She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 813: Fickle woman

"You--" Weiwei glanced at the long-haired woman who was leaning against Qiao Yu, trying to refute Zeng Wei, but suddenly felt that this scene made her inexplicably sad.

It was Geng Di. While he held Weiwei to sit on the rock he was resting on, he said to Zeng Wei: "Okay, okay, just say a few words, don't you think the weather has become too fast? Already? It was clear that the sun was shining just now, how long has it passed? The sky is getting dark, and it is really chilly."

  Weiwei heard it differently, and quickly wanted to take off the jacket on her body and return it to the other party, "I'm should wear it...I, I'll just go and sit in the car."

   Geng Di quickly stopped the other person, "I'm not cold, I still have a compassionate shirt inside..."

   Just now the car lost control and crashed into the nearby woods. Fortunately, it was stuck by a tree, but the body was horizontal on the slope.

   The key is that the car can’t start now, nor can it be driven to the flat ground. How can people sit inside?

  ...Just as a few people were sitting on the side of the road to rest and chatting while waiting for the trailer, Zhang Ke, who was sitting next to Qiao Yu just now, suddenly stood up suddenly.

I don’t know what the two of them were talking about before, but Zhang Ke suddenly said loudly to Qiao Yu next to her: "Yes, I regret it. They are right, this place is indeed too unusual, I want to go back. Up."

After finishing talking, she walked directly in the direction of the car, and while walking, she said to several other people: "You feel right, the weather is indeed abnormal today. There are so many strange mountains and wilds. We set off at 8:30 in the morning on high speed. Two hours to the county seat, two hours from the county seat to the fork road, and then we drove for about an hour, plus our current rest time, it is only after three o’clock in the afternoon when we are full. But this is September, even if it rains, The weather can’t be like this. I’m afraid it will get worse if I stay, so we’ll go back now.”

   "Xiao Ke"'s words made everyone stunned, and they all looked at her unexpectedly.

   "Xiao Ke, you..."

   "Ker, you, what's wrong with you? Then, he... how about him?"

   "Xiao Ke..."

   Geng Di, Zeng Wei, Wei Wei looked at Xiao Ke and asked questions.

   And the Qiao Yu who had been immersed in his own world seemed to have finally recovered, turned around, his melancholy gaze fell on Xiao Ke, full of incomprehension, and unspeakable contempt and anger.

   Qiaoyu did not ask like the other three, but all the doubts were written in his eyes.

   And compared to others, there seems to be more disappointment and heartache in his eyes.

   is like saying, "I really read it wrong, I believed you wrong, you deceived me" "It turns out that you are nothing more than that..." Anyway, Qin Gu Nao made up for things like that.

   That's right, at this moment, this originally gentle woman has a soul in her body, Qin Gu.

   Qingu didn't have time to carefully try to figure out Qiaoyu's mood at the moment like the original owner. She tried her best to highlight the situation in front of everyone-in short, the situation here is not good, withdraw!

   Weiwei didn't care about talking to Geng Di, and quickly stood up and trot two steps to keep up with Qingu's footsteps.

  Weiwei didn't know why, as Jing Qingu said just now, that kind of inexplicable tension became more obvious, as if there was some unknown weirdness in the indistinct woods around.

   But she did not forget the purpose of this trip, which is to help her girlfriend untie her boyfriend's knot.

   Therefore, seeing Qingu decisively suspend this operation, even uncharacteristically disregarding Qiao Yu's situation and feelings, she was still a little confused.

   Weiwei thought in her heart, could it be that this guy finally turned to realize the hypocrisy of that man? This is a good thing, but... this change is a bit too sudden.

I saw Weiwei lower his voice beside Xiao Ke's ear, and said with a hint of excitement that could not be suppressed: "Xiao Ke, what's wrong with you? Why are you going back suddenly? Then, you, you don't care about him?... …"

   When she said this, she snarled in Qiao Yu's direction.

  Qingu Chaoweiwei smiled kindly, "You are right, the feelings are mutual, I used to be too wishful thinking."

  Weiwei's mood immediately jumped up when she heard that, her own elm-bumped girlfriend can be regarded as resuscitated, and she is no longer obsessed with a skin.

  When I feel good, all the negative emotions have been swept away just now, and I was about to say something more. I found that Qingu had already walked a few steps, so he chased up and asked questions.

   The place where the few people rested just now was a clearing in the forest on the side of the road. Next to the clearing was a small puddle, only ten or twenty meters away from the road.

   The car was on a **** next to it. It was jammed by a tree and the hood was lifted a bit.

   But the plastic sheath on the front is not broken. The main reason is that Geng Di has actually braked the car, but a little bit of inertia of the **** was stopped by the tree.

Such a small injury would not hurt the car, but it just couldn't start. Qingu decided not to wait for the car repair company to come to the trailer. After all, it might just be waiting here for problems. So check it yourself first.

   And several people in the forest are still puzzled by Qin Gu's reaction just Their conversation has also passed into Qingu and Weiwei's ears.

I only heard Zeng Wei's mockery of "I knew it would happen", and he deliberately raised his voice and said, "Tsk, woman, woman, this turning face is faster than turning the book. I might even tell you the other second. Nong, next second, hehe, maybe..."

   Obviously he said this to Qiao Yu, and also to Qin Gu, who has not yet gone far.

It was Geng Di. He didn’t take Zeng Wei’s words and turned to look at Qiao Yu: "Brother Yu, what shall we do now?" After a pause, he also gave his own advice: "You said that there are two ways to take this dirt road. For more than ten miles, the car can't move, it's better..." Don't come again next time.

   Qiao Yu stood there, his expression more gloomy in the darkening woods, he couldn't tell whether it was anger or resentment.

   He waited for a while before spitting out the precious four words: "You go."

   "You..." Geng Di was kind after all, but he touched a nail without thinking.

   I finally endured it. Zeng Wei also felt that Qiao Yu's temper had always been so stubborn. He glanced at Geng Di and quickly finished the game: "Okay, it's okay, it's okay..."

   When the three men came to the side of the car, they saw that Qin Gu had opened the hood of the car, fiddled with something inside.

   Everyone was a little surprised by Qin Gu's abnormal behavior, but as Zeng Wei said just now, a woman is a very strange creature.

  Who knows what accidentally touched a certain nerve of the other person, and then his personality changed drastically.

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