Shelter: All-Class Survival

Chapter 46: Item Expansion and Death Information

At half past six in the morning, Chen Chen woke up leisurely, put on his clothes and started to wash.

Yuan Zai was still sleeping, and Chen Chen didn't disturb him.

Set fire to the wood stove, put a pot on it to boil water, and Chen Chen opened the door and walked out of the shelter.

"Plants grow quite fast, eh?" Chen Chen looked at Shitai.

I poured water before going to bed last night, and now there is a thin layer of ice on the stone platform.

"It was below zero last night."

Turning around and returning to the shelter, Chen Chen went to the second floor.

The central controller shows that the power generation at the moment is 947W, there are more than 1,000 bees that can go out in the vigorous beehive, and there is still some electricity left in the two lead-acid lithium iron batteries.

Chen Chen went downstairs to plug in the double-door refrigerator and turned it on.

"Today, we continue to acquire and look for electrical equipment, exercise, and test the effect of the occupation of dry rice."

In the past two days, Chen Chen sold a lot of temperature control windows, and also sold a dozen of paracord recurve bows, and at least 200 arrows.

Naturally, a lot of good things have been changed. There are two large boxes of mechanical components, and a large wooden box for electronic components.

The reinforced iron pipes were originally piled up in a corner, but now they occupy four square meters. Other materials such as plastic, rubber, etc. also accumulated a lot in Room 1.

The location of the first room is a bit insufficient. Chen Chen has placed wood and the like in the work room, and the bedroom has many appliances that are temporarily unavailable.

"There are also two expansion modules on hand. I will expand the shelter when I have time."

At this time, the water was already hot, and Chen Chen scooped out some to wash.

Chen Chen took a look at his arm. The previous scratch was healed the next morning, and the blood scab fell off on its own. After the physique is improved, the resilience is significantly enhanced.

"The occupation of dry cook can speed up the absorption of nutrients and improve the efficiency of training." Chen Chen put the towel aside and muttered: "Isn't improving efficiency just about making damaged tissues recover faster? This occupation should also speed up wound healing. Bar."

"Have a chance to try it..." Chen Chen shook his head, "Forget it, let's not have this chance."

The firepower of the wood stove was still very strong. It didn't take long for the water to boil. Chen Chen put the meat that had been cut long ago into the pot, and added some aniseed to get rid of the fishy smell.

At the same time, start browsing the forum information.

Since Chen Chen opened an experience sharing post in the region, it is much more convenient to find useful things in the regional forum.

Chen Chen noticed that a former agronomy major named Fengchuidaohua updated his post.

[The wind blows the rice flower:…

Update 10th: There is a new situation! The first thing I do when I wake up is to look at the plants I have been experimenting with, and it turns out that last night, my plants grew a lot faster.

This is definitely not nonsense. I plant a batch of wheat seeds every day, and I have records of the various stages of the growth of wheat seeds in the abnormal world.

The current situation is that the growth rate of seeds at all stages has accelerated!

Plant growth has nothing to do with terrestrial radiation. In a shelter without terrestrial radiation, the growth rate is the same as outside a shelter with radiation. It is another factor that we do not know that affects the growth of plants.

I think it was this factor that increased last night that accelerated the growth of plants...]

Seeing this post, Chen Chen instantly understood that it was not his own delusion, but that the plants really grew a lot overnight.

Of course, faster plant growth is only a small thing, and many people even expect it.

[Vitality girl Guo Degang: This is not very good. Recently, I have cut down all the trees around the house. I am worried that I have to run for a long time to carry it.

Mechanical tentacles: In other words, does it mean that we can start planting? Plants grow so fast that there is not much shortage of food.

Fairy Tiefang: Great, the two jujube trees next to my shelter can produce more jujubes.

Giegie is so nice. Li Tieniu: Is there any zoology? Studies were also conducted to see if animals would grow rapidly. 】

On the whole, everyone is not pessimistic about the accelerated growth of plants.

In the past, the media reported that the concentration of carbon dioxide was constantly increasing. Except for a certain eastern region, the forest area was almost declining. Nowadays, the growth of plants is accelerating. Many people subconsciously think this is a good thing.

Chen Chen continued to scroll down and found posts that were suspected to be fraudulent.

[Ma Bonde: I'm Ma Bonde, the master of Hunyuan Bagua Taiji Liangyi Sect, and I'm going to explain to you my unique skill, the six lightning legs.

My six-path lightning legs are based on Hua Tuo's Wu Qin Xi, taking the six-path creatures as the prototype, and integrating their physical characteristics, movements and preferences into my leg techniques, only taking the essence of them, only specializing in leg techniques, and being good at quickness, attacking the enemy Escape is very useful.

