Cousin fierce

Chapter 99

Wang Xifeng patiently explained: "I want someone to come and clean my room."

"Isn't it enough to use your virgin cousin?" Maozi said to Wang Xifeng while apologizing to Wang Ansheng.

Wang Xifeng stroked her forehead and said, "She was spoiled and spoiled."

"My family, An Sheng, is no longer pampered!?"

"She never took a mop."

"There is a day when a virgin is not a virgin."


"Wang Xifeng, you just don't want that cousin to just say it. I won't ask An Sheng to go to your house to suffer." Maozi hung up the phone angrily. Wang Xifeng was speechless for a long time. After a long time, he dialed again. Before Maozi had a chance to speak, Wang Xifeng said first, "Sister, hello, I remember every word you said in my heart."

Maozi calmed down a lot this time, and his sweet voice was like melting maltose, sticking to the teeth: "Sister Feng, we're coming right now."

"Aren't you still hot?" Wang Xifeng thought of teasing, teasing the cat.

"What happened to Sister Feng, even if it's a volcano, it's gone, right?" Maozi gnashed those words, like gnashing his teeth.

"Your younger sister is sensible, and it's not in vain that my older sister takes care of you the most." Wang Xifeng praised without hesitation.

"Then please sister, for the sake of my hard work and filial piety, don't take care of me too hard." After Maozi finished talking and hung up the phone, Wang Xifeng began to slow down the speed of cleaning, and invited Maozi, a foreign aid, over here. The house can be cleaned up in no time.

Halfway through, Wang Xifeng thought of something, and then called Maozi, telling her to stop by and buy a KFC family set meal on the way back, and then eat together after cleaning.

After hanging up the phone, Maozi thought about it, cursing Wang Xifeng in his mouth.Wang Ansheng, who was riding a motorcycle in front, turned around and asked Maozi, "What did Sister Feng say?"

"Sister Feng, tell me, by the way, buy a family meal from KFC." Maozi yelled at Wang Ansheng at the top of his voice.

"That woman." Wang Ansheng's good-tempered old man also made her angry.

The young couple went to the nearby KFC to buy family buckets, and then rode a motorcycle to Wang Xifeng's home.

Wang Xifeng opened the door and invited them in, and enthusiastically took the family meal.

Maozi's eyes were swollen due to the night and drunkenness, and he didn't even have a chance to put on makeup. His spotless face looked tender, and Wang Xifeng looked at his tender baby face with envy.

"Where's your virgin cousin?" Maozi called Jia Baoyu's private nickname undisguisedly, and Wang Xifeng put her finger in front of her mouth and said, "Do you want to die? What if she hears that?" What to do? I'm really no brainer."

It's fine to joke about these words in private. The person involved is still in the room, and he said it so carelessly, trying to kill her, right?

The cat was scolded by Wang Xifeng like this, the cat's eyes turned into bull's eyes, bypassed Wang Xifeng, walked into the house, and when he reached the door, he stood up like a pillar of salt when he saw the scene inside.

Wang Ansheng approached Maozi curiously, and was also stunned.

Seeing the two people blocking the exit of her bedroom, Wang Xifeng stayed still, and really didn't know what could scare them.

Looking inside from the space between the shoulders of the two, I finally understood why they reacted like this.

When I left this room at noon, I still clearly remembered how many clothes were thrown on the floor and how the quilts were messed up. It was a messy artistic beauty, a changeable shape given by irregular shapes.

Now everything in the room has water chestnuts. The quilt is folded into a rectangle, [-] centimeters wide and [-] centimeters long, and the pillows are placed on top of the folded quilt securely.

The doors of the closet were all opened, and the randomly discarded clothes inside were exposed in the air. In that scene, it seemed that the clothes messing around in the dark were collectively caught in the bed and exposed to the sun.

Sitting on the tatami, Jia Baoyu flattened a small red vest that belonged to Wang Xifeng, then drew several areas, folded them part by part, and finally a rectangle came out.

She worked slowly and folded a few clothes after half a day.

The three stood at the door enjoying Jia Baoyu's performance. When Jia Baoyu found out, he raised his head and looked at them suspiciously.

Maozi waved and said with a smile, "We just met. I'm Sister Feng's third sister. You can call me Maozi."

Wang Ansheng was not good at talking to people, so he just smiled and nodded slightly, and said, "Hello."

Jia Baoyu put the folded cubes of tofu into the closet, stood up, and said, "Hello."

"Keep busy, we also have to do coolies for Sister Feng." Maozi took An Sheng to clean up, and went home early as soon as possible.

The cat and son were in charge of sweeping and tidying up the floor. These tasks kept them busy for a long time. Of course, Wang Xifeng did the most tiring one. She changed into a pair of sports shorts, added a vest, and knelt on the ground to scrub the floor with a rag and a brush. .

The tile floor looked clean, but it was troublesome to wash it. I never looked down at the floor, but this time I found that the floor was so dirty that the original color of the tiles could no longer be seen.

Wang Xifeng took the tiles as the faces of the Jia family, brushed them vigorously, and a few strands of disobedient hair fell off, and Wang Xifeng licked for a long time, but did not lick it up.

At this time, a pair of feet appeared in front of her, wearing canvas shoes. Fortunately, the soles of the feet were clean and did not leave black marks on the tiles that she cleaned.

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