She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 470: Mr. Li knows something

Chapter 470 Mr. Li knows something

Li Jiu held the phone tightly, her eyes dark and unclear.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door. Qi Jingci knocked twice symbolically and then pushed the door open directly.

As soon as she entered the door, she was seen sitting on the bed holding her cell phone, her expression looking a little gloomy.

 “Still thinking about tonight?”

Li Jiu nodded thoughtfully.

Qi Jingci walked over, sat next to her, stretched out his arms to pull her into his arms, rested his chin on the top of her hair, and whispered, "Don't be too sad."

Li Jiu was hugged by him, so she changed her position slightly uncomfortably, hugged his waist from behind, and said in a low voice: "I'm not sad, I just can't figure it out."

There were too many unbelievable twists and turns in it. She couldn't figure it out at the moment, and she got into trouble, so she showed that she couldn't accept it.

Qi Jingci patted her back gently and said in a gentle tone: "It's okay, I'll think about it with you."

Hearing his extraordinarily soft tone, Li Jiu raised her eyebrows slightly and raised her head in his arms, quite surprised, "Aren't you going to settle the score with me?"

  She was referring to the fact that she hid his identity as MZboss.

From Qi Jingci’s expression before, he definitely wanted to settle the score, but now his attitude has nothing to do with these four words.

Qi Jingci smiled, hooked her chin with his fingers, and said, "My Jiujiu is so sad, how can she bear to settle the score?"

 It is true that the sugar content is excessive.

Li Jiu curled her lips imperceptibly, but was quickly suppressed.

She sighed and expressed her thoughts to Qi Jingci, "I have indeed not known who my biological father has been since I was a child. I think Dean Liu's report is true."

Qi Jingci stroked the top of her hair, rubbed it comfortingly, and said, "So Jiujiu is indeed Mr. Li's granddaughter, are you happy?"

When Li Jiu confessed her plan to him, there was a moment of loneliness in her eyes. He thought it was because she felt guilty for pretending to be Mr. Li's granddaughter.

Now she has really transformed and become the legitimate daughter of the Li family, which is indeed worthy of happiness.

But Li Jiu is not in the mood to think about this now.

She looked up at Qi Jingci and asked, "You should know more about the Li family than I do. What do you know?"

The Qi family and the Li family are the two top wealthy families in Imperial Capital. Although the two old men usually dislike each other, the relationship between the two families is particularly good.

 So, he should know a lot of things.

Unexpectedly, Qi Jingci shook his head, "I was not in the imperial capital at the time, so I don't know much."

 If this was not the case, why would he go to Zhong Qing to investigate.

Li Jiu frowned: "Not in the Imperial Capital?"

"Well...for some reasons, I was taken back to my hometown to live there for a few years."

 In fact, he was taken away by Zhong Qing and thrown into the deep mountains and forests for training.

However, he can't tell the truth to Li Jiu yet.

“What about Grandpa Qi?” Li Jiu continued to ask.

He doesn’t know, Mr. Qi should know better, right?

 “I asked just now and he said...”

Li Jiu: "What did you say?"

Qi Jingci told her everything Mr. Qi said on the phone just now.

"The old man also said that the strange thing about that year was that the bodies of you and Wen Wen were found, and the robbers were missing. The police searched for them to no avail. I originally thought that the Li family would not give up until they found those people, but only one day later , Mr. Li suddenly spoke personally and canceled the investigation. "

At that time, everyone, including Mr. Qi, was shocked. They did not expect that Mr. Li would let those people go.

 Li Chen had not yet gotten over the grief of losing his wife and daughter. When he learned about Mr. Li's decision, he almost fell out on the spot. This was also one of the reasons why he left home and traveled around the world alone. For this reason, Mr. Qi even came to the door in person to ask what was going on, but Mr. Li didn't open his mouth anyway.

“You mean, grandpa is likely to know something?”

Qi Jingci nodded.

Li Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtful.

While she was deep in thought, Qi Jingci realized that the ends of her hair had not been dried yet, and the towel was hung around her neck, and most of it was soaked by the dripping water, making her look uncomfortable.

Qi Jingci sighed and reached out to take off the towel. Li Jiu's body temperature was still on it, and his fingers were burned unexpectedly.

 Suddenly there was no towel, and the white back of her neck was exposed to the air. Li Jiu felt uncomfortable for a moment.

 She turned around and said, "What are you doing?"

Qi Jingci sat sideways behind her and wiped her hair gently, with a bit of reproach in his tone: "I didn't dry my hair. Didn't I tell you that this is bad for the body?"

Li Jiu was thinking carefully about what he just said, but his clear thoughts were suddenly interrupted, leaving him speechless for a moment.

 “Why are you so verbose because you’re an old woman?”

Qi Jingci smiled slightly: "I'm just nagging you."

Li Jiu was speechless immediately, so she had to bow her head obediently and let him wipe her hair.

“Tell me, if grandpa really knew something, why did he cancel the pursuit?”

Li Jiu was puzzled: "Since we all know the clues, why don't we just follow the clues?"

 Mr. Li is definitely not a soft-hearted person to have such fame and power today.

Behind her, Qi Jingci's deep voice sounded in her ears: "The most likely reason is that he knows who did it, but he doesn't dare to investigate further."

 And it is definitely not an ordinary force that can make Mr. Li fear such a thing.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed and she agreed with his statement: "Yes, grandpa may be worried that if the investigation continues, it will endanger his family and lead to wider implication."


A dark color flashed across Li Jiu's eyes.

 Could it be... related to people with superpowers?

She remembered that her master once said that her mother was one of the strongest superpowers in the association. She completed almost 100% of the tasks she took on, and her talents and abilities were extremely strong.

 But because of this, she also attracted many enemies and powerful enemies.

 It was very possible that the mother's enemies came to seek revenge and faked robbers to kidnap them. In the end, for some unknown reason, they were left on the scene where they were burned to death, but in fact, they secretly took the mother and her away.

 Thinking about it this way, it makes sense easily.

 However, there are still several doubts.

 What happened after she and her mother were taken away, and what did Mr. Li know.

Li Jiu was not worried about the former, but it was the latter that made her look a little solemn.

Although their superpowers usually hide their identities, there are still some special ordinary people who know their identities. These ordinary people are usually celebrities with status and status, so that they can protect the superpowers disguised as ordinary people in normal times. provide help.

 They call these ordinary people, collaborators.

 Collaborators provide conveniences to people with special abilities in their areas of expertise, and people with special abilities will also reciprocate by helping them with small favors within the scope of their abilities.

 Mutual benefits and seamless cooperation.

  Mr. Li happened to perfectly meet the conditions of a collaborator.

  Everyone, please keep following up and subscribe~



 (End of this chapter)

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