Shaman from Afar

Vol 5 Chapter 132: Madman's determination

Dalton indifferently attacked again without warning, and the moment the sword was waving, Lucien could already see a transparent wave rushing towards himself!


The moment the parry blocked, the thin figure fell to the ground by inertia, dragged a residual image, and rushed towards Dalton.

He had fought against the evil spirit apostles, and had seen the means of black-haired wizards; clearly wanting to defeat them, he could not give them breathing, the idle time to cast spells.

You can't even have the time to snap your fingers!

The roar of the impact of the original force exploded behind him. The place where he was standing had turned into a pit a moment ago; and the gray pupil had already deceived into Dalton within three steps, and took his right hand straight to face the door.

The motionless wizard's right hand was raised, and the bayonet drove towards Lushen's throat.


The dragon knight's gun in the left hand blocked the sharp edge of the sword with the backhand, and the short sword in the right hand crossed a long arc, just like a fish in the water, "swim" toward the wizard's chest.


In a moment of silence, Lucien felt that the wrists of both hands were suddenly smashed at the same time, and the trajectory of the sword's front was then deflected.


The gray pupil who had no time to retreat twisted his waist, and his thin body rolled clockwise in the air; the sword body of the sword flew across the flying hair tips, bringing a killing intention.

Just as he landed, his ankle seemed to be "smashed" again; Lucien, who lost his balance, almost fell back straight.

Dalton's missed bayonet was almost facing him.

The slender sword body, struck a dazzling fire on the spine of the short sword that was barely parrying, barely missed the fatal blow; with the sound of hunting wind, passing by the ear.


The gray pupil who fell to the ground had no time to worry, before the opponent's attack approached the previous rollover again; while avoiding parry, he did not forget to backhand pretend to attack and stab Dalton's flanks.

Unsurprisingly, this attack was blocked by the opponent again; Lu Sien, who had scalp numbness, could only be sure that the wizard used a "hovering curse", and one in Loren's mouth was "very practical, but always too late" Low-level spells.

Because of its low consumption and emergency effect, it requires the spellcaster ’s full attention to ensure its power and direction ... When the short soldiers meet, it is really tasteless, and Loren is rarely used.

But Dalton Kand ... he used this "chicken rib" low-level spell to kill himself four times in less than a second, hitting his wrist in half a step each time.

This is not like a vowed knight like a raid, but also a routine and anti-routine that a black-haired wizard is best at; it is a precision offensive that is everywhere and from time to time.

For a moment, he felt standing in front of him, not a sorcerer who seemed unwarranted; but a wall, an unbreakable wall!

"The response is flexible."

Dalton's icy words sounded again, still without a touch of emotion: "Adaptability ... very poor!"

The gray pupil was stunned suddenly, the body was subconsciously tense, and the entire set of evasive actions was completed in a moment of stress.

Forehead, armpit, heart, elbow, knee ...

In the storm-like spikes, Lusien jumped up and down like a dance, his body began to dance with the rhythm.

However, this is the dance of death that will kill him at any time!


one day ago……

"Lucien ... an illegitimate child of the Wiltz family?"

Dalton Kander, slightly frowning, glanced at the black-haired wizard: "Do you want a duke's brother, commander of the empire's flag?"

"I couldn't find a more suitable one, um ... Holy Cross testified." Loren shrugged with a chuckle, a very helpless show of hands: "He's been to the Dragon King City, and he stayed alone in the Fortress of Forbidden Mountain for several times In the year, he has confronted all kinds of demons, ghosts, and evil apostles, why do I not use him? "

"Can these be called reasons?" Dalton asked rhetorically: "Do you want someone who knows nothing about the void but only desperately to command a group of demon hunters?"

"Of course, he is a very good commander-he can command at least a thousand people, which is better than me." The black-haired wizard nodded steadily, and then he smiled happily: "As for the various wizards involved Faculty questions ... I have a great Dalton Kander mentor, what's so worried about? "

Answering him was the sneering scorn of the tutor, and the deep hatred of flattering eyes.

