a young grandmother, wouldn't I have what I want?"

That's pretty much what the rest of the people think in their hearts, and of course, they're just thinking about it!

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