"What's the problem? Can you have some good news?

Tie Xin said impatiently.

"The time recorded in the computer system is May 1, which is the time when the network center's secret key was locked. However, the network center continued to operate normally after the secret key was locked, and was completely powered off two months later. Then it stopped operating.”

"What's the meaning!"

Tie Xin was a big boss and couldn't understand what Wang Dazhao meant at all.

"I understand! In other words, this system completely stops on the day the secret key is locked!"

Azai suddenly shouted.

"Yes, I can prove to you that the time of this network center was forcibly stopped on the day when the secret key was locked.'

A familiar voice appeared on the voice channel. Everyone was happy, and Azai even shouted out.

“Master Bai Ye!”

I saw a few flashes of white light, and the robots in front of Tie Xin were cut in half. A sharp sword stood between Tie Xin and the robots. Any machine that dared to get close was smashed to pieces by the sword.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Bai Ye appeared next to Tie Xin and patted his shoulder gently, but Tie Xin's armor was extremely hot at this time, forcing Bai Ye to take two steps back.

Tiexin frowned in embarrassment.

"The armor is a bit overheated, sorry Lord."

"it's okay no problem.'"

Bai Ye quickly waved his hand and used ice magic to temporarily relieve the burning pain in his hand. He originally thought that his appearance this time was very handsome, but this ironing burned all his coolness.

"Director Bai, why are you so sure?"

Wang Dazhao asked in his voice, and Bai Ye also became serious and no longer worried about the weight just now.

"After I dealt with the Mechanical Demon, I went around to help other collector teams. In fact, the team in charge of electricity encountered obstacles and did not actually turn on the electricity, so I came all the way to help you.

"What? The power is not turned on, but in this network center..."

"That's right, there is electricity in this network center. This is totally against the law. Not even a single power distribution box or wire is available nearby. But the electricity in this network center seems to be Can it still last two months?"

"And time also stopped on the day the secret key was locked. I'm afraid there are still strange things in this network center that we haven't discovered."

"When I came here just now, I heard what Wang Dazhao said in the voice and paid attention to it. The human corpses on the road were still very new and did not look rotten. Maybe these corpses contain the person we are looking for.'"

"I will upload the appearance of the person in charge of the network center to the channel.

Immediately, Bai Ye and others saw a picture of a person appearing in front of them.

"I will be responsible for cleaning up these robots. Tiexin Azai Xiaohei, you are responsible for finding this person. He should still be in the network center. Wang Dazhao is waiting next to the secret key. If he finds it, he will take it away immediately!"


After receiving the order, everyone took action immediately. The black dragon stationed outside also transformed into a human and walked in. Apart from their large number, these robots did not have any special abilities. Bai Ye could handle them easily.

"found it!"

After a while, Azai's voice came over, but his voice sounded a little strange.

"Although I found it, I still suggest you come over and take a look. There is something wrong here.

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