"You can test it yourself, and follow the standards of the night watchman." Loren tilted his head and said, very casually: "As long as you guarantee to take a breath, let you toss."

"Frustrate with me." Dalton's gaze was very playful: "Can you give it up?"

"Uh ... almost, he had just been seriously injured."

The dark-haired wizard ripped off the corner of his mouth, and quickly added as if he suddenly thought of something: "Oh, yes! The test can be done, but it is best not to irritate him too much."

"How to say ... Lucien is very good, but sometimes he is also stubborn-he is the type that can kill an enemy by a thousand and lose 800 for the sake of winning ..."


Killing one thousand kills eight hundred?

This is clearly the same style of play!

In the roar of the dagger tearing through the air, at a distance of five steps, Dalton could feel the teenager with the naked upper body on the opposite side, which was like real murderousness.

In other words, it is absolutely impossible for him to actively admit defeat ... even if his sword tip is held against his neck, he can hit it without hesitation in order to win.

With a cold snort, Dalton, who looked a bit irony, took the initiative to dodge backwards, avoiding the attack range of the gray pupil's double swords; the storm-like bayonet swords waved wildly, and the tips of each other's swords continued to blow up the dazzling Mars.

From the moment of the battle, this was Dalton's first active retreat; it seemed that Lusien, who felt a turning point, threw himself up excitedly.

At the moment of close-up, the short sword pierced by the right hand was shot down again; it was expected that the gray pupil turned into a stab, and the sharp blade of the left hand chopped up and down, the target was the wizard's neck and right hand!

Faced with the killing tactics that rushed at the same time, the expressionless Dalton only stepped back a little, avoiding the cross on the neck; the sword spurted up and stabs the armpit of the gray pupil's left hand.

It's only half a step away, so that Lusien is like an abyss!

At the same time as the feint attack was seen, he was completely passive; once he was hit by the sword, he had to abolish at least one arm.

Almost instantaneously, Lusien gritted his elbows and slammed his arm against the back half of the sword; he threw himself out by the inertia of dodge.


Jian Feng is bloodied!

Along the route of his retreat, marks were left on the ground, and the entire left arm was impregnated with red.

With a big gasp, Lushen, who knelt down on the ground with a thump, spent two seconds to wake himself up, his heart beating faster, as if he could already feel that death was approaching.

Struggling as hard as I can, even a cold hair on the other person's body can't touch;

This is really ... how daunting.

Suddenly he looked up, and Lucien's eyes turned grayish blue again; the thin figure flashed, wiping the edge away from the wizard's unpredictable "primitive force impact", and sprang up again ghostly.

He has become different ...

Although it was only a moment, the strong void reaction was absolutely true; more importantly, the momentum in him became different.

Dalton's eyes narrowed into a slit, staring at the figure rushing towards him.

That embarrassed, extremely hasty figure who could succumb to death ...

Although it was only for a moment, Dalton knew that he did not keep his hand; a sword pierced under his arm should have penetrated his temple directly!

But he was actually seen through, and also found a way to fight back.

This is not because the teenager in front of him understood his intention, but his body's instinctive reaction; it was walking on the edge of life and death, and in the mortal fighting, looking for the last line of vitality and "exercise" the subconscious action .

Not actively seeking death, but upstream, seeking survival from death.


Unpredictable "hovering curse", this time hit Luce's forehead ... Even if the enhanced consciousness can quickly make the most reasonable judgment, it does not mean that the body can respond.

The expressionless side of Dalton's figure gave way to the sword of the gray pupil who tried his best;

High-level magic spell, the original impact.


Without warning, the gray pupil's figure flew out again like a shell.

Dalton Kant knew very well that that day, Loren had deliberately diverted the topic and did not answer himself.

He knew what he wanted to say.

