She Is Not a Witch

Chapter 113: Emergency moment


A signal arrow shot into the sky and caught the attention of the Anemi’s house. Then several more arrows were thrown out from the Holis’s house, obviously tied with a scroll, and then landed on the Anemi’s house. In the array.

Several attendants watched these letters and arrows, opened them and glanced at them quickly, and then hurriedly reported to the high-level family behind them.

Under the bright yellow flames, these letters were checked by professionals and handed them to Noyce, the owner of the house, who picked them up and watched them carefully against the flames.

"It seems that the people from Tisifone's family have succeeded, and we don't pretend to provide them with so much assistance."

"Then continue to attack now, in case they really take the risk, lower the flame that can't be extinguished with water, and ignite the whole city..."

Several aides next to them said worriedly that if they were to die together at that time, their Anemie would not be spared either.

"Pass these letters to the Tisifones quickly. They did it. They know the whereabouts of Meilu, and I think the Tissifones should have unrevealed cards."

"This matter was the beginning of theirs, and the loss is also their biggest loss.

Noyce ordered the letter to be delivered quickly, and then began to order something.

"Iran, Bazel, you took the family’s six hundred cavalry to protect Feng Nai from the west gate, watching from the top of the mountain, if the situation is not right, you don’t need to return to the aid, leave directly, go round and go to the eastern country of Ruerna. do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Noyce!"

The two cavalry leaders began to summon their men, and Feng Nao was pulled into the carriage by the maids, she seemed a little reluctant.

"My father!" She wanted to stay.

"My dear boy, I'm just afraid that there is a case. If Hopelander is really burned by then, the other clubs can be saved. As long as you live, Anemii will have hope."

Noyce looked at Kunano fondly, said comfortingly, and then let the people close the carriage and start to act.

After Tisifone's family received the letter, there was a brief silence in the discussion hall.

"What, do you want to stop, Edley?"

Wick asked. He took off the glasses from the bridge of his nose and wiped them carefully. Although it was a question, it seemed that he already knew the answer.

"Stop, how is it possible?" Edley smiled.

"What we are doing now, if we fail, we will die. Even if it is an organization, we should at most save our brother Abel. You and I don't want to live anymore."

"Announcing the whole city, saying that the Hollis family will burn the whole city, and we only punish the evil head. As long as the others surrender, we will not be embarrassed and we can let them leave safely."

"Do you say that you burn the city? There are many hidden experts in Hopland, and this gives us a good excuse. Should I be grateful or hate you, Gerd. ."

Ed used his hands to cross his chin and ordered the attendant next to him.

"Send someone to urge the Nissos family to attack Calites from the west. If I haven't heard of their attack within half an hour, I won't think about the benefits in the future."

"Yes, Lord Edley."


After receiving the news, some small organizations in Hopland City also began to mess up.

Some agreed to assist the Tisiphone family to quickly capture the Hellis family, while others said that Tisiphone should be allowed to stop and hand over Meilu to avoid the situation from expanding, and some simply prepared to leave the city overnight and leave this place of right and wrong.

Just as these people hesitated, the Nythos family finally began to attack.

Three thick and stocky bullock carts are connected in tandem, with a large stone pillar surrounded by five people, which is pulled by the eight original Sequence 2 Blackhorn Bull Bulls beside the cart.

The heavy wheels were crushed on the bluestone brick streets, making a creaking sound. As these giant cows taller than people moved forward, the huge stone pillar dragged along with it, bumping and accelerating. The dull pace is like a giant beast advancing.

Finally, when approaching the wall, the supernatural beings of the Nissos who were accompanying cut off the ropes of the carts, and the giant bulls got away from both sides, while the huge stone pillars directly slammed into the wall of Calites following the inertia of the carts.


There was a sound of cracking stone bricks, and the huge stone pillars directly inserted into the wall, knocking out a huge gap, and the armed men of the Nythos family quickly rushed in with torches, strangling with the Kalites guards who rushed over.

Lorrain Hill on the tower heard violent shouts of killing from behind. Looking back at the rear of the west side of the Chamber of Commerce, the gray-clothed armed men of the Nissos family had flooded into the courtyard. Hundreds of people were clamoring with their own guard weapons and burning. Under the huge brazier, people fell down with blood from time to time, and the courtyard began to fall into chaos, and there were shouting crowds everywhere.

Can't wait anymore! She made up her mind.

A huge colorless wind ball began to gradually converge above the tower, and countless wind blades inside began to take shape and circle.


Suddenly, a burst of fire fell from the horizon into the enemy's formation, and a loud bang shook the city, followed by more explosions in the city, and a monstrous flame ignited in the city, just like the roar of the gods.


With the commander's angry shout, hundreds of artillery roared in the dark, and violent roars rang out over the sea. Under the light of the brief artillery fire, black shadows of long sails appeared in the night.

Outside the harbor in the middle of the night, battleships came from the night, carrying black tide water, washing the coast, these returning fleets covered the sea outside the hundreds of undulating hulls Shatter the reflection of the moon, aim the cannon on the ship at the target in the city, and keep the fire.

As if to confirm the ancient motto circulating in the Wilga area, the three major fleets of Calites, following the trade winds and ocean currents on the ocean, returned as promised and rushed before the final crisis.

Under the fierce shelling, the headquarters of the Tisifone and Anemiyis suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames and chaos. Under the collapsed houses and high walls, there was a panic shouting.

Along with the undulating tide, boats washed up on the beach, and teams of heavily armed soldiers boarded the coast and began to attack separately.

One part of them rushed towards Tisifone's house, and the other part rushed towards the headquarters of Callites for assistance.

The noisy city fell into chaos. The new force from the fleet immediately disrupted the previous arrangement. The personnel of all parties began to scramble in the alleys, not forming a formation, and were originally marching towards the headquarters of the Calites Chamber of Commerce. Everyone in the Si family was also relieved, and the rear was attacked by the armed men of Calites. After fighting back and forth, the attacking team hesitated and wavered.

For a time, the situation in the city reversed instantly.

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