She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 453: Almost vomiting blood due to anger

Chapter 453 Nearly got angry and vomited blood

There was silence all around, but Bai Ye, who was in the center of everyone's attention, was still talking: "We originally had an absolute advantage in the previous bidding with the Li family, but we lost in the end..."

He paused and chuckled: "With all due respect, although MZ in Imperial Capital is just a branch, Ji Huai originally came from the headquarters, and there is a boss in charge, so -"

He turned his gaze to Li Hong, with a bit of coolness and sarcasm, and mocked: "What qualifications does Li have to fight with us for what MZ wants?"

Li Hong's already bloodless face turned even paler.

 Because he had already anticipated what Bai Ye was going to say.

“For this reason, we were ordered by the boss to investigate this matter. Who knew, what we found out would surprise us.”

With a smile on his face, Bai Ye looked at Mr. Li and Li Chen, "I wonder if you two are interested in taking a look?"

 Speaking, he handed over the thing in his hand.

Mr. Li pursed his lips and glanced at him with deep eyes, but said nothing.

Li Chen took it and politely thanked him.

 Before, thanks to the old man, he had investigated the information of the MZ Think Tank in detail.

If MZ is an empire and Li Jiu is the king, then Mr. Bai is the prime minister who holds great power.

 Be good at calculations and plan every step of the way.

  He is an out-and-out smiling tiger.

Especially when he takes something seriously, the smile on his face becomes more obvious.

 Just like now.

  After taking the things and glancing at them roughly, Li Chen took in a breath of cold air as expected.

His face darkened and he looked at Li Hong solemnly: "You are really bold!"

No one knew what he saw, but looking at his face, it was obvious that it was not something good for Li Hong.

At this time, Li Jiu suddenly spoke up, satisfying their curiosity, and gave a summary of what Li Chen had in hand: "Send commercial spies to steal MZ's internal information. Mr. Li, you are very good at this." ah."

Everyone turned their astonished eyes to Li Hong. If they were shocked just now, now they looked at him as if they were looking at an idiot.

  When MZ took root in Imperial Capital, it almost caused a commotion. Almost all groups and companies were in a state of panic.

 After all, MZ is famous, except for SR who can compete with it, who can not panic?

 Maybe the boss of MZ will be in a good mood one day and acquire their company.

 But despite such fear, they never thought of joining forces to do anything to MZ.

 Because they know it will not help.

MZ is famous abroad, and all the forces that oppose it will end up with the same fate. They don’t have the guts to die.

Unexpectedly, Li Hong's courage was so shocking that he would dare to use such despicable tactics as commercial espionage against MZ.

Li Hong retorted: "I didn't!"

His tone was still strong and determined.

However, Mr. Li heard subtle changes in it.

 He is feeling guilty.

Li Jiu sneered, "The evidence is still here, why don't you give up?"

She raised her hand and the papers flew into the sky.

In the past, the paper was just a piece of paper, but it was blown by the wind the moment it fell. It revealed its sharp side and made a cut on Li Hong's cheek without hesitation.

Small drops of blood seeped out, making his face look hideous and terrifying.

Li Hong has a tough mouth. No matter what she says, she still insists: "Did I say it? You slandered me."

Hearing this, Bai Ye chuckled slowly: "Our MZ boss has nothing to do to slander you, the president of the Li family."

After speaking, he couldn't hold it in anymore and snorted coldly: "Are you free?" There was silence around him.

If Li Jiu's identity had not been revealed just now and Li Hong had slandered him one by one, they might still have believed it.

 But now, I can’t believe a single punctuation mark.

 Because, given the absolute advantage in strength, his excuses are simply ridiculous.

MZ’s behind-the-scenes boss handles over 100 million orders every day, so he has time to spend time slandering Li Hong?

 What a joke!

However, Li Jiu didn't react at all to his desperate struggle. He just raised his eyelids and said calmly: "Since you refuse to admit it, then you have no choice but to testify."

 After speaking, she glanced at Bai Ye.

 The latter understood, took out his mobile phone and sent a message.

Everyone was puzzled, but after a few minutes, they all opened their eyes wide.

It’s no wonder that they still showed shocked expressions after enduring a series of shocking events tonight, because no one expected that Mr. Lancer, a member of the MZ think tank, would suddenly appear with Shan Mingxi.

Li Hongcuo looked at Shan Mingxi in surprise and blurted out in confusion: "Why are you here?"

Shan Mingxi shrugged, "I don't know, someone asked me to be a witness."

 After speaking, he didn’t care about Li Hong’s face and looked directly at Li Jiu, “You think so, sister?”


 This word fell and successfully stunned everyone again.

 Wait a minute, isn’t Shan Mingxi Li’s newly appointed vice president?

 How come it is related to Li Jiu?

Everyone recalled that Li Hong had just led him to show off to the people around him with a proud expression, and the expressions on their faces became complicated and strange.

 The most complicated person is undoubtedly Li Hong.

He took a deep breath and almost stuck it out.

Who would have thought that the person who is closest to and trusted in daily life would actually be an undercover agent?


Li Hong looked at Shan Mingxi with splitting eyes, wishing he could tear him to pieces on the spot.

Shan Mingxi clicked her tongue, took half a step back, hid behind Li Jiu, and asked, "Sister, he won't bite me, right?"

Li Jiu replied calmly: "No, he is being suppressed."

Shan Mingxi felt relieved, patted the non-existent dust on his body, walked out from behind Li Jiu, smiled at Mr. Li and everyone, and said: "I can testify that Li Hong did bribe MZ insiders, and he He also bribed senior MZ personnel more than once, and I was one of them.”

Li Hong: "What do you have to be proud of! You have also been bribed by me. You and I are in the same group. If I are exposed, you will not feel better!"

He had the idea of ​​breaking the jar, but to his surprise, Shan Mingxi didn't care at all. Instead, he paralyzed his hands and looked extremely relaxed.

“All my actions are carried out under the instruction of my sister, the boss of MZ, and the transaction with you is just to collect evidence.”

Shan Mingxi showed a playful smile to Li Hong and explained to him kindly: "To put it simply, I am an undercover agent."

Li Hong almost bled out of anger at him.

As everyone watched, they actually felt a sense of sympathy for Li Hong.

  It was them, when the Li family was in danger, they finally found a life-saving straw, but in the end they found that this life-saving straw was actually released by their sworn enemy.

Who should be left alone and not be vomited to death?

Even Mr. Li, whose heart capacity was still good, couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, feeling that he needed a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

This girl is really capable of tossing things around.

However, Li Jiu obviously went through more than this. She asked Shan Mingxi to stand behind her first, looked at Li Hong with a smile, and said slowly: "This is the first crime, Father, and there will be two more. Do you want to listen?"

 (End of this chapter)

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