Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 171: The Unreal Being Broken (Part 1)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

In all fairness, everything that Mr. Baudelaire said was justified-as one of the princes of the empire, Eboden is of course also a vassal of the empire. It is also the duty of the empire if it is qualified to ask the empire for reinforcement and rebellion, and to maintain the stability and order of the vassal territory within the territory.

But that is only theoretical!

That's right, the situation is now at a point where you can ask the Empire for help; but once the Empire Corps is invited, it is not easy to send it away!

No matter how stupid the nobles of these free councils can see this-the empire will definitely station the entire legion in Ebden, and use the strength of the force to further threaten and interfere in Ebden ’s internal affairs, which is toe Things you can think of at the head.

What will they do next? Receiving Ebden ’s ports and taxes, or simply turning Ebden directly into the royal territory? Will those workshops, shops, markets, and ocean-going fleets all have the title "Royal" directly?

No, no, then, whether the need for a free council exists is a problem!

Not only those noble congressmen, Aalto Bellini also widened his eyes, and stared inconceivably at the Birdler who said this, even if he tried to be calm enough.

The reason why Ebden can have today's situation and status is entirely because it maintains absolute independence in the empire, so as to avoid direct interference from the church and the empire-otherwise why the wizards here are not affected in any way, and even have Transcendental status equal to nobility.

Did they forget this? !

The shocked Aalto will certainly not remember that the person who really set out to break this "balance" and "illusion" is himself; if it were not for him to suddenly go to the Holy Cross Church, the Nine-Mang Star Wizard Tower would not be true Determined to stand with the Corona family and wait for the final judgment of the empire.

Regardless of the outcome, it must be 10,000 times stronger than letting the Holy Cross Church rule Ebden-in the eyes of the empire, the Nine-Mount Star Wizard Tower and the church are his subjects, and the wizards are just changing. The ruler of Ebdon only; but if it is the Holy Cross Church, it is the question of survival and extinction!

The nine-pointed star wizard tower and the wizard of Wimpal are definitely not the same kind of people. They are proud of the nobility. They are definitely dead and cannot accept such harsh conditions!

"It's all planned by you, right, you gang of insidious and deceitful villains!" Finally, Verlo jumped out again and asked aloud: "From the beginning, you are going to skip the free council Betray us, and wait until the Empire Legion comes, and ask for help like a pug! "

Aalto Bellini didn't speak, and the aristocratic parliamentarians who had been excited seemed to foresee the coming destruction, shouting one by one, and spitting at the Baudelaire standing in the center of the meeting place.

"Betray you?"

A mockery flashed on Birdley's face, and he snapped his fingers gently. The mercenaries behind him stepped forward and surrounded the wizard with the crossbow and spear pointing at the "sirs" sitting on the seats. ".

"You, what do you want to do?" The noble parliamentarians were shocked: "This is a free council, but there is a tacit agreement between us!"

"When all the adults included the Holy Cross Church in Eboden, when the wizard tower withdrew from the parliament, our tacit agreement was gone."

Birdley ’s expression was unprecedentedly cold: "Adults, it is time to consider how to survive.

Is it to follow the Holy Cross Church to turn Ebdon into the kingdom of God;

Or is it to maintain our ancient traditions and keep the alliance of knowledge and gold to the next era?

The choice is yours! "

.................. "Why do you have to be so bitter and hatred? Isn't this completely pushing those people to the irreversible opposite and letting them make choices right away? To be honest, it is so compelling The thing I choose is the last thing I want to see! "

Brandon Sally mumbled in confusion, a puzzled innocent look, making the dark-haired wizard sitting opposite him look black and staring at him intently.

It is the red-haired red pupil of the noble boy who helped the veterans of the wizard tower make a determination and tell them an amazing "secret"-the Imperial Corps of 3,000 people has been promoted as early as a month ago You can reach the border of Ebden in one week!

In other words, all of this is planned and premeditated. The legion was not invited by the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower, but came for this Brandon Sally.

Loren is really more and more curious about his identity-from the Prince of Sackland, he has a close relationship with Rout Infinite, and has connections with the Imperial Army ...

"Does he usually do this?"

After glancing at the aristocratic boy who was still complaining, Loren secretly inquired about the knight girl named "Fetterone".

The doll-like Miss Fitroney glanced at him, then nodded slightly-although only for a moment, Loren did read the slightest helplessness from her eyes.

So this is not the first time?

But again, what is the relationship between him and this Miss Fiteroine? lover? Brother? The green plum is still saying ...

"If you are paying attention to Miss Fitroney, for your life's sake, I advise you not to do this." The noble boy who turned his face, his red eyes glowed with unparalleled sincerity:

"Trust me, her horror is impossible for you to see at all-in the beautiful flowers, there are often more than butterflies flying, and there are often fierce steel-toothed tigers in ambush."

"......... you really think too much."

The dark-haired wizard was very convinced that after Brandon had finished speaking, there was indeed a sound of a long sword coming out of his back!

Fitlonai hummed away with his long sword and turned away, still closing the door without forgetting.

"Bang!" There was only two men in the room who were surprised and scared, and stared at the door carefully, as if to watch out for someone who would rush out of the door at any time ... Uh, the steel-toothed tiger.

"Cough cough ..."

Brandon, who was embarrassed, looked back first: "In short, at most two weeks, the legions of the empire will arrive in Ebden-by then everything will be a foregone conclusion, so we must do it before then.

And whether it is the church or the Corona family, they will not wait until that day, let others decide their life and death-so, you have many strong competitors, His Excellency Loren Turin. "

Within two weeks?

"So how long will it take to complete the blood sacrifice?"

"The Corona family did not say that, I guess they may not be sure." The noble boy shrugged his shoulders and replied with a smile: "Of course, it may be that they already know, but only intend to wait until we are finished and tell us."

"Also for the sake of life, I also do not recommend that you go alone. At least you need a few trusted companions-trust me, this time's" mission "and your" expedition "in the ancient wood forest Compared, it will only be more dangerous, not too easy. "

"That's really thank you for your reminder ~ ~ Loren nodded unsmilingly.

"you do not believe?"

"No, it's just that you said exactly what you didn't say."


Just kidding, the civilian area in the south of the city has been completely blocked. There are crazy mobs and homeless people fleeing everywhere. Mutated or about to be mutated monsters, even in the south of the big tree wall, there is no forest where ogres are everywhere. So dangerous!

What's more, in that **** sewer, there are thousands of monsters that have completed mutations-according to Isaac's theory, the longer the mutation, the more complete the mutation and the higher the erosion.

Well, it might not be so vivid, so to explain it in a simple and understandable way, this monster will still evolve!

So now Loren can only pray one thing wholeheartedly-don't care where this holy grail of the nine-pointed star is. Don't be in the sewer! Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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