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Therefore, Meng Jing humbly asked her for advice.

When Shengxue received the distress message, she was at her grandfather's house, and her uncle's sister got married in a flash, and she asked Shengxue to be their bridesmaid, and she worked hard for a few days.On the day the two met, it had been nearly a week since Meng Jing returned from visiting Song Ruo's crew.

There is no air-conditioning in the lounge of the swimming pool, only an old-fashioned ceiling fan on the ceiling, which creaks and spins old-fashionedly, and the wind coming out of the fan is also hot.

Sheng Xue slowly repeated the sperm whale's question, "'You are a friend', not sure if you miss...'someone you shouldn't miss'?"

"Hmm." Meng Jing rubbed her nose, a little embarrassed.

Sheng Xue gave her a sharp look.This "my friend is me" meme is so clichéd.

"This kind of question needs to be argued from two aspects." Sheng Xue took a bite of the ice cream and said vaguely, "The positive argument is when you see this person, do you want to kiss her or hug her? " Swallowed the ice cream, coughed, "Fuck her."

Meng Jing frowned, sending novels very slowly. She slowly remembered that when she was with her fiancée, she always stared at her like a child looking at a favorite candy. It was too late to experiment with other levels, but when holding her , I really feel that the whole person is complete, for example, when I blew my hair that day, I hugged my fiancée's soft waist, wishing that I would never be separated for the rest of my life.As for whether she wanted to, cough, fuck her, Meng Jing blushed and needed further experience, but anyway, she didn't mind doing all kinds of taboo things with her fiancée, the deeper the better.

In other words, from a positive argument, she is indeed thinking about her fiancée.

Sheng Xue took two bites, her teeth ached from the ice, she put down the purple spoon, and added, "A negative argument, that is, when she is very close to others, you are jealous or not, this jealousy includes getting irritable for no reason, wanting to smash things You want to catch someone and beat her up, or you simply feel inferior, or the person who is close to her has no grievances or enmity with you, but you suddenly hate him so much."

Meng Jing's eyes became a little distant, and a few faces popped up in his mind, unrelated, those surnamed Ji, Ming Wei, and Xie Qiong.

"Jealousness is possessiveness. Generally speaking, if the pros and cons are both consistent," Sheng Xue laughed dryly, "Congratulations, you, indeed, are thinking about it."

After speaking, she fell into silence.What she was worried about a few days ago, she knew it might happen, but she didn't expect it to happen so fast.The girl I met that day was really not simple. In such a short time together, Meng Jing, a [-]-year-old iron tree who only knows how to beat and kill, was forced to think about such delicate issues.

Sheng Xue was a little sad, not only for Fa Xiao, but also for Song Ruo.

Meng Jing stood up, raised her chin at her, "Go to your brother's shop and bring something."

Sheng Xue tilted her head, "What are you doing?"

"Won't we have a guest here? She has a cold and wants to eat that red velvet cake." Meng Jing confessed frankly.


Through the display window, Sheng Xue saw off the sperm whale carrying the cake and boarding the locomotive outside, and Sheng Xue couldn't explain it.If Song Ruo was the one who made up the idea of ​​the sperm whale, then the question of "shouldn't worry about it" would not exist. They are serious and legal wives and wives who can do anything.So the sperm whale is just about to move, and really wants Hong Xing to get out of the affair!That's nothing else, just the cute girl that day, who seemed to be thinking about it, let it go, and deliberately went so far under the poisonous sun to buy a small cake for the cute girl.Since she is Song Ruodang, of course it is necessary to send a letter to Ruoruo.He took out his mobile phone and sent a crackling message. After sending it, he became preoccupied.

Meng Jing never expected that Sheng Xue's thinking would be so outrageous.

It was purely moral that she brought something to Qin Meng.

That night, Qin Meng went to her room and asked some large-scale questions. After she finished answering, she was ready to face a bigger challenge, but the little girl suddenly turned off the fire. She sat silently for a while, but didn't say anything else. He returned to the room with the book in his hand.I didn't go downstairs to eat breakfast the next day, saying that I was not acclimatized and sick.

The cold has been going on for several days, and Aunt Fen helped feed her cat.As for herself, she doesn't want to eat anything else, she just wants to eat sweet snacks, especially "the red velvet cake from the store last time".Meng Weiguo was most afraid of people getting sick, especially children. He always felt that his family did not entertain them well, so he asked Meng Jing to take good care of them.

But after Sheng Xue left, even the store closed for a few days on its own initiative, and Meng Jing could only bring her some substitutes from other stores.Just bought the real one today.

Qin Meng took the cake, and after being sick for a few days, she became thinner and her eyes glowed like a high-wattage electric light. She held the small cake box and asked Meng Jing, "How do you share?" Is the class exam coming soon?"

Standing at the door, Meng Jing agreed from afar, raised her eyebrows and said, "You are so sick, and you still care about this."

Qin Meng's face flushed, she stuffed a spoonful of cake into her mouth, and hummed, "I need to get better soon."

Meng Jing nodded, "Take a good rest."

Qin Meng was concerned about the placement test, but Meng Jing only thought she was asking casually.She herself really ignited her fighting spirit.Before it is clear whether she is in love with her fiancée, she cannot lose her qualification to pursue her.Although what Xie Qiong said that day was not pleasant, it undoubtedly gave her a blow in the head.She has been studying in her room these days.Try to refrain from sending messages to your fiancée, and when you really want to see her, you only look at her through Su Xiaokang.Most of the time, Xiaoyao Pingzi sits at the desk to figure out the script, and sometimes he practices in front of the mirror by himself, probably because he is so engrossed that he doesn't even know he's been secretly filmed, and he's full of cuteness.

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