She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 874: War-(for the LTS 911 Guardian)

However, based on what Qin Gu knew about these batmen just now, they merged perfectly with each other.

It can be seen that this is what they are willing to.

When a demon is strong, you feel that possessing magic power is good for you and you become a demon.

When the devil was defeated, he said he was a human...

The most important thing is that if you don't get it right, that's a bitter trick made by the other party.

Because you see that you can't do it, you just pretend to be pitiful and begging for mercy. Isn't this the most common trick used by the devil? Wasn't all the priests who saw someone possessed by a demon showing a pitiful expression of pity for mercy, and a softhearted one, was killed by the other party?

That's it, I don't bother to argue with these people.

It is impossible to save, let it fend for itself.

Let’s say that after Qingu beat all these swarming bats back to their original form, Naradgu saw the situation not good, and was depressed that these things were wasting a lot of time, energy and magic power to cultivate, planning to use them as a pioneer in the human world. Unexpectedly, a face-to-face would be defeated by this human.

Since it was useless, and the injury on his body was broken because of the formation, he could not be repaired for a long time, so he directly stretched out his hand to the "people" lying on the ground and took pictures.

A person flew in front of it quickly, and Ladgu opened his mouth, and the person in front of him instantly turned into a dried mummy.

Ladgu threw the sucked-up mummies to the ground with a "pop-" sound. The dry corpse was like crispy noodles. When it fell on the ground, it was instantly broken into slag, and then turned into a plume of smoke and dissipated in the air. .

Ladgu used the remaining magic power of these people to repair themselves. If at first these people who were beaten back to the prototype still wanted to blind Qingu, attacking again when the other party was distracted, just like they did to the priests before. Do the same.

They also know that if they are defeated at this moment, the final use of the "master" is exactly this.

I never expected that their pitiful begging for mercy would be useless, even if they finally used the most vicious curse, they would not be moved, and my heart began to truly fear and despair...

Then, their fear became reality.

Losing the role of deceiving and deceiving this human being, their "master" did not hesitate to withdraw the power that had been given to them.

Seeing one by one being sucked up by the "master", their souls dissipated, and the ashes disappeared, the wailing voice suddenly became worse, and the tone of prayer became more sincere than before.

Qingu looked at him coldly, and she liked killing people with a knife.

To be honest, from the bottom of her heart, she really hates such people... The main reason is that no one cares about what you want to become, but you affect the lives and property of others, which is wrong. You think that the devil is stronger and better. If you want to become a demon, then that's good, change if you want. The key is that you have to go out to harm ordinary people, including your relatives and friends, as well as priests who have dedicated your life to them.

You are now like a human being, and Qingu is really embarrassed to do it (isn’t it because this chaotic time and space has blurred the merit value, and the reason is not clear?), now this demon is just doing it, and I am happy to see it. to make.

Although the energy in these people can repair each other's injuries, the effect is very limited.

Qin Gu had just hurt the opponent, and now he can.



At this moment, several dark shadows suddenly rushed out of the darkness and flew directly towards the entrance of the hall.

When I first arrived at the door, I was blocked by an energy barrier, and there was a bang, accompanied by a few screams, a few wisps of smoke, and a few giant bats on the ground.

It seems that there are still a few fish slipping through the net in the dark, planning to take advantage of the fighting here, and want to escape!

Fortunately, Qingu had already set up the barrier long ago, and several giant bats were burned by spiritual power, making hoarse screams.

However, after all, Qingu's spiritual power is limited, and the enchantment power it has laid down is also limited. Just now, these bats were fully prepared to crash into it. Although they themselves were injured, they directly broke the enchantment.

Qin Gu's figure moved and flew to the entrance. Before the bats could react, the psychic ball shot directly into his goal.

I saw these bats' chests were like paper people on fire, burning up, no matter how they screamed or tossed, the burning cavity gradually expanded, and finally the whole body was burned to ashes.

Qingu waved his hand again to place a new energy barrier, and then backhand was a spiritual ball hitting the demon leader who was swallowing human energy there.

The dark shadow of Ladgu drifted away and moved to the other side of the hall like a teleport. He threw the people who hadn't been completely sucked up to the ground with one hand. You can live in peace, you are so strong, I can help you become stronger, and even become the ruler of this world. But you have attacked me again and again. Since you breached the contract first, don't blame me... Ah..."

Radgu avoided another sneak attack by Qin Gu. In his anger, he wanted to say a few ruthless words... In fact, he didn't want to talk with the enemy, he just wanted to use the stall to delay himself for a while. It also takes time to accumulate its dark power.

If it's dealing with ordinary people, you don't need to accumulate energy, but Qingu is not an ordinary person, so ordinary methods have no choice but to use Qingu, and it must have strong dark energy.

However, since Qingu had put on an attitude of immortality from the beginning, how could he be distracted by the other party's words at this time.

The sneak attack just now had the meaning of slamming, and I haven't tried the other side's life gate for a few times just now.

When Radgu started to really mobilize the dark energy, Qin Gu, who had been ready for a long time, hit the spiritual power ball without hesitation.

Radgul suddenly let out a scream, and the dark shadow lingering on his body suddenly became chaotic and disintegrated.

And a small spark appeared in Ladgu's lower abdomen, and countless black qi surged there, trying to extinguish the spark.

That's right, that's the goal of Ladgu, even if only a small psychic ball hits it makes Ladgu very sad.

Ladgu's original handsome face became distorted and ferocious at the moment, like a bloodthirsty beast, howling and rushing towards Qingu.

At the moment, Qin Gu actually formed a battle figure based on the opponent's movement trajectory in his mind.

Qingu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually for this purpose!

Qin Gu's body moved, seeming to avoid it, but he did not choose the most direct direction to avoid, instead he avoided near and far, swept to the entrance of the basement, and at the same time a spiritual force poured out from his palm.

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