She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 5: The last layer...

In fact, each universe does not exist completely independently like a balloon, but there will be secondary or superimposed spaces.

   is like there is a circle of secondary space or superimposed space outside the universe of the primary civilization. This belongs to another universe, often a universe like a machine race.

   Their fundamental mission is to isolate, separate civilizations of different levels, so as to avoid the phenomenon of civilization being swallowed up.

   The problem now is that the interstellar civilization that has been isolated and protected intends to connect with the higher-level Protoss civilization, and doesn't know how to get in touch, and opens a portal in the rear when the Protoss is attacking the mechanical race.

   If any of the machine races here face those intermediate interstellar civilizations and easily destroy them, it would be their turn to build a space station and transport those fierce beasts raging.

   But the fact is that the Protoss has controlled most of the mechanical clan's power, and has no time to take care of the rear.

   Therefore, after the small door was opened in the rear, with no soldiers to adjust, the most outdated robots had to be pushed onto the battlefield...

   This is how things are.

   The huge robot in front of him is the supreme commander of the last defense of the sub-plane, R33.

  R33: "How many nuclear bombs are still in that battleship?"

  Qin Gu Tan Tan Shou: "No, I ran out just now."

  R33: "In that case, since your current body cannot be put on the battlefield, why don't you upgrade to R here?"

   The bodies of these robots are really powerful, and upgrading the F level to R is simply desirable.

   But just when she was about to respond, Xiao Z said: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. I just sorted out the battle information again..."

  Qingu listened, and said to R33: "No, although I am relatively small and cannot fight the behemoth head-on, there is still some energy on the spacecraft, which can cause some interference."

   R33 did not force it, but took her to understand the situation in the entire Iron Fort and passed her data information to the other robots.

   In this way, each other can sense each other on the battlefield, and if there is a danger, it can be rescued in time...

   All the robot repairs are repaired, the energy supply is immediately supplied, and it is a busy scene.

   However, the rest here is not over yet, there is an emergency situation outside.

   The giant beast organized a bigger attack.

   I saw a layer of reddish dust rising on the horizon, rolling, like a huge stretch of mountains, rushing towards the iron fort with a tendency to cover the sky and the sun.

   This time the scale of the attack was actually larger than before.

  There are only more than two hundred defensive robots left. It takes four or five robots to contain a giant beast, and more than six to kill it.

   And now these behemoths seem to have come forward without saying anything...

   It seems that this layer of defense is also in danger.

   Just when all the mechanical races did not hesitate to fight to the death, the battleship in between had already rushed out.

   At the same time, a voice came: "Go back to the Iron Fort, and come out later..."

   R33 immediately understood what this little robot wanted to do. The other side wanted to detonate the battleship in a suicide attack, causing shock to the behemoth.

   He wants to call the other party back. After all, a low-level robot makes so many things. As a high-level robot, there is no reason for them to hide behind others.

   It's a pity that the other party didn't care at all, blinking, the warship turned into a small black spot and disappeared into the sky.

   R33 feels extremely complicated and sorrowful, looking at the eager subordinates, he ordered: "Return to the iron fort, stand by—"

   Time passed by one minute after another, probably more than twenty minutes passed, flying at least thousands of miles away at the speed of a battleship.

  Qingu, shuttled among the giant beasts in the dust that covered the sky, and finally reached the middle of them, and then...

  ...Qingu once again retracted his "head" into his "shell" like a tortoise.

   Mind contacted the little spider next to him, alas, it seems that I have an indissoluble bond with this little spider.

   This time, the placement of the energy crystals in the battleship is calculated based on the small Z. Even if the energy is less than the last time the spacecraft was carried, the power of the explosion is not small.

   The giant beast in the center of the explosion directly turned into a piece of meteorite. Although the giant beasts on the outside looked intact on the surface, the inside was shattered by the shock wave.

   fell to the ground like a large mountain...

   The behemoth at the extreme edge also received a certain impact, but it quickly adjusted in shock, and continued to rush towards the iron fort.

   The robots in the iron fort rushed out, and the two sides fought together again.

   Because of the explosion just now, the strength of the giant beast was greatly affected, and the mechanical clan was captured without a single face.

  ... Above the temple, the Supreme God looked very angry, and for this battle, all the star beasts were bet on.

   "Send the Earth Dragon to get rid of the iron fort of the Machine Race. They have nothing to rely on and they will definitely be defeated."

   A giant long dragon covered in golden scales swims out of the white light, and then plunges into the ground.

   Despite Qingu’s suicide attack just now, the battle on the battlefield is still extremely fierce.

Little Z’s voice came: "This is the last layer of defense of the sub-planes. These are the star beasts tamed by the once they break into the mechanical universe, they will destroy the mechanical The system is completely destroyed."

Qingu knew this too well, and she suddenly thought of something: I remembered that I had heard about the existence of this kind of creatures in the mission of "Machine Queen", but they only moved in some remote star regions, and in that mission. In the world, human beings in interstellar civilization even hunt down giant star beasts.

   Since humans can do it, why can’t the machine race be more powerful than they can’t hunt it down?

Little Z said: "This is the food chain. The behemoths of the starry sky can feed on ore, and the bodies of the mechanical race come from the ore, and they are all the essence, so the mechanical race in their eyes is like the human eye. It’s the same as caviar. And the advantage of the mechanical clan is data control and energy supply. The star behemoths have no data at all. As for energy, small amounts of energy are like tickling them, unless they burst out like a nuclear bomb in an instant."

  Qingu still wants to argue that, for example, the machine race can also hunt the behemoths of the starry sky like humans.

   But what she can think of, the machine race must also think of. In fact, these are not starry behemoths in the strict sense, but a mutant race that has been domesticated by the Protoss, and it exists to conquer the mechanical race.

   The spacecraft was gone in the explosion just now, and Qingu's F-class mechanical body was gone, and now there was only one little spider left.

  Qingu asked: "Little Z, what else can we do now?"

   Those lasers can burn away some of the body tissues like hard ore on the behemoths of the starry sky, without causing fatal damage.

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