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As a result, Lu Li brought Anbicheng to meet him, and happened to see Duan Xiaolou stuffing a piece of dim sum into King Tang's mouth, and King Tang chewed it twice before swallowing it.

"Mr. An came early in the morning, there must be something urgent." Luo Sheng reminded with a smile, and An Bicheng turned around to salute.

"Your Highness, there are frequent people coming and going on Xiangyang Mountain these days."

"Someone came in and out? Who came out, and who went in again? Where did the people who came out go?" Luo Sheng swallowed his snacks, hooked Duan Xiaolou's waist with one hand and asked someone to stick to him, while talking slowly to An Bicheng asked.

"It is reported that two young people entered Xiangyang Mountain, a man and a woman, the woman, like, like..."


"It's like the eldest lady of the Lin family. As for the man, there is no news yet." An Bicheng came prepared as expected.

Chapter 42

"Could it be my brother?" Acting together with "Fei Rong", Duan Xiaolou recalled that his brother disappeared with Shen Jiyun yesterday.

"Your brother also went, but not with Shen Jiyun." Luo Sheng patted Duan Xiaolou calmly, opened the map sent by Anbicheng, and asked Duan Xiaolou to take out another copy, before going to visit Zhu Yunhe The obtained map.

Duan Xiaolou didn't quite understand it, so Luo Sheng explained to her that Xiangyang Mountain is not an isolated peak in the northwest of Lin'an, but several peaks behind it. The terrain is complex and it is easy to get lost without local guidance.

In the eyes of Duan Xiaolou, there was not much difference between the two maps. The winding path zigzags forward, but Zhu Yun and the cinnabar red mark wrote the situation of the fork in the road.

"What are you going to do?" The situation in Lin'an Mansion changed suddenly. Luo Sheng took care of the tax collector and governor first, and the four young masters stood up one by one to show their loyalty. Now they are going to take care of Xiangyang Mountain?

"Change to another place first, the station is too small to use it."

The Governor's Mansion has long been emptied, and people have been sent to take over the relevant documents and materials in the past two days, and now it is finally time to move.

"Okay." I saw Duan Xiaolou in the governor's mansion when I was walking around in Lin'an mansion. The location is good, and it is much more convenient to go out than the post station. However, if Luo Sheng wants to go there, he should have other considerations, so his eyes rolled Then he asked, "Is there another person coming?"

"To suppress the bandits, of course we need to mobilize troops."

"Wow, are you going to mobilize an army of [-]?"

"Five thousand is enough, what do you need so much for?"

"Five thousand? Isn't it a mountainous area? How many people are there for a mountainous area? How many bandits are there?" In Duan Xiaolou's impression, there are tens of thousands of troops at every turn. What he has to deal with now is the bandits who have been entrenched for many years. Is 5000 enough? ?

"Xiangyang Mountain is backed by mountains, and the sides are too steep to allow large troops to enter. Only the front is slightly gentler, but it can't accommodate tens of thousands of people; moreover, the food and drink of the troops mobilized now need to be provided by Lin'an Prefecture, 5000 People are already a big burden for the local people, and no matter how many there are, it will take too long to write a letter to allocate food and grass..." It's not that Luo Sheng didn't think about recruiting more people, after all, the number of bandits in the past few times was often counted Wan, before the departure this time, His Majesty had discussed with him that at least 5 people could be mobilized, but Luo Sheng looked at the situation and felt that there was no need to call so many people.

"There are no more than seven hundred bandits. The trouble is the newly gathered martial arts masters. These people cannot be dealt with by ordinary officers and soldiers."

"Martial arts master?" Duan Xiaolou became excited when he heard this, martial arts people are indeed not something ordinary officers and soldiers can deal with, but if it is replaced by Duan Qing, who is also a martial arts person, it will be the right medicine.

Luo Sheng stretched out his hand to point on the base map, looked at it for a while, and suddenly said: "Don't worry, the situation is not clear yet, you can accompany me to Xiangyang Mountain to have a look tomorrow."

"What? You go? I'll just go, what are you going to do." Luo Sheng said flatly, and Duan Xiaolou almost jumped up in shock. You, a prince, ran to the bandit village. It's okay if nothing happens. Three long and two short, it's not just a joke.

"If I don't go take a look, how do I know if five thousand is enough?" Five thousand is just Zhu Yunhe's suggestion. According to the current information, it should be enough to deal with ordinary bandits, but if you don't go to Xiangyang Mountain to take a look, Luo Luo Sheng is also not sure whether 5000 people are enough for the layout.

"It's the same if you find a trustworthy person to watch!" Not to mention that there are young generals like Duan Qing who have come down from the battlefield, as long as Luo Sheng is willing, wouldn't it be the same to ask a few experienced generals to go and see? Why take the risk yourself.

"The previous several times of suppressing the bandits were unsuccessful. Since I have come this time, it is not a short distance of several tens of miles. You don't have to worry too much about my safety. Ever since I came here, Xiangyang Mountain has tightened up. For the sake of external communication, there are very few people going down the mountain recently, and I am just looking around, and I will not go up the mountain."

"Then, it's agreed, you can't go alone." Duan Xiaolou knew that since Luo Sheng spoke up, his decision was made and he would definitely go.

"Since I told you, of course I will take you with me." Luo Sheng heard the concern in the words, and stretched out his hands to rub Duan Xiaolou's soft hair in a good mood, but the girl tilted her head and thought about the other side. things.

"Could it be just the two of us?" Previously, I went to visit an old friend, and I also went to Hansong Temple. There are only some villages around, and two people are enough, but this time I went to the bandit's lair.

"Too many people will make it unsafe. Call your brother and shadow, that's enough."

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