Next, I will explain to you the first leg method, the human way...]

[Xiaocao after the rain: Stitching monster, right? Are you stacking buffs?

Kuai Dalong: It's true, if you train your legs to the extreme, you can develop the potential of the third leg, which is the lightning leg.

Breeding Pig George: Master, I want to learn it!

Pancake Dog: That seems to be true. Look at his own post. In the photo, a wolf is chasing him.

I have one thing to say: Surprised!

Nongfu Sanquan: Chen Zhen should be considered your senior. 】

Chen Chen frowned. Looking at the description, he felt that this person was completely joking, but he did post a post about being chased by wolves before, which made Chen Chen hesitant to delete it.

"If you can't have the stone hammer, keep it for now. There are photos at different distances. At least he really escaped from the wolf's pursuit."

Chen Chen felt that this person either had supernatural powers or ate several super fruit, all of which had some strength.

After reading the forum, Chen Chen touched his arms and hugged his round boy.

Although Yuan Zai's physical fitness is okay, he usually behaves very lazy, and in the morning he is especially dependent on himself.

Chen Chen played with Yuan Zai for a while, then put it aside and started to exercise.

Chen Chen made a horizontal bar on the door frame of the workshop, warmed up and started exercising.

Chen Chen did 20 wide-pitch pull-ups, narrow-pitch pull-ups, and bow pull-ups each, and then he also tried one-handed pull-ups at the front level.

In other words, the one-handed pull-up was challenging for Chen Chen, and it was laborious to do, and the rest was not too stressful.

After exercising for half an hour, Chen Chen felt that his muscles were a little swollen, and the meat was almost cooked, so he immediately called Yuanzai to have dinner together.

The broth this morning only had some salt in it, but it still tasted good. One person and one cat could eat it very well.

After eating, Chen Chen felt that the body digested the food, and then quickly transformed it into nutrition, like a warm current supplying the whole body.

Chen Chen felt his body warm and his muscles regained some vitality.

"It seems that the effect is quite good, as described."

Feeling the increase in strength, Chen Chen was a little excited, and immediately went upstairs to take out the super honey that was produced yesterday and eat it.

Yesterday, more than 1,000 bees collected a total of 20g of honey. After eating, Chen Chen waited for a few minutes, but his strength attribute did not change.

Chen Chen pondered: "It may be that the amount is too small, and it is not enough to cause attribute changes."

However, in the introduction of the system, vigorous honey can increase strength, which is not wrong.

"It doesn't matter, there are fewer than 3,000 Vigorous bees that can go out now. When there is more honey, you will know by experimenting several times with different amounts."

In order to familiarize Yuan Zai with his skills, Chen Chen decided to train Yuan Zai several times in the future.

Chen Chen repeated the instruction he taught Yuanzai yesterday to deepen his memory, and then taught him new skills such as catching a Frisbee.

Today's teaching is much easier, because Yuanzai already knows what is praise and what is bad. After trying a few more times, it is easy to know Chen Chen's intentions, and he learns quickly.

Chen Chen was training, and he was a little unsure in his heart, "I train pandas in the way of dog training, so there won't be any problems, right? Yuan Zai is already a bit like a silly dog."

In my impression, the panda didn't seem to look forward to looking at its master so much and ran away.

Then Chen Chen found Fengchuidaohua, who he remembered was a bamboo seller.

【A private message with the wind blowing rice flower】

[Chen Zhen: Brother Chui, can you plant a lot of bamboo on your land? Now the plants are growing faster, if the yield is enough, I want to buy bamboo from you in the future.

Wind Blowing Rice Flower: Yes, Brother Chen. A few days ago, I started to propagate and transplant seedlings for bamboo. I lived on bamboo shoots in the early stage.

Chen Zhen: Well, you have a variety of bamboo shoots that are easier to eat, and I can purchase them stably. Let's talk about the price.

Windblown Rice Flower: No problem, I have some bamboo shoots that I can sell to you. Brother Chen, how many bamboo shoots do you want in a day? I'll start with a basic price, and if the quantity is large, I can still discount it...


The two finally agreed on a price. Bamboo shoots were sold to Chen Chen at one-third of the price of meat. If Chen Chen's demand stabilized in the later period, the price would drop further to two-sevenths.

This time, Chen Chen exchanged ten pounds of bamboo shoots, took out two and handed them to Yuan Zai, and put the rest in the fresh-keeping layer of the refrigerator.

