She Has a Space-Time House

Vol 9 Chapter 1: I am a little spider

That's right, this metal hand is Qingu's "body" now.

In other words, since entering this mechanical clan world, Qingu has used his two-foot space to avoid the crisis of extinction many times.

Up to now, she still only has this hand, um, fortunately there is another hand.

The metal hand moved slightly in between, confirming that the control was as usual, and after the function was perfect, another small square box appeared on it out of thin air.

The index finger of the metal hand bends upwards, a welding probe stretches out, sneer-with a flash of electric light, Qingu fixed the square box on the back of his hand.

This square box is the energy core and the original master control center, which is equivalent to the source.

Now it is just for the convenience of action. After fixing the source, a few fingers crawled quickly and quickly reached the edge of the workbench.

There is another transparent shield in front, and the interstellar humans are cautious enough, even in the face of a few pieces of debris.

If only the laser energy on Qingu's own fingers, even the inner isolation cover could not be broken.

Of course, the inner isolation cover mainly defends against violent impact, while the outer isolation cover protects against various energy waves and magnetic field interference.

Just outside the isolation enclosure on this floor is the console, and above it is the control buttons that control the entire research room.

Qin Gu used her golden index finger again to draw a circle on the isolation hood in front of him, just enough for the metal hand to climb over and press one of the control buttons.

As the button was activated, the isolation covers behind him opened one after another, and the metal hand climbed to the side of the fixed manipulator again.

Because the manipulator is fixed on the workbench, although there is a certain amount of expansion and movement space, the base cannot move, and the energy it needs comes from the base, so it cannot leave.

In that case, Qin Gu could only drag the metal equipment that could be used around him, and let the manipulator reassemble a body for himself.

That's right, these manipulators are now controlled by Xiao Z.

Qingu is still a little nervous until now. After all, the interstellar human protection is so tight, there are detectors and monitors everywhere, even if those people leave, the detectors must be working, and there must be someone watching intently behind the monitoring screen... What should I do if I find it?

She also knew very well that if she were discovered, the other party would have rushed in long ago, and she would even have to destroy her at the expense of the entire research room.

But until now, there has been no response, there is only one result-Xiao Z invaded the other party's system, covering the real-time monitoring data!

Thinking of the super data of Little Z is amazing, otherwise I really don't know how to get out.

Soon, several manipulators on the workbench used existing materials to make a new body for Qingu.

Qin Gu glanced at it, could it be so like a spider.

The whole spider is only as big as a palm, and a few slender metal feet support a flat body, just to put Yuan in.

Qingu's consciousness re-entered a new body, and all the data gathered in the control center, very freely.

She tried to move her new body, um, except for her strength a little weaker, but her agility improved a lot.

Ran two laps around the workbench—whoop, so fast.

Qin Gu is very satisfied with her new body, small and agile. Each metal foot is covered with tiny hooks and electromagnetic chucks, which can easily attach her body to any place, such as a dome.

Moreover, these tiny mechanical feet also have a laser emitting function, which is good for fighting and fleeing.

I am afraid that only Xiao Z, a powerful intellectual brain, can make use of the existing conditions to create such an exquisite little mechanical spider.

Qingu easily jumped from the workbench to the ground, and then quickly climbed towards the door...When it was about to arrive, the door opened automatically...Then no matter where Qingu climbed, the obstacles in front were automatically avoided.

A voice rang in Qingu's consciousness: "Go to the Destroyer Battleship..."

A map appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the flashing red dot was the battleship Xiao Z helped her mark.

Qin Gu realized that Xiao Z probably has control of the entire space station now. This is the rhythm of lying down and winning.

Also unambiguous, he shook a few small legs quickly and climbed toward the Destroyer Battleship.

Along the way, all the hatches opened in front of her, and the mechanical tools working on both sides controlled the hatches of other interstellar humans.

Soon, Qin Gu arrived at the battleship, and Qin Gu slid up the ladder.

Little Z anxiously sent an idea: "Just enter a mechanical body..."

The little spider slid into the nearest mechanical body...Qingu felt that the brief thoughts sent by Xiao Z were anxious, and said in his heart, all of this was controlled by Xiao Z. Could it be the other party’s data support? Can’t help, or is there not enough energy?

So she quickly converted the merit value in her account into energy and passed it to the other party.

As soon as Qingu entered the mechanical body, he felt that something was wrong—this mechanical body looked like the body of the mechanical race, and the metal material contained dark gold.

Except for the lack of independent consciousness, in terms of structure and materials, they are exactly the same.

——Because ordinary carbon-based life forms and ordinary metal machine tools cannot get close to the heart of the universe of the machine clan and steal the key of the universe.

Of course the machine race can, but for the machine race, apart from destroying them, the interstellar humans cannot instigate them, let alone control them for their own use.

Therefore, the interstellar humans extracted some of the robot debris collected on the battlefield to make these robots.

After Qingu climbed in, he extended his control line and directly took over the body.

The energy that Qingu imparts to Little Z is transformed from merit, and can be directly used for body repair.

Little Z has always known that this shopkeeper is very down-to-earth and trustworthy, and will give him a portion of energy in proportion to each task.

I thought it was because the other party sensed the anxiety in his own tone and thought it was a lack of energy, so he didn't hesitate to transfer part of his merit to him.

Little Z felt very hot in his heart, but his current problem was not because of running out of energy, but because the data he just shielded the space station was noticed by the other party.

It doesn't matter. Little Z's data carries life force, and it is not at the same level as ordinary data streams. If you want to invade the other party's system, it is like a powerful practitioner breaking into the baby's room.

But the problem is that the other layer of the space station's system is not on the same layer. If it was in the heyday of Xiao Z, he could barely break through the opponent's firewall, but with his current ability, he could only control the space station's database.

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