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At first, it was just the door being smashed loudly, but at the back, the door frame also seemed to vibrate after being smashed.

The couple pointed to the door: "Master, this..."

You Meng comforted calmly: "It's all an illusion."

Mr. Jing also nodded, with a serious expression: "Trust us, we are all professionals."

In fact, the one outside is indeed a lonely wild ghost, but I don't know why this family has been identified and insisted on harassing.Jinghong went to open the door, and it slipped away.

Among other things, this ability to escape is quite good.

Seeing the constant knocking on the door, You Meng thought about it, and she said, "I'll go and have a look."

Mr. Jing hummed, and warned: "Be careful."

You Meng's hand just touched the doorknob, when she suddenly remembered something, she asked through the door, "Who is it?"

The thing outside the door also answered, the voice was low and strange, unable to tell the difference between male and female, it said: "It's me."

Oh, it turned out that they were looking for a substitute. Youmeng smiled and suddenly realized that as soon as she opened the door, she saw a figure of a woman with her head hanging down at the door, dressed in tatters, and she was all in black. Being polite, after getting the owner's "permission", it walked in directly.

This kind of lonely ghost knocks on the door randomly, and if someone answers, it can come in.

As for who it was, it looked around and walked up to Jinghong.

Jinghong raised his eyebrows and sneered: "I don't know what to do."

And then it was on her.

Unlike ordinary people, Jinghong is a celestial master, and her body is different. Ordinary ghosts can't get on her body, and the strange thing is that this ghost can bend her body!

Jinghong's expression changed on the spot. From outsiders' point of view, she was talking to herself——

"If you come out immediately, Boss can spare your dog's life."

"Strange, why are you still talking? Shouldn't this body be mine?"

"You wait, Xiaoxiao, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm afraid I'm dreaming if I want to use my body!"

"Hey, it turns out that you can still control your body, this body is so soft..."


It was Yumeng who took the shot and caught the ghost. As soon as she kneaded the ghost into a ball, the ghost sighed: "It's so comfortable! It seems to be a celestial master... A celestial master's massage, Sajia's life is worth it!" Already!"

This lonely ghost is also black when crumpled, as if rolling in a ditch, presumably its ability to attach itself to Jinghong's body is probably related to this layer of "black stains" on its body.

You Meng was about to ask this group, where did the black stain on his body come from.

Mr. Jing next to him was quite angry: "I will definitely beat you out of your wits!"

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