Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 97: Where did the enemy come from

"They are coming."

In the hall of the Knights of the Royal Sword, Connor ... or Connor I threw the letterhead on the table, and looked at the dukes with different looks and the uninvited Brandon, and spoke lightly.

There is no unnecessary explanation.

But everyone understands what is going on-or at this time, it is only possible for the emperor to summon all the dukes.

"What direction?" The black-haired wizard raised his head, his expression somewhat surprised: "How many?"

Master Corona, as well as the night watchman of Ebden, did not get the information. From what source did Connold get the news about the Azores?

The next second, the answer is revealed.

"do not know."

Connold, who was slowly seated, leaned his elbows on the table and looked at Loren through the crossed fingers: "This letter ... is a letter received by the Holy Cross Church in Ebden a few days ago The person was too special, and the church immediately dispatched a cavalry to go around the night and sent it to a military camp in West Sakland in the early morning, and then delivered it to me. "

"There is only one sentence in the letter ... they are here."

The Duke looked at each other, but Corona thoughtfully, as if remembering something.

"So, the key is the identity of the sender." Yuli Wiltz reacted first, and looked at Connold with a scorching eye: "This person ... is special?"

Connor nodded heavily and turned his eyes to the dark-haired wizard: "An ... an old friend of the Duke of Loren Turin, a devout believer of the Holy Cross."

"Oh?" Duke Nolan Oder of Arles raised his mouth and glanced at the dark-haired wizard with his right eye: "What's his name?"

"He has already abandoned his identity, and is still the last knight of the sword of oath that the Empire now has."

Corona sighed and took over the topic: "Almost three years ago, this devout knight took a mission from me from the first emperor to the kingdom of Azores to find out."

"Three years ago ?!" Lu Wen broke out, shocked.

"Yes, just three years ago." Corona nodded calmly: "The year the ocean fleet was killed."

The voice fell, and the whole hall returned to silence.

Dukes with different expressions—whether they like the slapstick Sarika or the always calm Uly, including Brandon who has never spoken, the expression is not much stronger than the shocked Lu Wen.

Three years ago ... Could it be said that His Majesty Eckhart II three years ago predicted the situation today? !

This ... even if it is true, it does not make sense-if he had expected it, why should he wait until three years later, and why would he be killed by the Azore elf assassin in his bedroom , Snatch the iron crown? !

Or, these are all part of his plan, even his own death ...

This horrifying thought that once lingered in the mind of the black-haired wizard now appears in everyone's mind at the same time, and is reflected in their faces.

Silent Brandon never said a word, as if this meeting and event had nothing to do with him.

"We have to do something, otherwise this important information will be wasted in vain, and a brave vow knight will make all the efforts in the past three years." Connor said in a deep voice:

"The most important thing ... if you can't keep them out of the country gate, you must fight them inside the country gate."

The black, dark wizard was motionless, looking at Connor's extremely serious expression.

Within the country? No ... the results for Connor and DeSales Royals are far more terrible than that.

Once the invasion of the Azore elves cannot be blocked "outside the country", regardless of whether the opponent's main attack direction is Lotel or Eboden, the next step they will invade is definitely West Sacran-the emperor directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor Territory, and the transportation hub that keeps the Sacrament Empire functioning properly.

By making good use of the important transportation road between the Jewel River and the Empire, the next step, the Azores can completely gather their troops to launch the next offensive against Elleman, East Saklan, and even Poi, while maintaining the siege of the imperial capital. The Grand Duchy can only fall into a passive counterattack, and can no longer gather troops capable of equating with the Azores.

Even more terrible ... Because of the advantages of transportation and range, they can not only divide the army of the Principality easily, but also looting, destroying, and slaughtering ... further weaken the resistance of the Principality until they can only curl up in the castle. Degree of protection.

The best result was that the empire was divided into two, and it was barely able to keep a small part of the southern part of the East Sacrament.

If the war goes to that point, for the empire and for the royal family of DeSalines, it is no different from the demise of the country.

As for whether the Azores can do this ... at this point, at least no one here will doubt whether the Azores can come up with enough strength to compete with the empire, or even stronger.

At this point, Loren could finally understand why Connold would draw Nolan Odd, using the nearly "Brandon-style" method to oppress the Duke to submit to him, and so happily reached a deal with himself.

From beginning to end, he was the only one who did not hide or lie.

Everything ... all for the Sacrament Empire.

For the benefit of DeSalle.

"The enemy will invade at any time, but we can't determine the exact direction and time." Yuli Wiltz frowned, his expression more solemn: "Are there no means of countermeasures?"

"It's not just that, the situation is much more serious than that." Nolan Oder grinned, his expression very playful: "It's not that there is no countermeasure, but that there is no power to counter it!"

"I believe you guys ... almost all experienced one assassination, right? I do n’t know what happened to your family, but Arles was really messed up; there were rebellions and thieves rampant; I cut two uncles last month, Only barely stabilized his own castle and put down the rebellious momentum. "

Sallyka hugged her shoulders and sneered: "Boy is almost the same. There are so many rebels who are not convinced by our Jonah family. If you don't lay them down, the Great Green Sea can't even enter. East Sackland! "

"The situation is better in Ellermand. We are less affected." Yuli looked up and looked at Connor seriously: "But the strength of the troops is scattered, and it takes at least three months to gather together."

"The army of Lothal has been assembled and can be mobilized at any time!"

Lu Wenhao raised his head and slapped on the table with a slap of "Bang!": "Thirty Thousand Armies Assemble the Eagle Fort, and can fight across borders at any time as long as necessary!"

"The 30,000 troops are assembled at Eagle Hunter's Castle. Should your logistics pressure be heavy?" Yuli glanced at him worriedly. "This should be a big burden for Lotel."

