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"I know that my request and plan are very abrupt, and I am very grateful to get your reply!" Li Xian spent her entire life posting casually on social platforms and travel forums by herself, without any serious equipment. The pictures and video materials used are all produced by my own entry-level DSLR. The level of photography, editing, and copy layout are N grades behind such great gods as Wei Aoer. It is really amazing to be able to cooperate with Wei Aoer. pleasure.

"I am very optimistic about your plan, and it has great potential for development, but have you decided to start from scratch in another unknown field? Your current job is something that many people can't get after a lifetime of hard work." Wei Ao'er in Li Before Yuan came here, he had been checking Li Yuan's relevant information, and after listening to Zhong Lichan's bits and pieces, it was more reliable to check it by himself.Li Xian has made some achievements in her design field. The content of the journal papers published is quite in-depth, and the reviews are also very good.Coupled with her relationship with her boss Meng Qing, being able to achieve this level has already surpassed many veteran drivers in the industry. "Besides, if you want to do it alone, can your boss let you go?"

"As long as you are willing to work with me, these problems are not a problem!" Li Xian squeezed his fingers, trying to keep himself as calm as possible.

"Is the percentage of shares not a problem?" Wei Ao'er raised her eyebrows and asked.

"No problem, if you think there's something wrong, we'll discuss it later."

"Are you not afraid that I will sell you? Why do you trust me so much?"

Wei Ao'er asked about the point, Li Xian can't say that she was reborn. Before rebirth, you were a very powerful master, and your character and reputation are guaranteed. I can learn a lot by following you, and you won't cheat me.

After hesitating for a while, Li Xian raised his head to look into Wei Ao'er's eyes, and confessed his thoughts, "Zhongli must have mentioned me to you more or less, I used to like my boss very much, the romantic one, but she doesn't I like me. I don't want to entangle any more, I want to make a clean break, I want to live my own life, and I don't want to revolve around her anymore. When I was thinking this way, I met Zhongli by chance, and I met you again, just like getting through Ren Duer Like a pulse, I suddenly found the direction of the future, so I wrote this plan while the iron was hot."

Wei Ao'er was silent.There are many options for business negotiations, and she has seen too many people say serious-sounding reasons that even she can't convince.But Li Xian didn't regard this conversation as a formal occasion, and acted cautiously, which logically is not the attitude a manager should have.However, Wei Ao'er doesn't like people who follow rules. The original intention of Li Xian's plan was impulsive, but the content is valuable.Just like she resigned to travel because of breaking up, with this impulse, there is the rest of her life.

"You find a lawyer, draft the relevant contract, and then go through the industrial and commercial procedures. I don't become a legal person, and I don't have any capital investment. I only sell myself."

"Huh? Huh!" Li Xian didn't expect to get Wei Ao'er done so easily, but this is only the first step of the Long March, since Wei Ao'er has already got through, then she has to get through the 'Mo Zhi' connection quickly . "You agreed?"

"Yes, a pie fell from the sky, so I can't keep eating it? Wait until you find a lawyer and then talk to me about the specific salary and shares. Although your plan is carefully written, the part related to new media is still very serious. Layman, give me the original manuscript, polish it, and talk to others if you go to raise funds.”

"There is no financing, just me and you." Li Xian shook his head.

Wei Ao'er was stunned for a moment and said: "Your budget is also very detailed, but the reality will still fluctuate. Since you dragged me into the pit, you must ensure that the capital chain will continue before seeing the dawn. Do the calculation again, you If you don’t have the financial strength, make plans as soon as possible.”

"I don't need financing at this stage. I still have savings left after I bought a house, and I didn't need so many people in the early stage. I believe in your technology. With a little money, I can last for more than half a year... Although my boss doesn't like me, but She is very generous just as a benefactor. I must make it happen, and I will work hard to sell cars and houses!"

Wei Aoer did not expect Li Xian's stubbornness and persistence, but she was also very happy that her future partner had the ability and courage to cut off. "Then I will make all the planning related to the program within a month, and I will resign when you have settled the business affairs."

Li Xian stood up and bowed ninety degrees to Wei Aoer, "Thank you for trusting me."

"You don't have to thank me. This is a win-win thing. I'm very serious about my work. I hope you can handle it in the future." Wei Ao'er didn't move, Li Xian lowered her posture too low , she was not sure for a while and dared not accept the offer. It would be great if it was as promised by Li Xian, but the adult world knows that promises are useless, only things signed and stamped in black and white are effective.Take one step at a time and see one step at a time, neither doubt nor believe everything.

The two of them chatted on Wei Aoer's computer for a long time, and it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon when they recovered. Would you like something to eat first?"

There are only dessert sandwiches in the cafe, so you can make do with it.

Wei Ao'er was very surprised when she saw Li Xuan's plan, it didn't look like it could be done after several years of experience in interior design, and then listened to Li Xian's views on Internet marketing, it was very good, less than [-], and Not a professional in the industry, it can be said to be commendable, and I can't stop communicating too much for a while. "Let's eat first, and leave the rest to you to build the infrastructure and then talk about the superstructure. Don't worry."

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