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It was so unfortunate that Luo and the others were passing by the convenience store at that time, when they saw Shen Yan coming out of it.

With bread in hand.

Lin Jingnai glanced at Shi Luo, turned around, and asked Zhang Beibei, "Is that Shi Xuemei?"

Zhang Beibei nodded and was about to say hello.

As soon as Zhang Beibei finished speaking, the people on the opposite side also looked over. From afar, Shi Xuemei nodded to them and walked away again.

Shi Luo's heart skipped a beat, watching her walk away, the previous entanglement, alienation, and embarrassment disappeared without a trace, and there was only one thought, and that was regret, very regret.

How could she go so far.

"Ah?" Lin Jingnai looked at her with concern, with a gentle expression.

Only then did Zhang Beibei understand, "Did you quarrel with your school girl?"

Forget it.

Shi Luo didn't want to say more in front of them, so he nodded awkwardly, hummed, and didn't want to say more.

It can be seen from her depressed expression, Zhang Beibei patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, and didn't say much, but Lin Jingnai spoke on the sidelines, "You guys haven't known each other for too long, maybe the school girl doesn't know what you are like The people here are not like us, who just say what they have to say, and it will be fine after a while."

Shi Luo glanced at her.

Zhang Beibei called Nana, "Ah Ye is in a bad mood, stop talking."

In the evening, Zhang Beibei brushed her teeth in front of the mirror, seeing that Shen Yan was still going out, she was puzzled and asked, "Ah Yeh, are you still going out so late?"

"Well," she put on the hood of her sweater, lowered her head to button her jeans, and pulled her backpack, "I won't come back at night."

"I'm in such a hurry to go out, is there anything I can do for you?"

Shi Luo smiled brightly at her, and the normally indifferent person laughed sincerely, with a thrilling, piercing beauty, "No need."

Shi Luo ran all the way to the door of Shen Yan's house. An aunt who came up from upstairs saw her and called out caringly: "Xiao Shen, you came back so late."

"Hmm!" She didn't know who it was, and smiled back.

Knock on the door, no answer.

Shi Luo waited for a while, then rang the doorbell, but there was still no one.

Shen Yan is not here?

She was wondering and was about to take out her mobile phone to make a call.

The door opened.

She stood at the door, her long hair was tied up, and there were strands of broken hair around her face. She was expressionless and frowned, "It's so late, what's the matter?"


"Shen Yan."

The surrounding area was very quiet. After a while, Shi Luo had a sore nose and wanted to cry for no reason. He didn't know who he was wronged for. The corners of his eyes drooped and he didn't dare to look at her directly. He found an excuse sullenly, "Senior sister, your class I can't learn, it's too difficult to review by myself."

The person in front of him didn't move, and after a long while, he said, "Isn't there still Zhang Beibei in the dormitory, why don't you ask her?"

Shi Luo: quq

"But I think, senior sister, you are better." She looked up.

Shen Yan: "..."

"Come in." After a while, Shi Luo heard this voice.


Shi Luo moved back again, and when she was lying on the bed in the study at night, she thought about Shen Yan's expression.

When he first taught her, he was quite indifferent. Later, he couldn't stand her stupidity, and scolded her, "Stupid."

This stupidity immediately relieved her tense heart.

When she was scolded, she was not like any of her in 19 years.

Deliberately bulging his mouth, pretending to be angry.

Shen Yan snorted coldly, "How dare you not?"

She was giggling, like a flattering little eunuch, and drew a long voice, "How dare you?"

Shen Yan finally smiled.

At that moment, her hanging heart finally landed, and it landed peacefully on the spot.

Shi Luo buried her face in the quilt, and took a deep breath, wondering what brand of Shen Yan's laundry detergent is and why it smells so good.

Shen Yan's smile suddenly popped up in her mind again, she turned over, took out her phone, and clicked on Shen Yan's profile picture on WeChat.

I didn't read carefully before, Shi Luo flipped through one by one, and praised Shen Yan's circle of friends to the first one.

"What are you doing? Still not sleeping?"

She quickly clicked back and typed, "I can't sleep."

The other party is typing, and after a while, a message is sent, "If you can't sleep, you can't sleep. Why are you looking at my circle of friends?"

Shi Luo: I didn't tell me that I couldn't see it.

Shen Yan: ...

Shen Yan: Now let’s talk.

Shen Yan: sleep.

Shi Luo: Oh.

Wechat rang, Shen Yan wrote a line of code, moved his hand to get the phone, it was a voice message.

"Sister, good night!"

So full of air, whether she was really sleeping or pretending to be sleeping, Shen Yan flipped through her phone, smiled, and let her go.

It's the weekend again, when there is no class, Luo sleeps until nine o'clock, turns on the phone to watch, and Shen Yan hasn't woken up yet?

After leaving the study room, knocking on the door, seeing someone, Shi Luo yelled and complained: "Senior sister, don't you want to pass? You didn't even call me for study."

Shen Yan glanced at her, "I called, but I didn't wake up."

"Go to breakfast."

When Shi Luo got ready, he pushed the door of Shen Yan's room open a little, "Sister, can I study with you?"

"If I say no, will you not come in?"

Shi Luo: "Ha."

Shi Luo sat next to her, spread out the C language book, read it for a while, and suddenly remembered something, turned to her and asked, "Senior sister, have you finished the course design? There are still two weeks to go."

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