She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 531: cause of disaster

Chapter 531 Disaster arises

The Yun family is one of the top five families in the empire. Although it has declined compared with more than ten years ago, its heritage is comparable to that of ordinary families.

 The reason why the Yun family suddenly weakened in strength within a few years and was squeezed out of the ranks of the five major families has always been a topic that everyone talks about in private.

  No one knows the specific secret, but there have been rumors that it is related to the secrets of the Yun family.

Although there are many speculations about this from the outside world, the attitude of the Yun family has always been ambiguous, so these rumors can only be rumors and have not been confirmed.

“Mom, is that person telling the truth?”

On the second floor of the Yun family villa, Yun Rong turned around in the mirror. The embellishments on the skirt of her haute couture dress reflected the sparkling light as she moved. A touch of satisfaction flashed in her eyes, and a slightly pale face appeared on her face. Make a smile.

 The frailty and morbid aura that used to be present in his body has been alleviated, and he now looks like a healthy normal person.

Behind her, Yun Yin nodded with satisfaction, stepped forward to hold her arm, and said, "Don't worry, your father and grandfather have confirmed that he is indeed capable of curing you."

 “That’s really great.”

Yun Rong's face burst into indescribable joy, but she couldn't help coughing because she was so excited.

Upon seeing this, Yun Yin quickly patted her back and said distressedly: "Rong'er, don't get excited, it will be very uncomfortable."

"Ahem...Mom, I'm fine. Ahem, I'm so happy."

 From the time she can remember, she has been suffering from ailments all over her body and has never had a complete childhood. Fortunately, she still has the opportunity to have a good life.

Yun Rong looked at himself in the mirror and showed a perfect smile, which implied morbidity and madness.

 She has been suffering from the disease for so long, she almost collapsed!

Yun Yin comforted her gently, but there was a hint of sternness in her tone unknowingly: "Don't worry, my daughter, as long as we do one thing for him according to our personal words, he will help you get that Damn this girl’s heart…”

  She believed that that person had this ability and that no one else was suitable for this except him.


Downstairs, the number of guests in the living room gradually increased, and the scene became lively and noisy. Everyone wore a perfect smile and socialized among the people, making it a happy scene.

Today is Mr. Yun’s birthday party. As the protagonist, he appeared in everyone’s sight early, leading the head of the Yun family to talk everywhere. People around him kept coming up to congratulate him on his birthday, and he responded with a smile, his face beaming with joy. I couldn't hide my smile at all.

At this moment, someone in the crowd shouted: "Hey, Mr. Li and Mr. Qi are here!"

After saying this, the atmosphere fell silent for a moment, and everyone's eyes turned to the door in unison.

Mr. Yun's eyes flashed imperceptibly, and then he immediately showed an expression of excitement and joy, pushed aside the crowd, and walked quickly towards the door.

 “Old man! You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

 He enthusiastically went up to shake hands with the two old men, his tone unable to conceal his excitement.

Mr. Li and Mr. Qi also had smiles on their faces. The three of them seemed to have met again as close friends who had not seen each other for a long time. It was impossible to express the excitement and excitement at that moment.

 “Old Yun, long time no see.” Mr. Li sighed.

Mr. Qi also said: "Yes, it has been a long time. If it goes any longer, I'm afraid I will never see you again."

Mr. Yun rolled his eyes at him and said, "That's what I said. I see you are in good health. Don't say bad words!"

“Hahaha, yes, it’s your birthday today, and I’m the one who ruined the scenery.”

“Stop standing here and have a drink with me.”

The three of them were chatting and laughing. Mr. Yun took them aside and poured them a cup of tea.

 After sitting down, he realized that Mr. Li and Mr. Qi were followed by Qi Sijin, Qi Mowei, Li Muye, and an unknown girl.

 His eyes touched He Yao and he paused and asked, "Who is this..."

Seeing that he noticed her, He Yao introduced herself politely: "Hello, Grandpa Yun. My name is He Yao. I came to your birthday banquet uninvited. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

As she spoke, she bowed slightly.

Mr. Qi introduced with a smile: "Girl He lives at my place now. She is my half-granddaughter." Mr. Yun understood and looked at He Yao calmly.

I have always heard that the Qi family has a child bride who has never been seen before. She is the fiancée of Qi Anyan, the eldest son of the Qi family. Now it seems that she should be her.

Before he could finish thinking, several other people also greeted him one after another.

Li Muye: "Happy birthday, Mr. Yun."

Qi Sijin smiled and said, "Grandpa Yun, happy birthday."

Qi Mowei also followed him and said: "Grandpa Yun, happy birthday, I wish you blessings like the East Sea."

"Okay, okay, they are all good children." Mr. Yun was elated when he heard this, and he was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

He said: "Don't be restrained here. Go and have fun. Your grandpa and I still want to have a good chat."

A few people nodded obediently, turned and left, blending into the lively crowd.

Where no one saw him, He Yao quietly slid next to Qi Sijin and whispered: "Fourth brother, I always feel something is wrong."

 Qi Sijin narrowed his eyes, looked slightly solemn, and hummed.

He also felt a little strange.

Since the Yun family was kicked out of the five major families, they have never interacted with the Li family and the Qi family. How could they suddenly be invited to Mr. Yun's birthday party this time, and even ask the two old men to attend by name? ?

Qi Sijin lowered his head and thought. The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. He glanced at the three people chatting happily over there.

Although it was not visible on the surface, Qi Sijin, who knew his old man very well, knew that he was perfunctory with Mr. Yun, and presumably Mr. Li was doing the same.

A flash of dark light flashed across Qi Sijin's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Third brother, go inform the boss."

 He always has a bad feeling.


He Yao nodded when he heard this, quietly avoided the crowd, found a secret corner, took out his mobile phone and started to contact Li Jiu.

 However, it was already too late.

Just when she was about to send the message, something unexpected happened.

The glass surrounding the living room suddenly burst, and a group of masked men forced their way in, pointing guns at the guests. At the same time, shattered glass fragments flew everywhere. In an instant, ear-piercing screams pierced the night sky, and the scene suddenly erupted. into chaos.

Qi Sijin and He Yao were shocked at the same time, and their hearts trembled.

not good!

The next second, the two of them seemed to have thought of something, and moved their bodies in unison, running towards the two old men at a speed beyond ordinary people.

 However, it was too late.

Amid the panic, no one noticed that in the corner, Mr. Yun slowly raised the corners of his lips, revealing an expectedly sinister smile.

He looked at Mr. Li and Mr. Qi, whose expressions suddenly changed, and sneered coldly in his heart.


The sound of gunshots resounded, and the air seemed to be stagnant at that moment.

Everyone was pressed the pause button instantly.

 “No one is allowed to move!”

  Okay, the next plot won’t be any more superficial, and it can’t be any more superficial. After all, it’s going to be the main plot. (╥﹏╥).



 (End of this chapter)

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