She is Nice and Soft

Chapter 125: What happened back then

Chapter 125 What happened that year

 A deep voice, accompanied by a long silence.

Mei Yeqin didn't know what time it was, but a busy signal came from the phone on the other end.

 His voice obviously didn't really let go, even though his words were so.

Jiang Sui threw the hung up phone on the bed and turned to go to the bathroom.

The clear and cold water and the air-conditioning surrounded the young man's eyes, which contained incomprehensible emotions. Jiang Sui, who was used to cold showers, had no reaction. He wiped the water drops on his hair and called the phone. It rang again.

“Brother Sui, A Zhao has come to Wuzhen. Come out quickly and let us have a drink together.”

Hu Yifan's phone call, since the last time the two of them got drunk, I don't know what nonsense I talked to Hu Ling when I went back drunk. His sister doesn't force him to learn about the company anymore, but she doesn't bother to care about him, so Hu Yifan went to the basketball team again. His dream is to become a basketball superstar.

“A Zhao said that he called you many times, but you didn’t pick up Brother Sui and went straight to my house.”

Jiang Sui held the phone, turned on the speakerphone, and looked through the phone. There were indeed a few missed calls. He didn't have time to look at them, so he looked through them. There were quite a lot of missed calls, but none of them were. The person deep in his heart.

Knowing that Jiang Sui was in a bad mood, Hu Yifan also restrained his voice. He just wanted Jiang Sui to come out and relax. Since the last time he was drunk, he had visited Jiang Sui many times, but he was turned away by the young man every time. Not just busy playing ball.

This time I want to take advantage of Qin Zhao's visit to Wuzhen to get together.

Hearing Jiang Sui press the button on the other end of the phone, he felt relieved, hung up the phone, tilted his head, and looked at the young man sitting on the sofa. A brown top made him look more muscular and muscular, with bronzed skin and a pair of deep eyebrows. His pupils and thin lips were pursed in a half-smile.

If Jiang Sui is the aloof school boy, then the current one is the school bully. Although he is handsome, he looks too cruel. Hu Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Qin Zhao.

“Oh, let’s have a good time today. First we will sing, then we will play ball, and then we will have a meal.”

"How about it?"

With that said, he walked to the sofa and put his arms around Qin Zhao's neck, but was blocked by the young man's arm.

"You guys are really big guys. Where did you get so many mysophobias? That's enough."

  It felt uncomfortable to be looked at coldly by Qin Zhao, so he swayed and retracted his arm.

  "Okay, okay, I won't tell you. It's because you like to be clean, and I don't like to be clean."

When Qin Zhao came to Wuzhen this time, he actually investigated some things and wanted to tell Jiang Sui. He felt that what was said on the phone was not very clear, so he called over without getting through, so he came over directly.

Jiang Sui naturally did not forget what he had learned through Qin Zhao, so he got dressed and went to the appointed place.

It’s just that Qin Zhao didn’t know what happened between Su Qing and Jiang Sui. He just looked at Jiang Sui who walked in and couldn’t help but lean forward and glance back.

“Why, you didn’t bring that girl here so that I could have a look?”

There was a lot of excitement in Jiangcheng's circle. The young master of the Jiang family fell in love with a girl that the young master of the Li family had played with. He was exiled outside.

 Various versions were passed around.

 But with the power of the Jiang family and the Li family, many people dare not offend anyone. The final result is that neither family loses anything.

Hu Yifan patted his forehead and forgot to tell Qin Zhao about Su Qing's affairs, so he took a look and saw that Jiang Sui came in with an expressionless face. He couldn't help but stretched out his leg and kicked Qin Zhao to signal him to stop talking.

 Unexpectedly, Qin Zhao became even more energetic. He took the wine glass in his hand and took a sip.

"What, are you getting into trouble? Isn't it normal for young lovers to get into trouble? Besides, something like that happened to her."

He couldn't help but raise his eyes and glanced at Jiang Sui. With the passing of half a year, the young man's once immature face could vaguely be seen as a mature outline. Qin Zhao could not imagine what Jiang Sui would do if he knew about it.


Hu Yifan stopped in shock, obviously not wanting Qin Zhao to continue. Didn't you see that Jiang Sui's face was livid and ugly?

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, don't say it. Come over and have a drink."

 The power of the school bully, Qin Zhao is greater than that of Hu Yifan and Jiang Sui, and the young man has a sense of maturity that neither of them has.

 “If you find something, tell me.”

This is a tacit understanding between Qin Zhao and Jiang Sui. Jiang Sui, who sat down, met Qin Zhao's eyes without avoiding it.

This is what he has always wanted to take over. He has been begging for it for a long time and tried every possible means to know what happened in Su Qing's past.

Qin Zhao glanced at Jiang Sui, put his arms around the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at him casually.

 “Then listen carefully.”

He was obviously worried that Jiang Sui would not be able to bear the gift, but he still spoke slowly.

"Back then, when Su Qing just went to Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School, there was a classmate who liked Li Zhu. You also know that Li Zhu was the most willing to spend money on girls. The little girl was coaxed into it with just a few words. She was originally a good girl. The student suddenly became a fallen girl.”

Jiang Sui frowned, wondering what this had to do with Su Qing, and couldn't help but look at Qin Zhao. Hu Yifan on the side was also suspicious, but he didn't say much, and just listened intently. He seemed to have some impression in his mind. Interjected.

“That girl, is her name Hu Ruoruan? She seemed to have committed suicide in an off-campus apartment?”

The matter was handled very covertly at that time. In fact, no one knew about it. It was just a life-threatening incident. It is possible that it was magnified by others. But fortunately, it was outside the school, and the final judicial appraisal did say that it was suicide.

So the school did not assume any responsibility. It was just that from that time on, it began to vigorously crack down on the issue of premature love. Therefore, for a time, all schools were very aggressive and determined not to allow premature love.

He knew these things because the girl's last name was the same as his, so he heard about it accidentally.

 “Why are you checking these?”

Hu Yifan looked at Qin Zhao and Jiang Sui in surprise, feeling that this might have something to do with Su Qing.

 Comparatively, both of them related a key piece of information, and Su Qing was also labeled by Li Su.

“Hu Ruoran and Su Qing were at the same table. It is said that the two had a very good relationship at the time and lived in the same dormitory.”

Hu Yifan couldn't help but gasp after hearing this. He always felt that the things involved were not simple.

“At that time, Su Qing once called the police and said that Hu Ruoruan did not commit suicide but committed suicide.”

Sure enough, everyone present couldn't help but pay attention after hearing this.

Although a few of them are school bosses, school bullies, etc., at this age, they have never heard of anything related to human life.

 The three people who realized that something was unusual had very serious expressions.

 (End of this chapter)

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