Shaman from Afar

Vol 3 Chapter 108: The Will of the Holy 10 (Part 2)

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Late at night, Boundary Mountain Fortress.

The lonely little wizard was lying on the city wall, his delicate face was full of worries, and his sapphire-like eyes looked at the glacier wasteland shrouded in the night.

It has been a month since the two fools left here to find Niederhogg, it is almost a month.

After Connor de Salion led the army north, those guys were completely silent. Of course, Ain was also well aware of the desolate and glacier wasteland that was raging in the snowstorm. difficult.

Sometimes, without the news itself ... it is already the best news.

Gently rubbing the cold, numb little hands, the timid little wizard pulled a very delicate holy cross pendant from his arms-this was when looking for the logistic mountain fortress logistics, that looked particularly "corrupt" "The quartermaster and priest secretly gave her thanks.

Looking at the ancient Sakran inscription above, the sterling silver pendant under the moonlight glowed with a bright "brilliance", and the little wizard bit his lower lip gently, placing the pendant against his forehead.

"I know that I am not a devout believer, but ... My lord, if your radiance can really illuminate us through the darkness, please bless the two brainless idiots."

"Nothing else is needed, as long as they can get them back ... I really, really dare not imagine what a world would be like without Isaac and without Loren."

"Can you hear me ... can you hear me?"

"Please ... whatever it is ... please, let them come back."

"I already ... I don't have many relatives ..."

The little wizard murmured softly, his head slightly bowed, and his thin shoulders were trembling.

"Meow ~" The Moon Shadow cat snuggling beside Ai Yin gently rubbed her ankle, and the twinkling ruby ​​eyes looked at her motionlessly.

"Are you also worrying about them, Merlin (Ariel)?" A smile finally appeared on the little wizard's face, half-squatted down to hold the Moon Shadow Cat in his arms, and gently stroked the silky silky Black hair:

"Don't be afraid, people just think too much, and those two fools won't be in trouble." Ain whispered like a cat or a self-talking voice:

"It was the same in Wimpar, the same in the deep forest, and the ancient wood forest, Ebden ... these guys just like to let others worry about them in vain, but they even have a little bit of consciousness. No."

A faint smile floated on Ayin's face, somehow, just holding Meilin (Ariel) in her arms made her feel warm ... It was like a fool was beside him, laughing lazily. Same as myself.

Really, why did you think about that guy again?

But that was just an illusion, just a sudden imagination ... Only the whistle of a snowstorm came from my ears, and soldiers patrolling the fortress wall with a torch in the distance.

Since the deputy commander of the fortress Ernst Dresis pleased himself, the guards of the northern wall of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, especially the soldiers responsible for night patrols, have been tripled.

All the guards, even the auxiliary soldiers responsible for the logistics, were all gathered. Armed and trained according to the most standard legionary soldiers ’costumes, the few sergeants in the fortress and the veterans who had served for more than five years were temporarily promoted. Centurion, responsible for leading these people with little combat experience.

Even the little wizards and the alchemists who had no chicken power, each got a sword of the legionnaires-although Ayn wanted them to give themselves a bow and arrow.

Arrows, armor, battle halberds, shields, crossbows, catapults, ballistas, pyrotechnics, kerosene ... A variety of large-scale ordnance and supplies were placed on the northern wall of the original solid.

The little wizard is still fresh in his memory. The middle-aged knight named Ernst mobilized 500 barrels of asphalt in one day, and then issued a task of 100 barrels of ignition agent; there is no physical requirement, the only "requirement" "It is to be placed in front of him within a day.

Day after day, in order to maintain high-intensity training and armed, Ernst Dresis was almost squandering the inventory of the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain ... even an alchemist secretly told her that this deputy commander-in-chief There is even a plan to completely block the gate of the fortress with ice water and steel bars.

Of course, he finally gave up.

According to the reason the middle-aged knight told her, it was to ensure the safety during the Northern Expedition of the Prince of Sackland, and to guard against possible monster intrusion.

But the little wizard knew that that was just an excuse ... In the ancient wood forest, in the big tree wall, she had personally seen what a war was like, or what it should be.

Just to resist the thousands of ogres, the elves of the ancient wood forest have tried their best and paid a huge sacrifice in exchange for the final victory ... Then, in the face of the boundary between evil spirits and monsters What about the mountain fortress?

Ernst Dresis is not guarding against the invasion of the monsters in the north, but he is very sure that those monsters are about to invade the north, and tens of thousands of monsters will appear in front of them anytime and anywhere.

"Woo ———————————————— !!!!!!”

The melodious sound of the horn suddenly came from the fortress behind him, stunned the little wizard who was still looking at the glacier wasteland.

And the moment she turned around, she saw a war fortress killed by countless fires!

For a moment, teams of legions of soldiers passed quickly under the walls holding torches; the crossbowmen squatted by the quiver with their quiver, and the engineers controlled the ballista and trebuchet under the command of the officers. The maneuvering machine included ammunition loading; under the fire, the legionnaires of the formation quickly formed a square formation on the playground under the city wall.

There is no expression, no command, no cries of crying and any sound of speaking-only the white fog between the breaths, neat and orderly stepping sounds and the sound of the rotation of the gear machine.

By the time the little wizard had recovered, this huge "war machine" was fully armed, and almost all the towers had flags of iron crowns erected at the top of the tower, hunting in the snowstorm!

For a moment, looking at the expressionless legionnaires, Ain suddenly had an inexplicable sense of security and pride, tightly squeezing the corner of her mouth, a different emotion in her sapphire-like eyes.

This is the northern gate to which the Sacran Empire is proud, and it has never been broken through several monster invasions of the twelfth generation, and it will never stand forever!

The sound of heavy footsteps came, and the heavily armed Ernst Dresis rode on a northern warhorse, holding an iron crown banner high in his hand, and looked dignifiedly at each legionary soldier under the city wall. :

"For twelve generations, since the majesty of Eckhart I, the army in the north has adhered to the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain for a full twelve generations, and has never missed after nine invasions!"

"In the Blood Skull Valley and the Boundary Mountain, on the Helix Peak we have won the **** monsters nine invasions! And tonight we will also fight back them!"

"Now, with your ancestors, the monsters that your parents have killed in front of you are just outside this city wall, on the glacier wasteland in the immediate vicinity."

"In that year ~ ~ I used to fight alongside your fathers under His Majesty Eckhart II, and I still remember their names and appearances."

"Are you going to shame your ancestors, are you going to shame your fathers-I will not agree, and I will never agree, even if there are thousands, we will have to fight to the end."

"This is the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain, and we are the guards of the Boundary Mountain; as many times as they attack, we will break down as many times!"

Ernst pulled out his sword and roared towards the soldiers: "Let them remember that as long as the main peak of the Boundary Mountain has not fallen, as long as there is a soldier standing, as long as there is a flag, they will always It's impossible to cross our city wall !!!!!! "

"Under the radiance of the Holy Cross ..." The middle-aged knight raised the blade in his hand, and responded to the sound of the numerous swords coming out of the sheath and the bow and arrow.

"Tell me, why did you fight?"

"For the glory of Sacran —————— !!!" Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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