Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 73: Shocked

"The chaos of Ebdon, the monsters of the Boundary Mountain, the imperial imperial trial, the centaur war, the cloud peak coup ... coupled with the Azores and the ancient wood forest elves, the empire has really become more and more uneven these years."

"is it?"

"Yeah, many people who have returned from Golovin have said that the troubles that have come out in these years are as much as the sum of the past ten generations."

"So exaggerated?"

"It's not the exaggeration that matters, but almost everything is about Loren."

"Oh, you didn't say I didn't find it, His Royal Highness Brandon de Salion ..."

With a hypocritical and formal smile, in the cathedral's hall, the two of them closed the door and chatted one sentence at a time.

After three years of absence, Brandon is obviously more cunning and tougher than before.

If the previous Brandon encounters such a thing, the first reaction is definitely that there must be a trap in it, and it must be kept far away, so as not to become the "target" of Connor and Crown Vault.

But now ... no matter how you hide it, the dark-haired wizard can see the excited expression in his eyes-that is not lucky to survive the assassination from the assassination, but the smell of **** sharks while sweeping the prey appearance.

Of course, the only constant is that if he goes there, he is enthusiastic about taking risks ... Otherwise, His Royal Highness, who holds the army, appears in the court of a duke, and the result is absolutely disastrous!

Because he realized that the assassination of the Azores was a great opportunity for him.

Once Eckhart II-His noble father, His Majesty-was killed, no ... even if it was just seriously injured, Brandon can reverse the situation and kick Brother Connold from this game if used properly Out.

All he needs is a little strength, a little chaotic situation, a little time.


"Don't you agree?" Looking at the black-haired wizard who was always circled with himself, Brandon held his cheek with a sullen face, and his forehead was drooping with fiery red hair.

"It should be said that this is not the best time." Loren didn't shake his head, but it was equal to the default: "You can see this excellent opportunity, Connor de Salion can also."

"With his wisdom, vision and means, there will be no precautions against this kind of thing?"

Brandon muttered, turning his head to indicate that he did not want to answer this question.

"Second, even if he is not prepared ... only 10,000 troops can be transferred at any time-don't forget, he is still a legal crown prince, and the people who support him in the imperial capital of Golovin still occupy the majority." Loren persuaded helplessly:

"Once the sky dome palace really changes, the first thing that those nobles of the empire thought of was Connold, not your" faceless prince "-what would you think the group of guys holding the city gate key by then? What about the army on one side? "

His Royal Highness rolled his eyes again.

"The Royal Wizard College, the grass-roots trade unions, and several large chambers of commerce at the Imperial Capital are supporting you right now. The Wizarding College does not say much. The remaining two parties are willing to be loyal because they can make a fortune with you; but if you think they will do it for you Sacrificing yourself and betting on your life is really whimsical. "

The embarrassed prince was paralyzed on the chair, tilting his head and sticking out his tongue, as if he were a dead body.

"As for the Grand Duke Würz of Ellerman ... I have dealt with him. If you think he will look at us for Lushen's sake, then take it for granted-in my experience, he will direct us It is more likely to be identified as a rebel army. "

"This time the opportunity looks very attractive, but in fact it is full of traps and difficulties ... it is not good, and you will be buckled with a hat like" complicit with elves ", don't you think it is too much to lose?"

Brandon, who was "dead," motionless, put his hands together on his chest, his face gray.

After speaking for a long time, the dark-haired wizard pouted and picked up the clear water at the table to moisten his throat-since Weber became the bishop of Byrne, no wine could be seen in this cathedral.

The closed door of the cathedral was quiet for five minutes.

In the end, it was still Brandon himself: "... Do you disagree?"

"Yeah." Loren, who looked pale, answered quite decisively this time: "I disagree."

Then why did you just pull the pile of unsuccessful--? ! ! !

Brandon's straight blue temple covered his face with black lines, and he wished he could rush over to strangle the dark-haired wizard with a calm face!

But he also knew that now it was not three years ago ... Loren was no longer a wizard advisor alone, but the famous Duke of Byrne.

The interests of the two people are closely connected, but the actual situation is that they need him more.

What's more, what he said is very reasonable. This plan is very irrational, too bold and too risky, and once a few variables are all lost.

But ... if it's that simple, you will admit your mistakes, and the embarrassing prince is not a shameful prince.

"It's a shame, Duke Baien, who, in his own way, has turned around in the Centaur War and the ancient wood forest negotiations, would be so timid and cautious."

With some kind of teasing and sour tone, Brandon deliberately looked at the dark-haired wizard with a very provocative look: "Really, where did the little wizard who shined in Ebden go? Is it gone? "

Acting aggressively?

Lorin, who raised the corner of his mouth and put the glass down, smiled slightly: "No way, we are just ordinary people, not the protagonist in a novel-walking on the edge of the abyss and not wanting to be swallowed by the abyss, we must be as careful as possible. . "

"Especially ... now we haven't figured out who the enemy is."

The expression of the dark-haired wizard gradually dignified.

Brandon frowned slightly, his bright and flaming eyes flashing doubts: "You mean ..."

"I don't want to be alarmist, but ... the fact is that the threat posed by the kingdom of Azores is absolutely beyond our imagination." Loren looked at Brandon very seriously, his eyes sharp:

"Brandon ... if you think this assassination is just a simple assassination, then you are wrong!"

"Yeah, this is definitely only part of their invasion plan, I know."

With a still unpleasant tone, Brandon shrugged his shoulders: "The assassination on such a large scale is definitely to cause turmoil in the empire and give them an opportunity; I guess within half a year or a few months, Egypt It will probably be outside the port of Boden ... "

"No, you still don't know!"

The dark-haired wizard sighed and interrupted His Royal Highness who wanted to continue.

