After get off work, Qiao Xinshi met Li Xiyu again.

Say yes again, because the number of times the two met has exceeded the normal level in a sense.

Qiao Xin also didn't believe it was fate.Li Xiyu pressed the button and stood beside her.

The two have always been like this, standing side by side without saying a word after simply nodding their heads and saying hello, as if it was a coincidence.

Too many coincidences are not coincidences.

The two walked out of the elevator and walked in their own directions.

Qiao Xinshi walked for a while, and heard hurried footsteps behind her, which followed her.

Qiao Xinshi turned her head and saw Li Xiyu running up to her panting.She was really in a hurry, and now her face was flushed.

"Is there anything urgent to find me?" Qiao Xin gave her time to rest, and asked when she was not so nervous.

Although she no longer panted, the rosiness on Li Xiyu's face still did not fade.She could even hear the sizzling sound of her cheeks, which were as hot as a piece of iron.

Qiao Xinshi's gentle eyes made her unable to look directly at her. Li Xiyu had already thought about it, if she didn't say it this time, there would be no next time.

"Mr. Qiao, do you have time for me now?" Li Xiyu mustered up all the courage to say this.

"Okay." Qiao Xinshi agreed to Li Xiyu's request, even if she was busy, she would not refuse, because she saw the light in Li Xiyu's eyes and believed that her answer was important to her.

The two sat down in a tea restaurant in Yiyi. Li Xiyu twisted her hands together on the table, and she said, "Mr. Qiao, I want to say thank you. You have taken good care of me these days. The company My colleagues are also very kind to me. Although I have not worked here for a long time, I have learned a lot.”

Li Xiyu's nervousness was seen in Qiao Xinshi's eyes, and she also saw something else at the same time.

What Li Xiyu said made Qiao Xinshi think of a possibility: "I feel so strange that you suddenly said these words. Did something happen?"

"My father arranged for me to join a public institution." Li Xiyu said with a wry smile.

"Aren't you doing well here?" Qiao Xinshi asked.

Li Xiyu lowered his head: "My father thinks that I have no face in this job. He hoped that I would leave after the internship. I signed the contract with the company on my own initiative. I thought that I would be able to persuade him slowly if I gave me time, but he took the first step. Arranged a place for me, and asked me to go there next month. It can't be too late."

Qiao Xinshi deeply felt that family affection does not mean that everything is right, sometimes family affection can become a suffocating bondage.

"I think I will resign soon. I leave the company within a few days. I feel very sorry."

Qiao Xin said with a smile: "I want to know which choice is in your heart, do you really want to leave?"

"I don't want to, but it's all this far, can I say no?"

"Okay, I won't say anything else, Xiyu, your feelings are the most important thing. I'm an experienced person, and I know that people have to surrender to get peace, but peace doesn't mean happiness. It's a fool to force yourself to make others happy. things to do."

What Qiao Xinshi said made Li Xiyu feel bitter. She wanted to resist, but she didn't have the courage to say no. Saying it was not an easy thing, but she couldn't bear the consequences that followed.Obedience is a kind of evasion and a manifestation of irresponsibility.

She knew it all, but she couldn't do it.

Qiao Xinshi saw that the little girl was silent, so she didn't continue. She said, "You're embarrassing yourself by not talking about things. Didn't you wait until I got off work to treat me to tea and snacks?"

Li Xiyu blushed even more after her intention was exposed, and she stammered, "I...I..."

Qiao Xinshi smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, you can say it now. I'll sit here and listen to you."

"I like Mr. Qiao." After Li Xiyu finished speaking, he felt as if his body had been hollowed out, as if what he said was all the courage in his life.

"Thank you." Qiao Xin was still smiling. In her smile, Li Xiyu saw only tenderness, not love.

Thank you, but it's not about accepting or rejecting, Qiao Xinshi wrapped her strength like a ball of cotton, neither hurt her nor accepted her.Qiao Xinshi gave her tenderness.

"It seems that you don't accept it." Li Xiyu showed a bitter smile.


"It's okay." After Li Xiyu said what was in her heart, she relaxed. Seeing that the world is still like this, she found that it is not difficult to face herself bravely.

During the meal later, Li Xiyu's speech was obviously much smoother, and he was not as nervous as when they met before.

After the meal, Li Xiyu even took the initiative to invite Qiao Xin to have dinner next time. Although Li Xiyu might leave the company next time, it did not hinder the development of the agreement.

Qiao Xinshi refused once more.She recalled the reason why she was single all these years, and probably the main reason was constantly saying sorry. It was difficult for her to find the feeling of love, and even if she found it, she had to calculate whether the affection she put in was directly proportional to the return.If not, she will not let go of her feelings easily.

She put her business mind into her love life, so she found that the most worthy of her love in this world is herself besides her family.

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