She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 893: Deliveryman

Qingu first learned about the delivery procedures, and the female supervisor took the time to pass her an electronic map of the community distribution and traffic routes of Zixu.

In fact, delivery is just a little money, and the deliveryman is required not only to have good physical strength, but also to be fast enough so that the goods can be delivered to the destination within the time limit required by the customer.

The supervisor is a middle-aged woman in her forties, named Zhuang Yu, dressed in professional attire, very capable.

After Zhuang Yu interviewed Qin Gu, she asked Qin Gu to familiarize herself with the business process and the rules and regulations of the delivery staff. She herself kept answering calls and arranging tasks there.

Well, in fact, during the interview with Qingu, he never stopped business arrangements.

Some people will send the entrusted items to the transfer center, and some need to pick up the items directly for delivery.

Therefore, some courier brothers will go to the center to hand in tasks and pick up the items, and some will receive the tasks from the supervisor on the way and then directly complete them.

Soon, the existing courier brothers were all arranged, and another old man in his sixties or seventies came, carrying a food box-style item, which is actually a food box.

Zhuang Yu greeted enthusiastically: "Oh, Uncle Ke, are you sending food to the children again?"

The man named Uncle Ke had a kind smile on his face, "Hehe, I said it doesn't need to be so troublesome. It's all the old lady. She insists on doing it. No, I will take it and ask you to send it there. I was too late to go out just now... …I wonder if it will work?"

Qin Gu looked at the old man, he was very eager to give his children something, and he pulled his wife out. But looking at the happy look in his eyebrows, I think they must bring good wishes when they make food for the children.

Zhuang Yu was about to say that no one could pull it out now. She saw Qingu who was familiar with the rules and the map next to her, and said to Qingu, "That Chiba, can you help Mr. Ke deliver something?"

After finishing speaking, I quickly added: "The main thing is the food inside, which needs to be delivered before 12 noon. The location is b-23-033 in the West District..."

She was afraid that Qingu would not understand, "b-23-033 is..."

Qingu took her words with a smile, and said briskly: "b-23-033 is in the border area of ​​the West District, and there is still four kilometers away from the station." At the speed of ordinary people, it takes at least half an hour to walk. . And it takes about an hour from the Zixu District on the middle floor to the West District, plus the walking time, if there is a slight delay in the middle, it will take at least an hour and a half for a veteran.

It's already past ten thirty in the morning, so time is tight.

After they said the exact location, Qin Gu immediately found the exact coordinates from the electronic map, and said with confidence: "Director Zhuang, please leave this task to me. I will use my best efforts to complete the task."

Now there are no more people to dispatch. Even if a deliveryman is urgently transferred back, it will be more difficult to deliver at that time if the delay is longer. Mr. Ke's son is on duty there. Only at that time will he temporarily retreat to the rear accommodation area for a short rest. Only at this time can he deliver things to him.

When Mr. Ke on the side saw this, he quickly comforted: "Hehe, that... if it can't be delivered, then forget it, next time we will deliver it earlier..."

Without further ado, Qingu carried a special food box, took a full three-dimensional photo for the certificate, and hurried away.

The round trip fare for this mission requires more than one hundred and sixty points.

When I got on the shuttle bus, Qingu began to adjust his breath and operate the innate qi refining technique, and arrived at the station more than 50 minutes later.

Qin Gu followed the directions of the coordinates.

In fact, the outer defenses are very complicated, and only a small part of them can be accessed by ordinary people. Most places are fortifications built, and outsiders must not go.

Now at 11:40, the only time Qingu can buy is the four kilometers of walking time.

She did her best and finally arrived at her destination in seventeen minutes.

From a distance, I saw a man in his thirties standing on a platform. He noticed the food box in Qingu's hand, and greeted him quickly, smiling heartily: "Hehe, I didn't expect to return It really came. I didn't expect you to be so fast, thank you."

Qin Gu smiled politely, and went over the man to look at the platform behind him. There were several young and middle-aged men who were similar to Mr. Xiao Ke, who were here to wait for the "delivery". They can only wait for a unified site at a unified time.

Qin Gu said: "This is our own business. If you send anything in the future, just ask us."

Mr. Xiao Ke said: "Oh, right, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. I do have something for my parents..."

As he said, he took out a palm-sized alloy box, which had been put on the code lock, "That's it."

Qin Gu said: "I need to ask the supervisor for instructions, please wait a moment."

In fact, this phenomenon of bringing goods by the way is very normal. If you go over the delivery agency, not only can the client save a sum of money, but the remuneration given by the other party will all go to the deliveryman himself, without sharing the platform.

However, Qingu was only on the first day of work, and if such exploits were discovered, they would be credited with credit, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Zhuang Yu received a call from Qingu for instructions, and he was taken aback for a while and said, "...Okay, you can pass the item information..."

For a moment, she said: "This is the price. Let him transfer the money to the intermediate platform first. The other party will sign the money and transfer it to our platform, and your compensation will be automatically transferred to your account. If the target is not completed , Will not only revoke the entrustment and the amount, but also return the goods and the corresponding losses..."

Qingu went through the formalities and returned with this alloy box.

After this trip to the West Zone, Qingu got a rough idea of ​​the layout of the outer defense In other words, even if Fu Ling lives in the East Zone, he can only be in the designated area.

Because Qingu has completed a task, Jingkali has transferred the first remuneration, leaving 22 points after deducting the cost of driving.

In fact, this distance usually only has more than ten points. I think Mr. Ke paid a little extra.

When Qingu delivered the alloy box to Mr. Ke's house, the two elderly people pulled Qingu eagerly and asked how his son was when he received the food box.

Qin Gu didn’t understand the old man’s psychology, and quickly responded, “Mr. Xiao Ke saw your food box from a distance. He was very happy and liked it very much...

The two old people felt sweet in their hearts, and their smiles became brighter. Mr. Ke took the box, his expression darkened, and he couldn't help sighing: "Oh, he worked so hard there, and only a small amount of Shengyuan pills are issued every month, but he still has to give us two useless people..."

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