She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 817: "Do it your own way"

Qingu now understands the reasons for the splitting of the bubbles, and has strengthened his conviction-that these innocent people who have been affected must not be unjustly disaster.

   Although Geng Di and Zeng Wei got in the car, they looked a little dazed and anxious when they saw Qiao Yu, who resolutely left without looking back.

   couldn't help but said, "Xiao Ke, you, wouldn't you really just leave him here?"

   "Yes, the weather here in the wilderness is very strange, so don't worry..."

   Weiwei also couldn't help but said worriedly: "Xiao Ke, did something happen when you were sitting with him just now? He, did he repent with you?"

   In the eyes of a few people, the original owner and Qiao Yu have been sitting quietly on the big rock, insisting on saying that the reason for the two people's "comfort" must be what happened at that time.

   And Weiwei's "repentance" refers to Qiao Yu regrets marriage.

Weiwei has never been optimistic about Qiao Yu. He has always pretended that first love is in his heart. Although the first love is dead, the living does not have to fight with the dead, but the key is that people always keep that person in their hearts, so this woman Xiao Ke What is your friend?

Qin Gu replied casually: "Nothing. Speaking of which we are outsiders here. He has lived in this place for more than ten years. Now that he is going home, what should he worry about? Besides, he said it himself. This is very close to his home. He is an adult. Instead of worrying about him here, we should pray that we can rush back to the county seat today."

  Qingu's words are somewhat different from the original owner's accustomed gentle personality, and both inside and outside the words express the alienation from Qiao Yu.

   But there is no doubt that what she said made everyone worry about Qiao Yu a lot less-yes, this is their hometown, what are they worried about here.

   Zeng Wei saw that Qingu turned the car and drove straight away along the road, without any pause or hesitation... he thought to himself: The two must have been awkward just now.

   It would be terrible if a woman turned her face.

   Even if it’s someone else’s hometown, but seeing the sky is getting dark, just let the boyfriend go alone, without even a word of greetings, concern, or persuasion. It’s really cruel.

   But, having said that, that Qiao Yu is also true. Can't you say something? Everything is hidden in the stomach, and everything is carried by myself...It's still the same as before.

   Zeng Wei said to Qingu irritably, "I have never seen such a cruel woman like you. You don't need to wait for him to care about him. You have to go by yourself, stop the car, and I got off..."

  Qinya wanted to stop the brake and throw this guy down.

   But after another thought, in similar plots, they are all drawn in as cannon fodder for the ghosts of the family.

   And to a large extent, it is also related to the original owner. Since I am currently using the original owner's body, I should also bear the corresponding responsibility-avoidable tragedies must be avoided as much as possible, and the situation that can be restored must be restored with efforts.

   She can understand Zeng Wei's feelings: After all, everyone came out together this time as a group. Even if someone makes a little awkwardness, then can't you just throw others away? And this way, except for a little problem with the car just now, and it got dark earlier, nothing frightening happened. As the person involved in the plot, he doesn't understand that Qin Gu's current practice is too normal.

   Because of this, Qingu said that he would not care about him and drive the car carefully on the road, pay attention to the road conditions, and drive carefully.

   Zeng Wei looked very angry when he saw Qin Gu ignored it, and still yelled, but Geng Di was beside him to persuade him.

   In fact, Geng Di prefers Qingu's choice.

   To put it bluntly, this time he wouldn't drive his car to follow if it wasn't for Wei Wei... Just now when the car suddenly rushed into the nearby woods, something really flashed past.

It was definitely not due to fatigue or vertigo, but when I got out of the car to check, there was nothing, and other people thought he was dazzled...just left a small shadow in his heart, and the big guy just sat down and rested for a while, it was dark Later, this made the shadow in his heart faintly disturbed.

   As for Qiao Yu, to be honest, he really can't understand Qiao Yu's style.

   An image of a high-cold young man, who speaks quietly all day, as if everyone owes him.

   Even if you are about to make a decision, can’t you say it and discuss it together? ...I didn't even say a word, and just froze away while holding my bag.

  Geng Di persuaded him, although Zeng Wei was still muttering in his mouth, he didn't make a noise anymore.

   "Xiao Ke, you really don't plan to persuade him anymore?" When she calmed down, Wei Wei couldn't help but whisper to Qin Gu.

  Qinya answered them with practical actions.

  Leaving here, the most urgent thing is to leave this place of right and wrong, and never let "similar plot" happen.

   There is a wisp of fine sand lingering in Qingu's mind, she now only loads ordinary skills on the original owner.

   To deal with those energy bodies, only the "energy" magnetic field can work, as well as spiritual power.

   But the congenital qi refining technique has no time to practice at all.

   life is in danger, no matter how much hypocrisy and face, leave, leave here to talk!

   But some things are like The plan will never keep up with the changes. Just when Qingu was desperate to leave here, a scream came from behind.

   The harsh screams made everyone's hair stand up, and then they didn't care about Qingu's arrogance, and all three of them told Qingu to stop immediately.

   "Had it, Qiao Yu must have had an accident. Xiao Ke stop quickly, stop..."

   "Did you hear the parking? Why are you so indifferent when something happened to your boyfriend?"

   "Quickly, let's go see what happened..."

   Click, the sound of the lock coming off the lock.

Several people found that the car door could not be opened, especially Zeng Wei, suddenly became angry, and shouted at Qingu: "Zhang Ke, are you doing this too much? You invited us to come together. Now It was your boyfriend who had an accident. Not only did you ignore it, but what did you mean by locking the door? If something happened to your boyfriend, you would be the executioner..."

   Geng Di frowned, while persuading Zeng Wei: "Avi, don't say that, Xiao Ke may also have his own difficulties. There are no big beasts here, maybe just a fall is not necessarily..."

Wei Wei's face was pale at this time. She has been living in the city all the time. How could she have experienced such a thing? When she heard the screams coming from behind, the scared whole person shrank into a ball and screamed. At this moment, his hands and feet were cold, and his body was trembling slightly, and he said in a crying voice: "Xiao, Xiao Ke, you, your boyfriend can't really...what happened? Yes, or let's go and see it?"

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