Just now, George Rockefeller dialed the Rothschilds with the intention of "grabbing credit".

Originally, George Rockefeller wanted to thank the other party for his help.

But who would have thought that the script of the story did not go according to his vision at all.

Counterpart...... The other party did not even intervene in the competition of Exxon Mobil Oil Company.

At this moment, the people who are frantically scanning the market are not the Rothschilds, but someone else.

George Rockefeller was stunned for a moment, but then quickly came to his senses.

He knew that something was wrong!

All their assumptions were wrong.

This unknown force may not only want to take a stake in Exxon Mobil Oil, but they want to completely control Exxon Mobil Oil.


smile on John D. Rockefeller's lips vanished, replaced by a deep haze.

Just now, he was still looking forward to victory, but who would have thought that in the next second, George Rockefeller directly poured cold water on his head.

Isn't this Chi Guoguo's slap in the face?

John Rockefeller's expression was ugly, and his eyes flashed with a terrifying coldness.

He stared at George Rockefeller with a fixed gaze, and asked with some dissatisfaction: "What kind of system is it to be flustered?"

"Just say anything, the sky of the Rockefeller consortium can't fall yet!" In

the face of John Rockefeller's rebuke, if it were the same as before, George Rockefeller would definitely argue with reason.

But now, he had no intention of arguing with John D. Rockefeller.

He looked at John Rockefeller with burning eyes, and then said with a bitter face: "Brother, it's wrong, let's make a mistake!" "

There is no Rothschild family at all.

"The people who are scanning the market now are actually someone else!" "


At the moment when George Rockefeller's words fell, John Rockefeller's legs trembled violently, and his body took several steps back uncontrollably.


! What is George Rockefeller talking about?

No Rothschilds!

There are other people who sweep the market.


For a moment, John D. Rockefeller was stunned.

His mind couldn't come back to his senses for a while.

If it wasn't the Rothschilds, who would it be? Who

else would have so much energy?

a second, two seconds, three seconds...

It took a long time for John Rockefeller to come to his senses.

He stared at George Rockefeller with a fixed gaze, and said word by word: "George, are you sure you're not joking

?" Joke

? Of course he wasn't joking! He wasn't a fool, how could he joke about such a thing?

George Rockefeller looked bitter and said in a deep voice: "Brother, do you look at me like this, like I'm joking?"

His expression was

solemn and his voice was bitter.

Although John Rockefeller didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that George Rockefeller's current appearance really didn't look like a joke.

So, if it wasn't the Rothschilds, who could it be

? Who had so much power?

John Rockefeller frowned, and one thought after another flashed through his mind.

Suddenly, a gleam crossed his mind.

He thought of a possibility! a

possibility that made him shudder.

There are

not many people in the world who can use so much money to buy Exxon Mobil.

One of them is the Rothschild family

, and the other is Su Lang! All of this is a game that Su Lang has done well

! "fuck!fuck!Fuck!Fuck!"At

this moment, no matter how good John Rockefeller's cultivation is, he can no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and directly scolded.

Not only him, but the entire Rockefeller consortium was tricked by Su Lang.

"Su Lang damn it!" John

Rockefeller almost gritted his teeth, squeezing out the words between his teeth.

As soon as these words came out, not only George Rockefeller, but even Charlie Rockefeller was stunned.

They could hardly believe their ears.

All of this was done by Su Lang?

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

After a long time, the two suddenly came back to their senses.

They glanced at each other, and they both sensed a hint of horror in each other's eyes.

If, if all this is really Su Lang's ghost.

So his purpose....

Exxon Mobil Oil Company!

Suddenly, George Rockefeller and Charlie Rockefeller's eyes widened.

They're not stupid!

On the contrary, they're very smart.

Su Lang would never do something meaningless.

He tried his best to hide his identity and create all kinds of illusions, and his purpose was only one, that is, to completely control Exxon Mobil Oil Company!

Thinking of this, the two couldn't help but shudder violently.

Exxon Mobil Oil Company is the core enterprise of the entire Rockefeller consortium.

Once ExxonMobil Oil Company falls into the hands of Su Lang, then the entire Rockefeller consortium will inevitably exist in name only!

"Quick, stop selling stocks!" Just

when the two were stunned, John Rockefeller had already taken the first step to come back to his senses.

He didn't have time to think about it, and he shouted angrily.


as John D. Rockefeller finished speaking, the door to the office was pushed open again.

The door slammed against the wall with a loud "bang".

Hearing the sound, William Rockefeller hurriedly pushed the door in.

At this moment, the entire office, whether it was John Rockefeller, Charlie, or George Rockefeller, was all stunned.

Looking at William Rockefeller, who hurriedly pushed the door in, their little hearts couldn't help but raise their throats.

They had a strong premonition that something was wrong.

"Gollum!" I

don't know who swallowed silently, which can be regarded as breaking the silence of the scene!

John D. Rockefeller looked at William Rockefeller with burning eyes, and said sharply: "Wei... William, what are you?"

"Boss, something is wrong.

"Just now, Parson, Lehman, Mendy and others began to sell our company's shares without warning,"

William Rockefeller said word for word.

