She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 871: Hell messenger

Qingu has cultivated in the body of the soul for hundreds of years before he has a spiritual body. It only looks like a human on the surface. In fact, he hasn't completely copied one ten thousandth of the mystery of the body-the road to upgrade is long and long. .

Therefore, this evil spirit has entities in the world, which means that they can formally exist in the human world...

In this way, they will not be suppressed and killed by the laws of this world, coupled with their ability to confuse and control people's minds, and even summon and control part of the magnetic field power, it is is a disaster in this world!

However, Qingu saw that when the bat suddenly rushed out, he was not only afraid of the sun, but also burned by the sun, and felt a little relieved: It seems that the evil spirits have not yet fully resisted the orthodox laws of this world, and there is still room for recovery.

It is precisely because these **** bats are afraid of sunlight that Kaliye built their nests in the basement.

Because if the basement is not specially treated, it must be completely dark inside.

Thinking of this, Qin Gu hurriedly went to the town's grocery store to buy dozens of mirrors.

Mirrors can reflect the sunlight from above to the basement. Although they cannot shine in every corner, they can limit their range of action to a certain extent.

Having a mirror is equivalent to having an extra hole card, so she has to get everything inside before dark.

He had destroyed everything on it, and Kaliye, who had a contract with them, had also died. Otherwise, these **** bats would definitely take advantage of the darkness to come out and harm the people in this hour.

Qingu used his greatest strength and fastest speed to clean up the debris around the upper passage as much as possible, and expand the hole.

From the original one-meter square, it became a circular hole with a diameter of more than two meters.

First, more than a dozen mirrors were placed at the entrance of the cave. Now it is about two o'clock in the afternoon, the sun is shining, and as soon as I want to shine in, I hear a fluttering movement inside.

Then tie the remaining mirrors to your body and walk down the passage.

The light shining on her, reflecting the mixed light, shot into the gloomy and dark basement, and soon caused more violent commotion.

Qin Gu's body is like a moving light source that is scattered, after all, there will always be a few rays of light reflected on her body, and then reflected by the mirror on her body.

The whole basement was in chaos.

Qingu followed the reflection of the light in the mirror and found that the basement was surprisingly large. The space outside was the size of the living room, and there was a door in the corner.

The wooden door was very heavy, and I didn't expect Kaliye to look very old and strong. Can open such a heavy door.

Dealing with demons, the villagers or outsiders who were killed by her were sacrificed to these demons as sacrifices, and she also benefited a lot from it.

For example, the life intake prolonged her own life, and curse, super power.

Therefore, if Qingu hadn't "ruled his body by his own way" at that time, there would have been a fierce battle.

Looking at the dark wooden door, you can think of it without guessing, I am afraid there is something more powerful inside.

Qingu didn't have the urge to rush in immediately to find out. Her principle is-step by step.

Let's clear away the obstacles in front of you.

These ordinary demon bats will be burned by the sun, and Qingu can only solve some of the missing fish.

After about half of it was gone, Qingu got all the outermost demon bats, and then all their corpses were exposed to the sun, turning into wisps of smoke and dissipating in the world.

As long as the basic laws of this world are still there and have not been subverted by the laws of demons, then the power of the laws of this world will still be effective against these demons.

Get rid of the demon bats outside, and Qingu is going to go deeper in the basement.

The inner space couldn't reflect the sunlight in with the mirror. Qingu wrapped the rags around the wood, soaked in kerosene, and made a few torches, lit one of them, and the rest.

The wooden door was pushed open, and a strong icy air current rushed out from inside.

Qin Gu had prepared to avoid it, but the torch went out in an instant.

It was lit again, and appeared in front of him as a deep passage, filled with blood and resentment.

I don't know how many innocent people the old woman sacrificed to the devil!

Qingu carefully explored the front, the ground, the low ceiling, and the stone walls on both sides, such runes appeared from time to time.

Ordinary people look at these runes as runes. Even if they think it may be related to the devil, they don't know how it relates to the devil.

But in Qingu's sight, she could see the energy fluctuations emerging on these runes, and under this layer of extremely weak energy fluctuations, there was a very thin thread connecting them.

And these silk threads form a larger energy magnetic field. Within this energy magnetic field, the basic laws of this hour are separated to the greatest extent, forming the most favorable living space for the **** demon.

In other words, where there are these runes, the devil can move more freely, and at the same time it weakens the life field of ordinary people.

So these runes appear in some places, which are called devil symbols, which means there are demons there, or there is a certain reason why demons will appear there.

Qin Gu carefully retrieved the runes on the ground, walls and ceiling, holding a torch in one hand and a short knife in the other. Regardless of whether these runes were carved on a stone or a wooden board, they were all destroyed.

But this Kaliye is really cunning, some runes are not only carved on the surface of the stone, but on a lower level.

If it weren't for the faint and obscure energy fluctuations, it would be difficult for Qingu to find it.

In any case, step by step steadily and steadily, there will always be no mistakes.

In this way, Qingu cleared the runes on the corridor all the way, but for a few meters away, Qingu walked for more than ten minutes to finish.

A corner appears at the end of the passage, followed by a downward staircase.

There are more runes here, and Qingu still treats it with caution, scraping off all these runes.

Below the passage is a huge hall of about forty to fifty square meters, with a larger rune painted in the center. Even if there is no fire, a faint dark red light flashes.

As soon as Qingu entered the innermost space, there was a low-pressure harsh "hissing" hissing sound, just like a screaming from being pinched in the throat, plus the special band frequency, it felt like a straight stabbing Going into the depths of consciousness makes people feel irritable and fearful for no reason.

Qingu secretly operated the innate qi refining technique to strengthen his will, and his will and judgment would not be affected by these neighs.

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