"Hahaha, it seems you have come into contact with him before, and suffered a lot."

Rayleigh looked at their faces and laughed out loud.

"He is that kind of person, always doing things that are unexpected. You will probably still deal with him in the future."

""I don't think so."

Nami said subconsciously.

She wanted to say that Buggy was just a small pirate in the East China Sea.

But then she thought about what Rayleigh had just said, that Buggy had been on the ship of the Pirate King.

"I always feel that this person will appear in an unexpected place."

Nami couldn't help but sigh.

In a sense, Buggy is indeed a difficult person.

"By the way, Uncle Rayleigh, what is OnePiece?"

Usopp suddenly thought of something and asked.

Zoro and Sanji's face darkened, but they did not stop him. There was only one person who could stop Usopp from asking questions.

"Don't ask, Usopp."

Luffy interrupted Usopp with a calm but domineering voice.

"But, Luffy."

Usopp wanted to say something, but when he saw Luffy's determined eyes, he suddenly couldn't say anything.

"I don't need to know the result of the voyage. The unknown in the voyage, the freedom and dream I pursue, I will find the answers myself."

Luffy looked serious, his voice was calm and not loud.

But everyone present clearly felt his unique will to pursue freedom.

"I know, you don't need to tell me, Uncle Rayleigh, actually I just got a strange disease that will kill me if I hear secret news."

Usopp quickly made a joke to get rid of this matter.

As a veteran who joined the Straw Hat Pirates very early, Usopp actually always understood Luffy's will.

But today in front of Pluto Rayleigh, facing the information of the great treasure that was only one step away, he was shocked and a little lost his mind, but he came back to his senses immediately.

The ultimate dream of their group is not just OPEPIECE.

They gathered because of Luffy, and everyone has their own unique dream in this voyage.

Along the way, it is no longer a simple great treasure that can be summarized and pursued.

"This is something that only Luffy can say."

Sanji couldn't help but smile as expected.

Although their captain was usually careless and unreliable, he always made people feel extremely reliable at critical moments.

Around Sanji

, Zoro, Nami and the others also had expected expressions.

However, Robin still had a tangled expression on her face.

Finally, she stood up.

"Mr. Rayleigh, you know the history of this world that has been hidden for a hundred years, right?"

Robin asked. She was usually too calm, but now she was obviously expectant and nervous, and her body was even shaking slightly.

"Robin."Nami was the closest, looking at her worriedly.

The hidden history of a hundred years was also related to the final island.

But unlike Usopp, no one in the Straw Hat Pirates had the right to interrupt Robin's question.

Because what she was carrying was much heavier than everyone present.

The will of thousands of scholars in O'Hara was carried by Robin. What a heavy bond.

The bar in Shaqi fell into silence. Rayleigh stood up and lowered his head slightly. His glasses were covered with a layer of light under the refraction of the sun, making it difficult to see his expression.

After a moment, Rayleigh's sighing voice sounded.

"Ah, we know all the history, all the history of this world, we know it"�

"We copied all the historical texts and sent them to the final island.

"But, little girl of O'Hara, it's too early now. Even if you know, you are powerless to change it, just like we were at the beginning."

"So, why not go to the final island with your own strength and see the lost 100 years of history and the truth of this world with your own eyes?"

"By that time, the conclusions you draw may not be the same as ours."

After a silence,

Robin let out a long breath:"I know."

Although he didn't get the answer he really wanted, it was enough.

The heavy atmosphere disappeared.

Rayleigh also pushed open the door of the bar and said:"I have almost prepared the coating tools. I will drive your ship to a hidden place. The coating will take about three days. During these three days, you can have fun on this island."

"After entering the new world, you may not have such a leisurely time."

"Playing on the island? I'm afraid there's no chance."

Nami was originally in a good mood, but when she heard Rayleigh say this, she sighed.

"Oh? What happened? Speaking of which, I just came back from the auction and there was something wrong with the navy's behavior. Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know."

Luffy crossed his arms and tilted his head and answered,"It seems that it became like this after I beat up a Celestial Dragon."

"No need to pretend, you are the culprit."

Nami slapped Luffy's head.

Luffy's words made Rayleigh, who was experienced, stunned for a moment.

It was Miss Xia Qi's laughter that broke the silence.

"Hahaha, little Monkey, I kind of admire you."

"You guys are really a bit like me. Whenever we go to a place, there will be a big incident."

Rayleigh couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"But you won't have a good time in the next three days. Find a place to hide immediately. The general is not a character that can be easily dismissed."

"That's true, haha." Luffy still had a carefree smile on his face.

Zoro and Sanji also looked calm.

However, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper were holding their heads, looking a little nervous..

"Kemi, Xiaoba, you two shouldn't go.

Xia Qi said,"You two are not strong enough."


Xiao Ba was a little disappointed, but he didn't say anything.

With his strength, he would be a burden if he went there, and this island was too unfriendly to fishmen and mermaids.

"Don't worry, Hachi. We'll be waiting for you to take us to Fishman Island in three days."

Luffy comforted Hachi, then pushed open the door of the bar and laughed,"The great escape has begun. It's really fun, everyone."

Luffy left as if he was playing around, without any sense of tension.

Instead, Shaqi and Rayleigh looked at their backs with serious eyes.

"Do you think Xiao Mengqi and the others can escape the pursuit of the generals?" Xia Qi said, holding a lady's cigarette with her fingers.

"It's very difficult." Rayleigh's smile faded:"The admirals are all monsters, they are not so easy to deal with. Although Luffy has awakened the Conqueror's Haki, the gap is still too big. It's too early for him to defeat such an opponent."

"However, I will take action at the critical moment, don't worry."

"You are still as reliable as ever, Rayleigh."

Hearing Rayleigh's words, Xia Qi couldn't help but chuckle.

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