Lussien is the illegitimate child of the Wiltz family. There must be the eyes of Grand Duke Wiltz; he was once the youngest head of the flag of the Jiejie Mountain, and he was the confidant of Crown Prince Connold.

People with complicated resumes and complex identities are not credible.

It was not that he had found any evidence. Dalton also believed that someone who would follow Loren to the glacial wilderness to find the Dragon King City because of the oath must be a loyal lunatic.

Betrayal ... Sometimes it does not mean disloyalty; Dalton, who was a former night watchman, understands this truth better than anyone.

Koloren Turin still decided to believe him, and hoped that he would trust him in this way, believing that he would regard this new legion as his own legion to defend, even if he would lose his life.

Yes, just like in Wimpar College, a madman also used a similar method, and proved again and again that he was also loyal to the college.

Looking at the gray pupil with his naked upper body, Dalton vaguely remembered the "apprentice" who almost died with the vampire ...

Then his face became darker.


In the face of the stormy weather of Dalton, the uninterrupted stabs of the angles were tricky, and even Lusien, who lit the serpentine runes, was still struggling and could only fend off.

As long as there is a chance, just once, you can defeat yourself!

The gray pupil who tried his best has gone all out, looking for the only gap in "Jian Yu", and then stepped forward without hesitation.

The long and narrow sword body wiped his neck, but he did not dodge;

A little bit of coldness ripped the tendon of the shoulder, but he didn't look back;

The blood-swept Lucien ran into a stubborn face, rushing to the unbreakable wall in front of him.

Time seemed to be static, he finally found the flaw of Dalton's defense, that is, the range he was attacked ... as long as he crossed this range, he could be bullied within half a step. This short distance is absolutely too late to cast a spell!

The thin figure leaned again, avoiding the fatal blow and completely lost his balance; the gray pupil who finally seized the opportunity hit the Dalton's wrist with a sword, and the sword fell.

Looking at Lucien, who "disarmed" himself, Dalton Kant was expressionless.

He just revealed his right hand, which was always hidden behind him, holding another sharp blade in his hand.

Lucien's eyes widened.

Is that ... bright silver? !

The moment the gray-blue sword flashed, he finally closed his eyes.

Within half a step, it was absolutely too late to dodge ... The one-struck blow he got was a chance to die.


As expected, the pain did not come, and the empty Lusien once again fell straight and fell flat on the ground.


It took five seconds for the gray pupil to react, he was still alive, and he couldn't feel any pain in his body ... he still knew what it was like to be bored by bright silver.

"you win."

Dalton's icy words came from behind, and a broken bayonet was thrown in front of Lucien: "May I gamble to lose, I will respect your opinion ... Ninety-six people, none will be abolished."

The extremely shocked Lucien quickly got up and gasped quickly:


Just a moment ago, if you hit it, 100% of the dead people are yourself ... No, one hundred times is enough to count the scenes before each attack was destroyed!

Why ... suddenly let go of yourself?

The gray pupils are completely incomprehensible. Does this wizard just want to try his own strength and see if he is qualified to be the commander of this army?

Impossible ... Just at that moment of murderousness, he was 100% convinced that Dalton Kant was planning to kill himself!

The expressionless Dalton didn't even bother to explain, slowly turned around and left, and threw a dull gray pupil.

He already has a case ~ ~ a captain who bets his life to defend a group of defeated soldiers;

A lunatic who can sell himself to the evil **** in order to fight the enemy;

A person who is used to fighting in adversity and dying for death;

Such a guy, let him face the most invincible enemy, the mortal danger, with a group of equally fearless death glowing in despair ...

It really fits.

Of course, this group of loyal people who are not afraid of death is not only the little lunatic in front of him, but also ...

Frowning slightly, Dalton raised his right wrist; the position drawn by the sword spine was already blue to purple.

He crossed his hands and clasped his trembling wrist with his left hand. , A trace of annoyance flashed in the corner of his eyes.

… Rusty.

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