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Wei Jinnian untied the leash, squatted on the ground and poked the dog's head, got up helplessly and followed Cheng Youxi upstairs.

"Finally back, it's better to be home."

Cheng Youxi smiled and pushed the box into the bedroom.

"I'll go to the bathroom to boil water." Wei Jinnian turned off all the switches and valves in the house when he left, and now she has to turn on the switches when she comes back.

Cheng Youxi packed the boxes in the bedroom, two of them had four boxes full of clothes, Cheng Youxi hung up the clean clothes and put them in the closet, while the dirty clothes were kept aside repeatedly, she looked at the bottom set of bed sheets in the box Fold it carefully and put it away at the bottom of the cabinet.

"What are you doing? I called you for a long time, but you still ignored me." Wei Jinnian ran out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and slippers, and saw Cheng Youxi standing in front of the cabinet in a daze.

"It's nothing, I'll choose pajamas for you." Cheng Youxi smiled, and took a set of light blue lace pajamas from the cabinet on the other side.

"Oh." Wei Jinnian didn't ask any more questions, took the pajamas and took Cheng Youxi's arm and walked to the bathroom: "The bath balls I bought are not bad, they are colorful ones with starry sky, let's try them together."

"Okay." Cheng Youxi let Wei Jinnian drag her to the bathroom.

Chapter21: Holding a watermelon and admiring the moon

Since Cheng Youxi finished filming, she has stopped doing any activities. She truly cultivated herself at home. Wei Jinnian was at home every morning and went to school in the afternoon. The days went back to the past.

After class in the afternoon, when Wei Jinnian returned to the villa, he saw Cheng Youxi cooking, with a golden retriever squatting beside him.

"Little Ding Dong!" Wei Jinnian put down his computer and backpack, kicked off his shoes, ran over and squatted on the ground, picked up the heavy golden retriever and rubbed it.

Cheng Youxi turned her head to look, and said with a smile, "It has been squatting here alone since I was cooking, and has been watching me for a long time."

"Is it hungry?"

"I've fed it snacks and jerk, almost all day long."

Wei Jinnian smiled and stared at the dog squatting on the ground with its tongue sticking out, pretending to be angry, and said, "I know how to eat all day long, and if I eat any more, I'll become fat like a ball."

"It doesn't know whether it is fat or thin, so it will eat. Go wash your hands and eat." Cheng Youxi took chopsticks and a spoon and put them on the dining table and turned to rub Wei Jinnian's long hair.

"Okay." Wei Jinnian let go of the dog in his hand and ran to wash his hands.

Wei Jinnian was eating, and a dog was squatting beside him watching. Cheng Youxi couldn't stand it anymore, put down the bowl and chopsticks and left the restaurant. After a while, he saw Cheng Youxi holding a bowl of dog food in front of the drooling dog.

Wei Jinnian gnawed on the bone and looked at the dog wagging its tail on the ground and said, "I gnaw on the bone, you eat dog food."

Cheng Youxi went to wash his hands, wiped clean and continued to eat: "You will graduate next month, are you ready?"

"Well, well, just wait for the reply."

"Finally, I have graduated, and I will be a social person in the future."

Wei Jinnian smiled and said, "I can earn money from now on."

"Aren't you making money all the time?" Cheng Youxi looked at Wei Jinnian and said deliberately.

"Ah..." Wei Jinnian knew what she meant and laughed twice: "Oh, can we not mention the black history in the past, and besides, I haven't sold your autograph since I was with you. Now it’s all about selling celebrities who have traffic but no acting skills.”

"Am I getting mad? Can't even sell autographed photos?"

"No." Wei Jinnian put down the chopsticks in his hand and took out a paper towel to wipe the food stains from the corner of his mouth: "I don't want to trouble you, I'm afraid I'll be found out later."

Cheng Youxi looked at Wei Jinnian and smiled: "It's okay, as long as you did it, I'll admit it."

Wei Jinnian curled his lips: "Just because you admit it, I can no longer sell your pirated autographed photo. I don't want to tarnish your reputation."

"It's just a few signed photos. If it's not enough, just treat it as my authorization to sell it to you."

Wei Jinnian got up and said with a smile, "I'm done eating, I'll show you something." Then he ran to the living room.

Cheng Youxi sat down in a chair and ate. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head and looked. Wei Jinnian was wearing a black bachelor's uniform and a bachelor's cap on his head.

"Does it look good?" Wei Jinnian tugged at the tassel next to the bachelor's cap and tilted his head to look at Cheng Youxi.

"Well, not bad." Cheng Youxi looked at Wei Jinnian and smiled.

Wei Jinnian was very happy to get the affirmation, ran over to Cheng Youxi and said, "Then you take a photo of me, you will definitely not be able to go to school to accompany me on the day of the graduation ceremony."

Cheng Youxi reached for the phone on the table and turned on the camera to take a few pictures of Wei Jinnian.

"I want to take pictures with you." Wei Jinnian smiled and took the phone and switched it to selfie mode, pulling Cheng Youxi to take a few pictures together with a smile.

"Okay, go and take off your clothes."

"Yeah." Wei Jinnian went to the living room with his mobile phone, while Cheng Youxi cleaned up the leftover dishes in the kitchen.

At night, Wei Jinnian opened the floor-to-ceiling windows, untied the collar on the dog's neck, let the dog wagging its tail run wildly outside, and heard a "plop" from a distance

"Ding Dang! You're in the water again, I don't want you for a while." Wei Jinnian heard a voice yelling out the French window, closed the window and entered the room.

Cheng Youxi was cleaning the table, and the sweeping robot on the floor was turning around. Wei Jinnian went to the refrigerator, picked up half a watermelon, took a spoon, and went outside. Cheng Youxi looked behind him and reminded: "Eat less, you should eat it later." Stomach hurts."

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