At this moment, even if he was slow to react, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

This sudden sell-off is not as simple as "speculation".

This is someone trying to fight for control of Exxon Mobil.

Moreover, there is a good chance that the other side will succeed.


At the moment when William Rockefeller's words fell, John Rockefeller's legs weakened and he fell heavily to the ground.

What he feared the most happened anyway!

Major investors began to sell their stocks one after another, which gave Su Lang the opportunity to steal the controlling stake.


" "Whew~"

John Rockefeller gasped heavily, and his face was even more gloomy.

"William, tell me, how many stocks do we have left?" said

John Rockefeller, gritting his teeth.

William Rockefeller did not speak in a hurry, he first glanced at John Rockefeller with his eyes and looked at the other party's gloomy face.

William swallowed silently, then gritted his teeth and said, "No... Less than 10 percent..."


John D. Rockefeller was shocked, and his whole body jumped.

Less than 10 percent!

This was very different from what he had envisioned

! He vaguely remembered that he had told William Rockefeller to keep enough shares

! But now he told himself that it was less than 10 percent!


"William, I need an explanation!" John

Rockefeller snapped.


William Rockefeller's legs trembled, and his body fell to his knees in an instant.

"The head of the family, it was my dereliction of duty, I didn't expect Lehman and others to sell their shares..."

William Rockefeller lowered his head and gritted his teeth.

Exxon Mobil's stock price soared and even broke through its previous high, which greatly stimulated William Rockefeller's nerves.

So much so that he directly left John Rockefeller's instructions behind.

Today, he has less than 10 percent of the shares.

In other words, their actual ownership is less than 50 percent.

This gave Su Lang a chance! Su Lang

really had a chance to take Exxon Mobil Oil.


this, John D. Rockefeller took a few steps backwards, then "poofed" and sat down in his chair.

At this moment, the former radiance is long gone, replaced by a deep haze.


over! It's completely over!

He knew very well that Su Lang would never let go of this opportunity.

Exxon Mobil will inevitably fall into the hands of Su Lang.

"It's over!" John

Rockefeller let out a long howl, and then his eyes went dark, and then the world swirled...

"The head of the house

...", "Big brother



Huaxia, Hong Kong Island, SMIC....


The door of the study was pushed open heavily, and then Li Xueming rushed in in a hurry.

His steps were hurried, his face flushed, and his whole body was in a state of extreme excitement.


Lao Zhou, it's done, we're done

!" "Exxon Mobil Oil Company is ours!"


Xueming shouted with excitement on his face as he walked.

In front of the desk, Zhou Ziwen's right hand shook, and the book fell to the ground.


" He supported the edge of the table with both hands, suddenly got up, stared at Li Xueming with his eyes

, and said: "Lao Li, what you said is true?" "It's true

!" Li Xueming nodded and said: "After accounting, the shares of Exxon Mobil Oil Company in our hands have exceeded 51%, and we are now the actual controlling shareholder of Exxon Mobil Oil Company!"

"Okay, good, good!".

Zhou Ziwen's face was full of excitement, he grabbed Li Xueming's right hand and shook it up and down: "Lao Li, you did a good job."

"This good news, I have to report it to Su Gongzi quickly..."

As he spoke, Zhou Ziwen took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Su Lang's phone.

"Toot toot too~"

After three busy tones, the phone was smoothly connected.

"Hey, Mr. Zhou?"

"Master Su, we succeeded. "

Exxon Mobil Oil Company is already in control!" "

The entire Rockefeller consortium is now in our pockets!"


, Prince Gong's Mansion..."

Su Lang held the phone in his right hand, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Lao Zhou, pack up, it's time for us to go to the United States. "

Also, in my name, convene a general meeting of Exxon Mobil Oil Company shareholders..."

The Pangardti Global Express landed steadily on the tarmac of the United States International Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, several champagne-colored Maybachs stopped steadily in front of Su Lang.

The car door was pushed open, and several middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes appeared in front of Su Lang.

The leader is none other than Morgan Pierre.

"Su Dong, let me introduce to you, these are the famous bankers in the United States, Lehman, Palson..."

Morgan Pierre enthusiastically introduced Su Lang.

Su Lang nodded, then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and said: "It's time for Exxon Mobil Oil to disappear from this world..."

At this moment, the whole company is silent, quiet and terrible.

Everyone knew that in the next few minutes, the fate of the entire Exxon Mobil oil company would be decided.

It will also decide their fate.

Meeting room....


Su Lang!" John Rockefeller stared at Su Lang with a dead gaze, and his pupils surged with the light of choosing people to devour.

If his eyes could kill, Su Lang would have been crushed by him.

However, Su Lang was not afraid of John Rockefeller's devouring gaze, and waved at Zhou Ziwen with a smile.

The latter immediately took out a certificate of equity from the handbag he was carrying.

"Old John, this is proof of equity

!" "From this moment on, I will be the largest shareholder of Exxon Mobil Oil!" Su

Lang smiled.


John Rockefeller clenched his teeth, his eyes stared at Su Lang, and he just wanted to speak, but the next second Su Lang spoke again.

"Also, there's one more thing. "

I don't really like the name Exxon Mobil.

"From now on, let's change it to SMIC..."

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