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Before he could finish speaking, he saw the door of the car "嗤——", the door opened, and three "people" came up.

Everyone in the bus was silent for a moment, their throats seemed to be choked, and they were speechless.

Those three people walked in a very strange posture, as if they were drunk. Two people supported one person, walked directly to the last row, and then sat down.

The girl's already ugly face turned pale now, and she didn't dare to look in the last row at all, she just held on to her companion's hand tightly, and her voice was as thin as a mosquito with a hint of crying: "This is Coincidence?"

However, is there really such a coincidence?

Even if her companion clearly told her that it was a coincidence, would she dare to believe it?

Now everyone in the bus is as quiet as a little chick, and they are so well-behaved.

This route is a special line to go to the ghost house, and the people who go there must be those who are interested in these supernatural events. Since they are interested in these, it is necessary to know about several supernatural events that are widely rumored on the Internet, and one of them is about public relations. The supernatural event of the car.

It was about a bus in the middle of the night, and three "people" got up on the way, and then the whole bus's people disappeared, and even the bus with them could not be found.

Until three days later, the bus was discovered at a very long distance from the local area, and the fuel in the fuel tank was gone.

And based on the amount of fuel in the fuel tank, the bus shouldn't appear that far away.

Due to the lack of clues, this matter became a supernatural event that could not be resolved, and it was widely circulated on the Internet.

Almost everyone sitting on the bus has heard of it—except Yumeng, so now I saw a scene very similar to the legendary bus supernatural event—even the sky was dark Afterwards, almost everyone was terrified.

Just as he was terrified, he saw the anchor opposite You Meng and the boss suddenly dozed off and woke up. He first glanced out the window and let out a "wow" in surprise. Didn't you expect it to be so far from the haunted house? Did I sleep through the night?"

He rubbed his face as he said these words. When he said these words, he just turned on the live broadcast, and the fans laughed when they heard what he said. Then he checked the time and found that he had only slept for a few minutes. He glanced at the weather and said, "Why is it getting so dark? Is it going to rain? Oh no, I didn't bring an umbrella either."

After so many things happened before, the male anchor was not woken up. They were only surprised for a moment. Everyone didn't have the time to think about why the male anchor didn't wake up before. What they cared more about now was the three in the last row. people".

The male anchor babbled on his mobile phone for a long time before he noticed that the car was very quiet at this moment. He thought that the group of young men and women had already got off the car. He turned his head and found that the young men were sitting on the seats. , his complexion seemed particularly ugly.

Maybe it was just waking up, but he didn't feel anything wrong, because the passengers seemed to be the same as before he fell asleep, there was no change, so he just cursed "inexplicable" in his heart, and then continued the live broadcast.

After thanking a few rewards, he looked at the weather that seemed to be raining heavily outside the window, so he asked the conductor and the driver: "Is there any umbrella rental at the old house?"

He didn't know what happened to the conductor and the driver. He asked several times before the conductor replied dully, "I don't know."

The male anchor had a bad impression of this city, and felt that the people here were not as enthusiastic as they said on the Internet. He said to the people in the live broadcast room: "If I come here again next time, it will definitely be because of the food." There was really nothing here that he liked.

Just as he was talking, he saw the uniform style of barrage painting and asked him to look at the three people sitting behind him.

The anchor looked confused, so he turned his head to look and found that there were three more people behind him at some point. There was nothing unusual about those three people, but it was scary to all lower their heads.

The male anchor turned around and muttered, "I remember that this bus doesn't stop at the back. Could it be that I misremembered?" Otherwise, when did these three people come up?

——Brother Nan must have hit a ghost, right?

--really?Have you hired someone to act?This time it was really a big deal, and I even chartered a car.

——I started acting before I got to the ghost house, the host is really super dedicated!whee!

——Not much to say, deep water torpedo*n

——But it's really interesting!Looking forward to it!A mine~


Unexpectedly, there are so many rewards for a casual remark. The male anchor was in a happy mood, so he pointed the front camera of his mobile phone at the three people behind him, and he was also taking the opportunity to observe secretly. Finally, he found that the three people were indeed a little strangeness.

Maybe because he was not clear enough just after waking up, he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Just as he was watching, he suddenly looked at You Meng who had accidentally entered the mirror, his heart pounded, and he frantically moved the camera away, thinking why he hadn't noticed this girl before.

When someone found out that he was secretly filming, the male anchor was a little embarrassed, his ears turned red, but the fans in the live broadcast room didn't let him go—

— fuck it! ! !That lady is so pretty too! ! ! !

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