"It's okay, it's okay! The harvest in the river valley is good this year, and the food is not a problem for a while!" Lu Wenman waved carelessly:

"Furthermore; even if the food is not enough, there is such a trivial matter with Loren and his joint chamber of commerce ..."

"Cough cough cough cough-!!!!!!"

The dark-haired wizard coughed violently for a while, and finally covered up the second half of his sentence-this guy, Lu Wen ... How can Lotel and Byrne privately negotiate such a thing, how can he speak in front of the emperor? !

"So ... the only ones who can really gather enough troops at the moment are only Sackland, Lotel and Byrne."

Connold, who pretended not to hear, just stared coldly at Loren, who no longer spoke: "The rest ... it will take at least three months."

The princes with different expressions pondered for a long time, and finally nodded in a tacit understanding.

As for Eboden ’s mercenary regiment ... the kind of "all looking at money" army is simply not considered by everyone.

"Now that is the case, then we need to formulate a detailed defense plan to build up enough power for the empire to fight for time, while at the same time preventing the Azores' army from invading the hinterland of the empire."

The expressionless Connord voice was firm and calm: "On the one hand, we need to mobilize enough supplies and be deployed by special personnel to support this war; on the other hand, we also need to tap our respective war potential as soon as possible. "

"As the leader of the Emperor and the Knights of Imperial Swords, I ask all of you here to work together to contribute all your strength to this war, for this ..."


The harsh sound interrupted Emperor Connold's words.

The duke, who was stunned, looked at the source of the sound at the same time-the silent Brandon de Salion had already stood up from his seat.

His Royal Highness ... or the current Crown Prince and Prince of East Sacran ... Looking at Emperor Connold indifferently, his **** eyes are deeply impatient:

"Thirty thousand people of the Eastern Expeditionary Corps are already on their way, and they can reach the Imperial Capital at the latest two months to fight for you and your empire;"

"And before that, I will go to Jufeng Mountain and ask the dragons there for the alliance-if I can come back alive after three months, or complete ... the only thing left is not eaten by the dragons A pile of excrement and bone debris ... you will know that I succeeded. "

"Now ... please allow me to quit first, after all, time does not wait for people, dragons do not wait for others; leave, Your Majesty!"

After talking, Brandon took a deep breath and turned away without a turn, and strode out toward the door.


The majestic and loud words stopped His Royal Highness the "New" Crown Prince who was about to walk out of the gate.

"It's not" My Empire ", it's" Our Empire "." Connor said in a blank expression, gazing meaningfully at Brandon's back:

"Don't forget, you are also the son of Eckhart, and you are also a de Saalion."

Brandon, a slight meal, rushed out of the hall more hurriedly.

The atmosphere becomes more awkward ...

In the silence, Corona, who was always quiet, turned her eyes to the black-haired wizard, and Loren looked a little hairy.

"Cough cough ... Although the exact timing and direction of the enemy's attack is not clear at this moment, the general situation can still be determined." The dark-haired wizard had to stand up daringly and relieve the atmosphere for Brandon's actions:

"The first is the direction of attack-there are only two ports and coasts that can provide large-scale fleet landings along the imperial coastline. One is Ebden and the other is the foggy court of the ancient wood forest ... The rest can only moor fishing boats and small merchant ships Not to worry about. "

"The former is well known to be the most important coastal port of the empire, and it can also connect the important traffic channel of the Jewel River; Ebden itself is also not a large fortress, which is a weak point of attack;"

"Wuyueting is deep in the ancient wood forest. Although it can provide a large number of warships to moor, but want to cross the forest to attack Lotel, the only exit is only the deep forest. It is difficult for the army to launch and launch a full-line attack-it can be said It ’s just one husband, and one ca n’t. ”

"So the easiest way is to gather all the main forces that can be found right now in Ebden to defend against the landing operation of the Azores fleet; then gather a small number of elite and huge reserve troops in the deep forest, and build the entire Earl's leader Form a fortress group and a defensive position with the castle as the core to resist the elves' attacks. "

"Finally ... Although the ocean-going fleet has been annihilated by the whole army, the empire still has a small number of warships and ocean-going ships; you can use them to carry a small number of elite ... such as the giant monster hunters in Arles; Attack, harass their logistics. "

"In this way, it is possible to accomplish His Majesty's basic goal ... to defend the enemy from outside the country."

Clear and accurate characters echoed in the hall.

Yuli Wiltz's expression is solemn, while Lu Wen takes his face for granted;

Sallyka raised her lips and unconsciously straightened her waist and raised her chest; Nolan Oder raised her eyebrows and smiled.

The smiling Corona turned his eyes to Connor, who was expressionless beside him.

Everyone is waiting for the reply from His Majesty the Emperor.

"The only problem ... Eboden." Connor narrowed his eyes and asked coldly: "Eboden's defense system is not enough to resist a large-scale landing raid ~ ~ If I were Azores The elf commander can completely block the city with a small amount of force, and then the remaining main force bypasses your walls and defenses ... if so, what should you do? "

"First of all, Ebden is the city they must capture."

"Secondly, it is impossible for them to block Eboden with very little force-this is a port city and the only port city in the surroundings;" the black-haired wizard shook his head: "As long as one day does not capture Eboden, they Will not be able to make large-scale landings on the imperial border. "

"As for the very few who landed forcibly ... I believe that there is an impenetrable" black wall "of the empire, this kind of problem is not a problem at all."

"That is to say, the army attacking Ebden will be an unprecedentedly large scale, with tens of thousands or even 100,000 possible?" Yuli Wiltz said sternly:

"How can we defend the city with such a force?"

"It's simple." Loren shrugged:

"We can't hold it."

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