She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 450: Of course I'm going to slap you

Chapter 450: Of course I’m going to slap you

 He probably understood what Li Jiu was thinking.

I was indeed frightened just now, but at this age, I have seen many big scenes, and my mental endurance is relatively strong. I calmed down after digesting it for a while.

 On one side is Li Jiu and on the other side is Li Hong.

The two of them are still nominally father and daughter, but they are causing trouble like this in public. As the head of the Li family, he can no longer sit idly by and ignore it at this moment.

 He needs to make a clear statement.

Mr. Li sighed, slowly stepped forward, and stood in the sight of everyone, letting eyes from all directions look at him.

When Li Hong saw him coming forward, he thought he couldn't stand the fact that his own son was being slandered like this, so he stood up to make the decision for him.

 However, before he could be happy, Mr. Li's next words completely changed his expression.

Mr. Li asked in a low voice: "A Hong, let me ask you, have you done what Xiaojiu just said?"

Li Hong opened his eyes in disbelief, "Dad?"

 His emotions gradually became uncontrollable, and his chest heaved violently.

"Of course I didn't do it! Why don't you believe me?! I am your son!"

Mr. Li closed his eyes and no longer looked at him, but at Li Jiu.

“Xiaojiu, you said he did those things, can you provide evidence?”

Perhaps the charges listed by the police officer just now were too unspeakable, and Mr. Li slurred the pronunciation of the words.

The tone of his questioning did not sound like a sharp questioning, but was very calm, like a judge who was about to hear a case.

 Everyone was surprised.

Is it possible that Mr. Li wants to understand this matter on the spot?

 Is he really cruel enough to be fair?

 On one side is his biological son, and on the other side is his beloved granddaughter.

 It would be difficult to choose between them.

What's more, his granddaughter and the police broke into her son's drinking party to report him for breaking the law. When word spread, he was laughed at in the imperial capital's upper class.

 No matter how it ends, the Li family is destined to become a laughing stock.

 The person who caused all this was the illegitimate daughter whom he always doted on.

 But now it seems that Mr. Li is not only not angry, but also wants to clean up the mess for her.

 That's right, in their opinion, Mr. Li's move was biased towards Li Jiu.

Li Hong thought the same way.

“Dad, what do you mean?! Do you want to stand on her side?”

Li Hong roared with excitement, even more excited than when he saw Li Jiu just now.

 “Why?! I am your son!”

He desperately wanted to get rid of his shackles and went to Mr. Li to seek justice, but he couldn't get his wish.

The police behind him held him competently and never relaxed their grip.

Li Hong was anxious, "Let me go!"

At this moment, Xu Su and Li Yun, who learned everything about the incident from their assistant, also rushed over.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Li Hong being controlled by two policemen and unable to move at all.

Xu Su suddenly turned pale, and quickly rushed towards the two policemen, trying to rescue Li Hong.

 “You guys let go of my husband!”

 However, women are inherently weaker than men, not to mention that they were two well-trained police officers. Not only did Xu Su fail, he almost fell down. Fortunately, Li Yun had quick hands and eyes to catch him.

Li Yun has calmed down a lot now, but looking at the scene in front of him, his heart still skipped a beat and he panicked.

what to do? What to do now?

Although she complained a lot about Li Hong, he was still her father after all, and everything she owned was given to her by him. What would she do if something happened to Li Hong?

Thinking of this, her eyes suddenly turned vicious, and she glared at Li Jiu gloomily.

"Sister, what are you doing? How can you do this! Dad, he is also your father!"

When Xu Su heard this, her panic suddenly found an outlet. She stood up and pointed at Li Jiu tremblingly. She completely ignored the upbringing of a socialite lady and cursed like a shrew.

"Li Jiu! You bitch! Are you crazy? That's your father!"

 After she said these words, many people's expressions changed.

Especially Qi Jingci, his handsome face suddenly darkened, the overwhelming aura around him was no longer suppressed, and his dangerous tone was as if it had been tempered by ice, making people feel chilled all over his body, "What did you say?"

Xu Su couldn't bear his momentum, and her face immediately turned pale, her body staggered uncontrollably, and she almost fell to the ground.

Mr. Li also turned cold and scolded in a deep voice: "Keep your mouth clean. Isn't that embarrassing enough?"

At this moment, she realized that Mr. Li's face was so gloomy that he could drip water. He trembled all over and immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to say anything.

Li Yun stabilized Xu Su's body, frowned and said aggrievedly: "Grandpa, don't talk about mom, she is also anxious and worried about dad."

She blinked her eyes, her eyes instantly filled with heat, and her voice sounded like she was crying: "Grandpa, please save dad. There is no way he would do those things. It must be, it must be his sister who slandered him."

Seeing her sudden change of expression, Li Jiu raised his eyebrows playfully and chuckled, "Oh? Then tell me, what reasons do I have to slander him?"

Li Yun's hand holding Xu Su tightened suddenly. He already hated Li Jiu deeply in his heart, but there was no trace of it on his face.

With tears in the corners of her eyes, she said in a weeping voice: "You hate dad. You hate him for favoring me no matter what he does. He doesn't take you, an illegitimate daughter, into consideration at all."

Li Yun sobbed and said intermittently: "But, sister, you are just an illegitimate daughter. Even if your father wants to love you, he also has to think about the reputation of the Li family--"

 Before I finished speaking, all the rest of the words were stuck in my throat.

Li Yun suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were filled with panic. The tears in the corners of his eyes were hanging there, which was extremely funny.

 Because, Li Jiu appeared in front of her at some point, less than half a meter away from her, looking straight at her with his clear eyes, which made her breath tight.

Seeing that she stopped her performance, Li Jiu's lips curled up slightly, "What's wrong? Keep talking?"

Ke Liyun seemed to be frozen, frozen there without moving, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were full of fear.

 When did she come to her?

  I didn’t even notice it at all.

Li Jiu had a smile on his lips, casually watching the change in her expression, and slowly said amidst the shocked gazes around her: "You know? I have always wanted to do something from the first time I came to Li's house and saw you. Thing, do you know what it is?”

Li Yun's thoughts were in a mess, and he couldn't think at all. He could only follow her words: "What?"

 The next second, Li Jiu raised his hand and slapped her mercilessly.

 The force is extremely strong and there is no restraint.


 The loud and clear slap hit everyone's hearts.

 There was a deathly silence all around.

 In the atmosphere where one could hear the drop of a needle, Li Jiu's whispering words were particularly clear.

 “Of course, I’ll whip you.”

   Yesterday's update was not satisfactory. I have corrected it. You can reload it and take a look. There are two updates today.



 (End of this chapter)

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