She Always Loves To Sleep

Chapter 124: everyone involved

  Chapter 124 Everyone involved

[Mistress: Oh, by the way, the mother and son disappeared after Lin Yan kicked them out. Even I couldn't find their whereabouts. They were probably solved by someone. ]

 As for who is the person to solve them, it is self-evident.

Li Jiu thought to himself.

   [Xiaosan: Boss, do you know him? ]

    九: Don’t know. ]

 It can be said that they have never even heard of it, and they are two people who cannot be beaten with eight poles.

  [Xiao San: That’s strange. Since you don’t know each other, why did he open a few accounts to blackmail you when he had nothing to do? Is your brain sick? ]

Li Jiu felt that Lin Yan was not mentally ill.

He was not the person behind the scenes she was looking for, he was just a gun being manipulated.

  IX: Mistress, please check the people Lin Yan has had contact with abroad. ]

Having followed Li Jiu for so many years, how could she not know what she meant?

   [Xiao San: Boss, do you think there is someone behind Lin Yan? ]

    九:Hmm. ]

             :Okay, I understand. ]

Li Jiu took back her cell phone, sat on the bed, and looked at the floor in front of her with a somewhat relaxed expression.

  Use this to soothe your tense nerves.

 Two years.

 She has been in Imperial Capital for two years.

 She has been in this strange place for two years.

 Although having Mr. Li here made her feel a touch of warmth of family affection.

 But I’m not from here, so I’m still a little unaccustomed to it.

 She has lived here alone for two years, and now she finally has some insights.

 It would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

 Although she knew that this was not even close to what she wanted.

 But at least there is a beginning.

Mr. Li suddenly asked her to get engaged to Qi Jingci. Only a fool would think there was nothing fishy about it.

She just checked it out and found that what Mr. Li wanted to do coincided with her to some extent.

How should I say it?

 It takes no effort at all to get it.

Since the purpose is consistent, she will cooperate to complete the scene.

 Maybe we can get more clues, why not?


Li Jiu squinted his eyes, a little startled.

 She didn’t know if Mr. Li was related to what happened back then.

 She didn’t check.

 Even if she had the strength, she did not check it.

 Because, during the two years she has been in the Li family, Mr. Li has been really good to her.

 She really longed for this warmth.

 Although she is not his granddaughter, even her identity is forged.

If Mr. Li was really involved in what happened back then. she…

Li Jiu stood up suddenly, his eyes darkened, and his breath gradually became dangerous.

 Her eyes were half-closed, as if she was deep in thought.

 After a long time, a weak sneer came from the silent room.

Li Jiu's lips curved into a mocking smile, feeling that she might be useless.

 When did she actually have such a thing as emotion?

 Attachment, even covetousness.

 These are not things she should have.

Some things, once you touch them, will be everywhere like maggots attached to your bones, eventually defeating you.

 Hence, she must stay away from these.

Only in this way can you truly be regarded as invulnerable.

 Everything she has experienced in the past has told her this truth unforgettable.

 She has always had these engraved in her mind.

 But in just two years, she actually had a tendency to forget.

Li Jiu laughed at himself.

 It has really entered the pension mode.

  Put away all your indifference and coolness subconsciously.

  Pretending to be an illegitimate daughter who poses no threat to others ended up being such a disguise that even she herself was trapped.

How good does this acting have to be?

Li Jiu twisted her wrist, walked to the balcony, and looked at the blue sky outside with an indifferent expression.

I kept warning myself in my heart.

 Don't care about these feelings that don't belong to you.

 None of these belong to you.

Li Jiu stared into the distance. At this moment, there was no expression on her face, and her delicate peach blossom eyes were like a pool of stagnant water with no ripples.

The aura around his body was fierce and fierce, carrying a fierce pressure that made people surrender.

 The whole figure looks like a beast that is dormant in the dark, just waiting for an opportunity to bite out the enemy's throat.

 Dangerous and mysterious.

If Mr. Li is really inseparable from that incident, then she...will definitely not be lenient!

 Because, that is her reverse scale!

 Everyone involved in that incident must pay the price!

 Suddenly, Li Jiu's expression faded, his aura calmed down, and he returned to his usual lazy look.

 (End of this chapter)

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