The clips from these days have been quickly scanned, and her heart is surging. She hates the long road and is full of joy and wants to see Yan Xin soon, and tell her every word that comes to mind now, Yan Xin She will be disgusted to death by her, but she actually likes it, but occasionally she is reserved.

There is a small cake waiting for her at home, Yan Xin also cooked a table full of dishes, there is a lamp reserved for her, and the most important thing is Yan Xin.Yang Yang hugged Yan Xin who was coming up, all the words on the road disappeared at this moment, only one sentence remained, I love you.

"I love you too."

Yang Yang's eyes sparkled with excitement, like bright diamonds, and Yan Xin found himself in them.

After the two looked at each other silently for a long time, Yang Yang suddenly frowned.

Oops, she forgot one very, very important thing.

Yan Xin also noticed it, and she asked, "Where's Cong'an?"

In the morning, she asked Yang Yang to take Cong'an out, and when she came back at night, Yang Yang came back alone.

Yang Yang said with a bitter face, "I forgot her at my mother's house."

Yan Xin really didn't know what to say about her, she would forget such a big child, she was just...

"I'm so excited, I'm anxious to come back and tell you about this, who knows..."

"It doesn't matter. She is at your mother's house and she is not left outside. You can call and ask. If you can, let her stay tonight. We will pick her up tomorrow." Yan Xin patted Yang Yang's face, The guilt and indecision wiped away from her face.

Yang Haoran walked around the warm room, closed the windows, and drew the curtains tightly.

Nuannuan is more obedient than usual today, she takes the initiative to go to bed without being urged, Yang Haoran believes that her daughter is one year older and more sensible.

"Good night." Yang Haoran helped Nuannuan pull up the quilt.

Nuan Nuan grabbed the air a few times: "Good night, Dad."

After Yang Haoran closed the door, Cong An got out of her quilt and lay on her little pillow.

The two were happy for their little victory, and Nuan Nuan said, "Will my sister leave at night?"

"No." Cong An said with certainty.

Yang Haoran met his wife at the door, she took the phone and told him in a tangled tone: "The elder sister said that Cong'an was left at our house."

"Cong'an was left behind? But where is she now?" Yang Haoran became nervous when he thought of a little girl walking outside in the middle of the night.

His wife patted him on the shoulder and motioned him to take a look in his daughter's room. It took Yang Haoran a minute to understand his wife's purpose, and he gently opened the door. The two of them lay on the door and looked, "It's really here."

"I thought it was a bear at first so I didn't care."

"Okay, okay, go back to sleep, I'll tell my eldest sister so she won't worry."

After getting the news of Cong An'an from his younger siblings, Yang Yang took a deep breath, thankful that he didn't make a fuss, otherwise Yan Xin would definitely kill him.

"It's okay." Yan Xin was disturbed by this thrilling farce, her precious daughter was sleeping soundly at the moment, and she didn't know that someone was half dead with guilt for her.

Yang Yang came back to his senses and realized that there were only two of them tonight, Yang Yang's eyes began to change, becoming no longer pure.

"Today is my birthday, do you have any presents?" Yang Yang posted it on her body.

Yan Xin said, "No."

"Really not? I don't believe it. I'm going to search it myself to see if it's hidden here..." Yang Yang's hand touched Yan Xin's body, and she took the opportunity to eat tofu under the pretext of looking for a gift.

"Not here, is it in the clothes, take off this clothes, I want to search."

"Not here anymore."

Yang Yang used his lips instead of hands to search every inch of Yan Xin's skin.

"That must be down there..."

The trousers were taken off neatly and thrown aside, the beautiful legs were spread out in front of her eyes, she couldn't get enough of the beauty, and worshiped with her lips and hands.

She searched deeply, the tip of her tongue twirled and entangled in the wet place, she used the tip of her nose to touch the plump red bean on the top, her face was full of intoxication, her expression was terribly affectionate.

She grabbed Yan Xin's feet and carried them to her shoulders, her snow-white thighs clamped her head tightly, Yan Xin's soft waist swayed, and she could not help moaning in the room.

The place where Yang Yang's tongue slid over was covered with water, and the viscous liquid slid under the snow-white buttocks, leaving water marks on the mat. Yan Xin grabbed Yang Yang's shoulders with both hands, and his fingertips sank into it.

All kinds of reactions are reminding Yang Yang what will happen next, but Yang Yang withdraws at this moment, with the tip of his tongue making big circles beside him, just not touching the innermost part.

"Tell me, where is my gift?" Yang Yang's purpose was to get the result from her mouth.

The innermost place was about to catch fire, full of longing, but Yang Yang made side-effects and deliberately refused to satisfy her.

Yan Xin hooked her head with her feet, hugged her with both hands and pressed her between her legs, silently ordering her to be obedient and satisfy her.

The sharp pleasure exploded at this moment, Yan Xin shouted her name with all her strength, her body fell limply like a puppet whose strings had been cut off.

Yang Yang said, "Where's my gift?"

"No." Yan Xin still did not let go.

Yang Yang had no choice but to look at her with grievances on his face, but Yan Xin couldn't stand it anymore and said, "I'll give it to you in the evening."

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