It was the first time that Yuan Zai saw such a wonderful thing, so he leaned against the refrigerator with bamboo shoots and ate it one bite at a time.

Chen Chen put on his equipment, patted Yuanzai's head again before leaving, and told him not to mess around at home, and to spank when he broke things.

Yuan Zai took a bamboo shoot in his hand, peeled and ate a bite, and nodded to Chen Chen again and again. I don't know if I'm being perfunctory or serious.

Judging from the feedback from the bees, the food today is average.

There is a medium-sized beast to the west where the food is, and another to the east.

"Then start from the west, kill the beast, get food, and then search for supplies in the southwest."

Jumping off the stone platform, Chen Chen started to move forward, "I hope to find a battery today."

I have to say that Chen Chen had good luck today. Halfway through, Chen Chen actually found a bottle of aspirin. This is the medicine that Chen Chen has been thinking about all the time.

There are 30 aspirin tablets in a plastic bottle, with instructions on the outside, drug ingredients, indications, dosage and usage, and adverse reactions.

Chen Chen immediately put it into the pocket of his tactical vest.

Aspirin has many functions, can relieve pain and fever, anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatism, and can also relieve and adjuvant the treatment of many cardiovascular diseases.

With this medicine in hand, Chen Chen can avoid many life-threatening risks.

After loading the medicine, Chen Chen moved on.

When he got close to the beast, Chen Chen, like yesterday, asked the bees to explore the specific location first.

Soon the bees locked the location of the beast, and Chen Chen quietly lurked in the past.

It was just a goat without horns. Chen Chen was very relieved to observe it a little and then let out an arrow.


The arrow pierced the air, pierced the goat's butt, and the goat ran away.

"It seems that it is not even a crazy animal." Chen Chen observed carefully.

The reaction of this goat after being shot by the arrow is not the performance of a crazy animal at all, but just running away in panic.

However, if Chen Chen was hit with an arrow, how could he run away?

Chen Chen shot another arrow, hitting the back of the goat again, and the speed of the goat dropped again.

Chen Chen chased forward with the crossbow machine. After running for nearly 100 meters, the goat was still captured by Chen Chen.

Chen Chen smiled and drank mutton soup, and mutton rolls were also a good ingredient for hot pot.

Then Chen Chen searched around again and found the food.

It was actually forty pieces of barbecued meat in the bag. The charcoal was fragrant, and Chen Chen couldn't help but eat five skewers.

Still passing the goat to Wang Yu, Chen Chen himself continued to search.

After searching for more than an hour, Chen Chen also found a lot of small items, but no high-value items were found.

"Huh?" Chen Chen narrowed his eyes and locked his gaze on a small **** 60 meters ahead, "I found the shelter expansion module!"

Chen Chen quickly approached the past, and after getting closer to Chen Chen, he realized that this thing seems to be different from the shelter expansion module.

This is a square, light blue, 2cm high, palm-sized square.

Above the square is a cube of a three-dimensional solid figure.

[Backpack expansion module: After use, players can expand 1 cubic meter of space, UU reading www. places items. 】

Chen Chen was overjoyed to have this, and immediately chose to use it.

In the previous game, players had an inventory, but this inventory was determined by the player's strength. The higher the strength, the more items you can bring.

When he came to the abnormal world, Chen Chen originally thought that the abnormal world optimized the game inventory to be carried by a real person, but he did not expect that expansion modules such as space bags would appear.

"In the future, it will be much more convenient to collect materials. If you get a few more backpack expansion modules, you can finally not give up any materials!"

The operations of collecting items and trading are similar. When a slight blue light appears on the surface of the item, the item is collected into the item space.

Chen Chen was very happy, and then he kept searching and packed all the supplies into the item space.

After the space was full, Chen Chen returned to the shelter, "You can make a few more trips, anyway, bringing things back will hardly consume any physical strength."

Just as the door was opening, Chen Chen heard Yuan Zai scratching the door in the room, opened the door with a smile, and Chen Chen walked in.

"Celebrate, I still eat hot pot today!"

Chen Chen touched Yuanzai, and at the same time, he kept taking out the searched items from the item space.

Yuan Zai's eyes widened, looking at Chen Chen's movements with an incredible expression.

After the things were placed, Chen Chen started to make a fire to boil water, and at the same time sent a private message to Wang Yu, asking him to send the goat back.

After exiting the private message, Chen Chen glanced at the forum, but found an amazing post.


[Fisherman cited: Some players attacked me! Bows and arrows, camouflage pants, face covering]

The title of the post is random, and the content is only a short sentence, followed by comments from other players.

At this moment, the name quoted by the fisherman has been darkened, and the person has died.

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