Brandon ’s idea was similar to that of Loren. The purpose of the enemy raid was nothing more than to weaken, so that during their massive invasion, the empire could not quickly gather enough power to confront them, thereby gaining a strategic advantage.

There is nothing wrong with this, and it is roughly consistent with the intelligence dug out from the mouths of the elf samurai and middle.

The only problem is the size of the invasion.

There are only two directions of invasion-from Eboden to shore, march along the Jewel River all the way to the capital of Golovin; or take down the ancient wood forest and raid the deep forest.

Amidst a misty sea, no matter how much you think about the enemy ’s strength, even if it is calculated by two to three times the Imperial Ocean Fleet, it will be about 30,000 at best; at this point, the siege of Eboden is a little bit. Significantly difficult, not to mention marching into the emperor capital.

So despite being assassinated and almost killed, Brandon still didn't care about the Azores invasion, but regarded them as a rare opportunity.

Under Ebden and even the Imperial City, defeating a powerful force with no less than the empire's strength can win prestige and obtain the empire's recognition than defeating the invasion of monsters in the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain.

But the premise of all this is that the strength of the Azores is really only two or thirty thousand.

"What do you mean?" Brandon's expression was more confused, and he blinked: "You mean ... they have other ways to allow more troops to cross the misty sea and land on the empire's coastline?"

"It can't be done, it must be done."

Loren shook his head and his eyes were meaningful: "For the Azores, the outcome of this war is about the survival of the entire race!"

"So no matter what the outcome or the means ... the Azores will surely create a jaw-dropping miracle that will allow a large army to appear on the border of the empire!"

The heavy voice echoed in the side hall.

Brandon, who finally understood the seriousness of the problem, finally put away the disapproval on his face and became silent.

But he still has many things that he doesn't understand.

"Although I don't know much about Azores, but ... this should be a kingdom comparable to the empire?" He frowned, scratching his head desperately: "How could it be that somehow, it would face the problem of life and death?" "

Confused His Royal Highness looked at the dark-haired wizard, hoping for an answer.

But Loren said nothing, just raised the index finger of his right hand and pointed to the top of his head.

Brandon suddenly.

Boundary Mountain Fortress, Northern Ice Sheet ... Nidhog.

"You mean, the Azore elves also suffered the invasion of evil gods and monsters like the dragon kingdom, and the entire kingdom and even the mainland were destroyed?"

"Natural disasters, monsters, evil spirits, civil war ... are possible." The black-haired wizard nodded slightly, his expression very calm: "But no matter what kind, it can make the Azores feel threatened, and we are probably not How friendly it will be. "

"What's more, the enemy to be confronted by the empire is not only the Azores ... In the north, the last time the evil **** apostle Fawda was slept, he didn't disappear."

"The threats lurking in the icefields will detain Guanjieshan at any time and deter the entire empire."

Brandon lowered his head, silently pensive, his expression tangled.

Even if everything the black-haired wizard said was true, it was still a very difficult choice for him.

Should we seize the opportunity in front of us, or should we remain silent?

"In fact, Brandon ... this Azore invasion is indeed an opportunity for you." Loren said abruptly: "And, it is probably a rare opportunity."

Once in a lifetime?

"When unprecedented enemies appear on the coastline, when the empire is in the midst of life and death; on the ground covered by the iron crown flag lifted by the three-headed dragon, thousands of people are panicked."

"At this time and in this situation, what kind of ruler would they call for?" The dark-haired wizard raised his mouth meaningfully:

"Is a wise, wise, noble and legal monarch who is followed by everyone, a wise monarch who can bring benefits to everyone and keep the empire in a sea of ​​joy?"

"Or to say ... can use unparalleled power, deter the earth's roar, destroy the flames of the world, wipe out all the enemies who have committed crimes, and let the" black wall "of the empire destroy the enemies into scum, pile up their bodies Chengshan, with his head covered with city gates ... "

"... What about the savior?"

Brandon's face changed, and he suddenly froze.

"All the time, Brandon ... you take your greatest talent as the reason you are targeted, that's right." Loren continued with a smile:

"But when this terrible power is needed by everyone ... that's when your chance comes."

"Using this power, you can not only get what you want, but also become the salvation of everyone's attention in this war ..."


With a loud noise, Loren's words came to an abrupt end-the door of the hall was knocked open.

It was Lucien who broke in.

"Master Loren! It's not good ... Your Highness Brandon ?!"

The gray pupil who rushed into the room hurriedly raised his head and was surprised by the second familiar figure in front of him; he suddenly tranced for half a second, and immediately closed the door behind him again with a bang!

If the news that His Highness Brandon appeared in Byrne Cathedral was leaked, that would be all over!

By the time he looked back, the sullen prince had rearranged Yi Rong's dress, his hair covering most of his face, and staring straight at Lusien with only one exposed eye:

"Speak ~ ~ what happened?"

Twitching his throat, the gray pupil first glanced secretly at the dark-haired wizard next to his eyes; after being acquiesced, he put a sigh of relief and took out a letter from his sleeve.

"This is ... information sent from the imperial capital, just sent."

"Imperial capital's information ... Isn't it too much rumors to be sure?" Loren frowned slightly. "Where did it come from, how much credibility?"

"The credibility is 100%, because it was handed over to me by Peter Fassa ... Others are now in the Red Blood Palace, you can ask him in person for a while ... it is best to wait, because he is badly injured.

Who was hurt so badly?

"So ..." Brandon raised his eyebrows in amazement: "Is this inside information for the night watchman's headquarters?"

"Yes, a more accurate statement is absolute first-hand information." The gray pupil nodded, hesitating a moment, or spoke slowly:

"Although ... there may be no‘ night watchman headquarters ’."

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