She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 464: You are Li Chen’s daughter!

Chapter 464 You are Li Chen’s daughter!

 But no matter what, what Ning Feng said is true.

Her current condition is unstable, so she can only wear this to be safer.

However, in the end, Bai Muyou still disliked the appearance of the bracelet so much that he turned it into smart hidden mode so that no one could see it.

Ning Feng also agreed with this. After all, there were quite a few people with superpowers in the imperial capital. This bracelet was too conspicuous to wear, so it would draw less attention if it was hidden.

In this way, Bai Muyou once again escaped from the Shura field where Bai Yuxiu stripped off his vest.


the other side.

Li Jiu looked at Xu Su's bloodless face and chuckled. The smile did not reach his eyes. His eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, but they were frightening for no reason.

Even though her expression did not change at all, everyone could clearly feel that the air pressure around Li Jiu was very low, which was terrifying for a moment.

Qi Jingci frowned imperceptibly, and his originally casual expression became a little more serious.


Li Jiu savored these two words carefully, her tone inexplicable.

 “Oh, you really dare to say that.”

Those who know her well know that the angrier she is, the calmer she tends to be.

At this moment, the smile on Li Jiu's face gradually deepened, but the strength in her hands made Xu Su feel that she wanted to strangle herself to death.

"Did I... say something wrong... You are just a bastard... You are not qualified... to interfere in the Li family's affairs."

Xu Su could no longer breathe, but she still refused to give in and cursed viciously.

At this moment, before Li Jiu could react, the surroundings suddenly became silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the person coming slowly behind Li Jiu.

Immediately afterwards, an old but energetic voice sounded: "Girl Li, of course she is qualified to interfere in the Li family's affairs!"

Li Jiu paused, then let go of Xu Su, frowning and looking behind him.

Xu Su fell to the ground and kept coughing. She covered her neck with her hands, her eyes were horrified, and her face was full of the expression of surviving a disaster.

At this time, no one paid attention to her, and everyone's eyes were focused on something.

 Dean Liu appeared in their field of vision with several assistants in white coats.

 The moment he appeared, he immediately gave Mr. Li a look that only two people could understand.

Mr. Li's tense face relaxed, but soon showed a complicated and happy expression.

He pursed his lips, holding back the ecstasy and excitement in his heart and looked at Li Jiu, his hands trembling slightly.



Although he had doubts for a long time, the moment he was confirmed, his mood changed a thousand times, with mixed emotions.

 It turns out...Xiaojiu is really his granddaughter!

Dean Liu walked up to them, coughed slightly, and said to Xu Su who was on the ground in a miserable state: "Mrs. Xu, did you just say that Girl Li is a bastard?"

Xu Su sneered hoarsely: "Isn't it?"

 Dean Liu: “I may disappoint you.”

He cleared his throat, looked around at everyone, and slowly opened his lips and said: "Girl Li is indeed Old Man Li's granddaughter."

The surroundings were silent for a moment.

 One second…

 Two seconds…

 Three seconds…

 Everyone was so shocked that they could not recover.

Including Li Jiu, everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Dean Liu, with all kinds of surprise and disbelief in their eyes.

 Tonight’s reversal was so magical.

 They really can’t bear it.


Bai Muyou was so shocked that he accidentally knocked over a champagne glass.

 The sound instantly attracted some attention.

She apologized hurriedly, but her face looked like she was in shock.

 It’s not her fault.

 Because at this moment, everyone’s expressions and movements are stiff. They have only one thought in their mind.

 —Come and strike them to death with lightning!

Xu Su was the first to break the silence. She opened her eyes wide and subconsciously retorted: "...This is impossible. She just admitted that she has nothing to do with the Li family!"

Xu Su pointed at Li Jiu and also attracted everyone's attention.

Yes, Li Jiu just admitted personally that he is not Li Hong's illegitimate daughter?

 What's going on now?

Dean Liu is a well-known master of traditional Chinese medicine, and he has always been well-known even though he has retired for many years.

The guests present tonight are all the top celebrities in Imperial Capital. They have all dealt with him and naturally know that it is impossible for him to make such a joke on such an occasion.

Li Jiu was also confused. A moment of astonishment flashed across his face, and he asked in disbelief: "What are you talking about?"

 How could she be from the Li family?

She calmed herself down and forced herself to calm down, feeling a little ridiculous in her heart.

“Dean Liu, are you kidding me?”

Dean Liu pursed his lips and looked at her and asked, "Girl, do I look like someone who can make such a joke?"

Li Jiu frowned and looked at him uncertainly.

 “I am not Li Hong’s daughter.” She emphasized.

 Dean Liu sighed: "I know."

 He took out a report from his briefcase and showed it to everyone.

“She is indeed not Li Hong’s daughter, but—”

Dean Liu took a deep breath and said clearly and clearly: "After my determination, the DNA similarity between Li Jiu and Li Chen is 99%, and they are a biological father-daughter relationship."

 A bang.

 It was like thunder exploding in my ears.

Li Jiu's head was buzzing, his expression changed, and he took a step back.

What is he saying?

 What on earth is he talking about? !

 How could she be...

Li Jiu stiffly turned his head to look at Li Chen, and found that the latter was also frozen in place as if struck by lightning.

Li Muye stared at the report in Dean Liu's hand as if he had seen a ghost.

This is impossible!

Li Jiu stumbled a bit. Because he was wearing high heels tonight, he almost lost his balance.

Qi Jingci's pupils suddenly shrank, his expression was tense for a moment, and he immediately stepped forward to catch her.


Li Jiu managed to keep calm: "I, I'm fine."

She stood up straight with Qi Jingci's arm, pursed her lips, looked at Dean Liu solemnly, and said coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

 She pointed at Li Chen, "I have no relationship with the Li family at all, how could I be his daughter?"

Li Chen's shoulders couldn't help but tremble slightly at this time. His previous calmness and calmness were long gone, and his face was bloodless. He spoke every word, and even his voice was trembling and full of shock: "...Uncle Liu, how could this happen? "

If Li Jiu is his daughter, wouldn't it be...Xiao Xi? !

Aware of this, Li Chen also staggered, as if his whole body had been drained of energy.

It was Li Muye who helped him from behind and supported his body.

Dean Liu sighed helplessly, he knew this would be the case.

"When I met Li Yatou for the first time, I thought she looked too much like Awen. Later, I heard that she was Li Hong's daughter, so I reluctantly gave up my doubts."

“But later, the more I thought about it, the more something was wrong, so I compared her blood sample with the blood sample Awen left in the laboratory, and found that the similarity was very high, and the two people are most likely to be related to mother and daughter.”

Dean Liu paused and raised his eyes to observe the expressions of the two people.

Li Chen’s face was completely pale.

He continued: "I took the report to Lao Li, and happened to hear that Li Yatou took the initiative to confess to him that she was not Li Hong's daughter, which made me even more suspicious. After discussing with Lao Li, we decided to Li Yatou will do a paternity test with you."

 He shook the thing in his hand.

“The identification results didn’t come out until just now.”

I saw a little cutie mentioned that the plot setting in the article is inconsistent with the previous one. It may be because my outline has been revised. I will check for loopholes after the completion. If you think it affects the reading experience, you can also tell me in the comment area. Me, I will change it as much as possible



 (End of this chapter)

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