Terrestrial radiation erupts every seven days.

The radiation of the deformed world will continue to accumulate in the beast, and eventually the beast will become a deformed beast.

Aberrations are extremely dangerous and will actively attack players.

Eating the meat of the aberrations also increases radiation.

This sudden news made everyone panic. Many people thought that although life in the abnormal world has become a lot worse, as long as they survive the difficult times, everything will be fine.

However, a post from Emperor Qi told everyone coldly, which made everyone stop thinking about it.

With the aberration beast, no matter who it is, his life will always be threatened, and there is absolutely no possibility of it being done once and for all.

Once the post was posted, the players immediately groaned.

[The first bullet of super power common sense in the abnormal world]

Green grass and blue sky: No! Why? This is no way for people to live!

I have divine power: the end of the world, the end of the world! Maybe only 1% will survive in the end.

Qianshan Flying Bird: Looking at the description, this mutant beast is much more dangerous than zombies, and the number of animals definitely far exceeds those of us players.

Giegie is so good. Li Tieniu: The key is to kill the mutant beast. We can't eat its meat. The way to improve is too small.

Ximen Youdao: The most hateful thing is that mutant beasts can improve their physical fitness, but they cannot be eaten!

Yi Yi Chai: Without help, I will definitely not be able to live.

Three mouths and one pig: I can't eat enough and don't wear warm clothes. I can't stand the temperature difference between day and night. How can I deal with some aberrant beasts? Damn, why did I have this name, now I feel so hungry when I see the name.

Fei Ya Fei: Don't be afraid.

Chen Chen looked at everyone's speech and hesitated for a long time. In the end, he didn't say anything. He closed the forum and went to bed.

He wanted to say that with the increase of the number of days, the value of the materials also increased, and maybe the quality of the materials improved faster than the disaster. He also wanted to tell everyone that he had extremely high carpentry skills. Once he had the weapon blueprints, he would He can arm many people; he also wants to tell everyone that he has bees that can brew super honey, which can improve everyone's physical fitness.

Saying these things is not for anything else, but to keep everyone from getting too desperate, and sometimes despair is a bigger disaster.

But in the end, Chen Chen chose to remain silent, because the conjecture cannot be guaranteed to be correct. If not, it will make everyone despair after seeing a little hope. The blueprint and honey can only benefit a small number of people in their own area, and it will make everyone uncomfortable when they say it.

After lying down for half an hour, Chen Chen got up again. Open the forum, send a message.

After the message was sent out, Chen Chen didn't look at it again, this time he finally fell asleep.

[The first bullet of super power common sense in the abnormal world]

Chen Zhen: Seeing the wailing on the forum, I thought the shelter was going to disappear, but it turned out not to be! It's just that there are more saber-toothed tigers and the like, which startled me in vain, fell asleep, fell asleep.

Shrinking Turtle: That's right! One by one is miserable. The environment our ancestors went through was much more difficult than ours, didn't they also develop well?

5482138579: Indeed, we at least have a safe shelter where we can sleep peacefully at night.

Nongfu Sanquan: Yes, the current climate is compared to the ice age, compared to the extreme cold and extreme heat before the earth. What's this, I don't sleep with a quilt at night.

Quack: Don't talk about the extreme weather on Earth, look at Asan and the people living in the Arctic, don't they all come here like this?

Pancake Dog: Outside our shelter, we can refresh supplies and learn blueprints. Isn't this much easier than our ancestors?

Suck a snail: There are also super fruit and items to improve attributes, I am coming to the world of martial arts!

Yi, who gnaws at Runtu: Don't you think that unlimited transmission of items is the best? This kind of thing can't be seen in the visible Earth civilization at all!

Scrap Iron King: That's right! Isn't the three cornerstones of human science and technology development energy, material and information? Transmitting matter casually is simply the ultimate manifestation of matter communication!

Playing with Autumn Dogs: Combining all kinds of things, we are sitting on a mountain without knowing it. What aberrations are we afraid of with these things?

One Leaf: Haha, I have to go to bed with the boss Chen Zhen, go to bed early and get up early, maybe this is the secret to becoming a boss.

Zaan Maiden's mother-in-law: Chen Zhen: Don't look for me, I don't fencing.

Vitality girl Guo Degang: Chen Zhen: Yes, yes, rational people like me are all swordsmen.

Shocked: Why do I feel more dirty~

Big-eyed cute brother: Speaking of which, three generations of my family are single-handedly swallowing swords.

Murder is like a rambunctious sheep: Oh my god, this is not a car for kindergarten!

Snow Sculpture: I smell a familiar smell, and the sand sculpture netizens are back again.

Flying Sanli Di: [Smile with a dumbfounded eye.jpg]

After getting up the next day, Chen Chen saw Lou's post where he didn't know where to go, and his original heavy heart seemed to be a lot clearer.

However, Chen Chen is very clear that it is not because of him that everyone has such a change. Courage and the belief to live have always been things that human beings have never forgotten. Chen Chen just played the role of a lead.

What Chen Chen didn't expect was that this "crooked building operation" actually became a kind of spirit of the players in the world. After disasters again and again, there will always be sand sculpture netizens who suddenly appear and tilt the building. Everyone also cheered up from the failure, and summoned the courage to fight against the disaster of the abnormal world again.


Now is the fifth day of coming to the abnormal world, and there are still two days before the radiation outbreak day of the abnormal world that Emperor Qi said. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Chen took a look at the number of people in the forum. Now the number of people in the forum has dropped to 916, and it is estimated that it will drop below 900 after today.

The mutant bees are still in the Wangtai, and they have no intention of hatching.

The bees who followed the mutant bees to the new hive seemed a little nervous because there was no queen bee, but there was no problem with Chen Chen's beekeeper.

Chen Chen finished washing up, finished eating, and made two more temperature control windows, then put on his gear and prepared to go.

In the trading channel, Chen Chen has already offered a high price for bows and arrows or blueprints related to them, and explained his woodworking skills to everyone, hoping that someone can find the blueprints for bows and arrows and sell them to him.

It's a pity that the trading channel can't see blueprints such as bows and arrows at all, and even the blueprints for making arrows have never appeared again.

In view of this, Chen Chen still had to give up his previous plan. He decided to fill up the time he spent exploring today, and he wanted to collect as many items as possible.

The plan to spend a lot of time in the production of temperature control windows can only be scrapped. After all, the danger is getting closer and closer, and searching for more materials to find suitable weapons is the correct solution.

"It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes, and the world is changing every day." Chen Chen smiled bitterly, "The original plan was to search the time, but it turned out that the temperature adjustment window could be made. It was planned to be used for search in the morning, but the door was blocked by the leopard. The original plan was good. Making thermostat windows, it turns out it's time to hunt for weapons."

Chen Chen carefully checked the equipment and was full of energy.

"Let's go now! With my current search efficiency, I don't believe that I can't find what I want!"

PS: Thanks to book friend Miao EDI???? (can't type) for the reward, I am moved!

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