Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 145: Let the villains kill each other (Part 1)

The dust on his body was wiped away, and Loren, who had walked through the corpses, kicked the door of the cane to help the base camp. The wooden door that had already been crumbling could not bear it for a moment. .

There was also silence in the house.

The gangster thugs and chatter who fell out of the mouth fell to the ground in different directions, with different shapes of death, but basically all were directly wiped off their necks. The messy corpse is almost filled with all places where it can be settled. It doesn't look like it is possible to drop any live mouth at all.

Quiet like a grave.

But this does not mean that no clue will be left. Loren frowned, carefully searched on the blood-stained floor, as far as possible not to miss any abnormality, the dark pupil kept focusing and zooming, trying to What's not quite the same in the blood stains.

The note written to Aalto Bellini was intentional, but he didn't expect it to cause such a violent reaction from the genius alchemist, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

Now that the other party has done this step, they will definitely spare no effort to eliminate themselves, because they will do the same with Loren. If a potential enemy with strong hostility and threat cannot cooperate temporarily, it must be eliminated, otherwise serious scourge will be left behind.

After all, no one wants to have an all-weather dilemma, wholeheartedly trying to kill your enemy, right?

So it must not leave any flaws and opportunities for the enemy, especially ... eh? Raising his eyebrows, Loren noticed what he was doing and crouched down, his expression slightly dignified.

Although all the blood on the floor is not the same, it does not mean that every one is the same. The length of the clotting time will change the color of the blood. Although the fresh blood covered on the original blood will be blurred, there are still traces.

This place at the foot is very obvious, extending forward from the gate position, blocked by several bodies before and after, and then to the stairs, the amount of bleeding is very large-so the conclusion is that a gangster is seriously injured After that, he did not die directly, but struggled for a long time, and after the mercenaries left, they climbed up the second floor all the way.

For a dying person, it takes extremely strong will to do this. He must be very clear that after climbing such a long distance, he definitely has no way to live, but he still has to complete it.

So ... no matter what he wants to do, this person is a potential threat to himself, a time bomb. Frowning, Loren looked at the dead man behind him and walked up the stairs blankly, following the blood stains to the door of a house.

Loren had already guessed who the person in the room was.

Pushing the door open, the dark red blood stains extend to the deepest part of the house, and the scary-faced man named Luca, who has the same name as an elven war dancer, is sitting on the chair that originally belonged to Festno, without a **** breath. Angrily, he held a fine briar pipe in his mouth, and a satisfied smile.

"You are finally here, Master Ain Rand Wizard." The scary face is masculine, and his hoarse voice is somewhat proud: "In order to wait for you to come, I have been up to now."

"Some things must be told to you before I die!"

.................. In the dilapidated wooden house, the head of Verlo Bellini tied to the chair hung on the chest, and the wounded limbs were still twitching slightly.

Edward, the night watchman standing in front of him, embraced his shoulders and looked at this extremely precious captive with a complex expression. His mood was even worse than he expected.

"How is the situation, how much does he know?"

Peter Fasha, who was supposed to have been "hanged", was standing there at the moment, looking at Willo who had passed out, and he was somewhat uneasy: "You are sure he will not wake up suddenly come on?"

"This can be assured, within two quarters of a minute, there is no difference between him and the dead, except for his heartbeat and pulse." Edward replied casually, his gaze still fixed on the mentor of Aalto.

Peter nodded. Edward, who was born in a ditch lane, was the most proficient in interrogation among the rest. Since he made a guarantee, there will be no problem: "Your expression looks a little strange."

"I'm not just a little strange, things are much more serious than you think, even more than any of our imagination!" Indifferent Edward frowned, then sighed helplessly:

"There are two news, one is good and the other bad, which one are you going to listen to first?"


"No, it's fake. We only have one piece of bad news and one piece of worse news, and you won't want to hear any of them."

Edward's tone was very dismal: "First of all, our first priority, it can now be regarded as a failure-for the Isaac Grantham, or any information about the Holy Blood Elixir, this Weirlo instructor You really know nothing, not even the most basic ones!

I also wanted to put some equipment used by Aalto in his mouth, borrowed books, materials needed for the recipe ... but he didn't know anything at all. All these things are handled by Aalto himself, and Weierlo has no power to even ask questions!

Of course, it is also possible that he did not intend to intervene at all. But I even doubt that the entire Bellini family is basically ignorant of the Holy Blood Elixir. Value only. After all, the Bellini family has never been a family famous for wizards! "

"That is to say, if you want to get the potion, you can only grab Alto Bellini himself?" Peter Fasha's expression was extremely ugly: "This is an endless loop!"

Edward nodded aside, agreeing-if you want to get the recipe of the Holy Blood Elixir, you must capture Alto himself; but if this can really be done, why should they toss to the present?

They had tried their best to capture Verlo, and even Peter Fasha himself had to be "dead" and could no longer appear in the Nine-Mounted Star Wizard Tower, which was equivalent to cutting off one of their intelligence sources. !

In comparison, the defense around Aalto must be tighter than that of Verlo, and he must also be more cautious than his mentor. He wants to use a lie or two to lie to him to leave Ebden and the guards around him. Possible things.

"The mission failed. Let Vera prepare them to evacuate from here." Peter's mood is now even worse than that of Edward, and he waved his hand weakly: "The Bellini family must have got the news, and someone will come in a little while. To save Verlo, we must leave as soon as possible, and then go to assist Lord Loren Turin! "

"Before that, there is a second, worse news." Edward's expression is more solemn than before: "It's about the transaction between the Holy Cross Church and the Bellini family."

Peter immediately became nervous.

"It seems that the Bellini family has realized how unpopular they are at the Nine-Man Star Wizard Tower-the wizards can tolerate them because of the wealth of the Bellini family and the mercenary regiments in the city. As long as the Bellini family remains, Ebden can maintain prosperity and stability.

But the Bellini family pursued more than that, so they did intend to form an alliance with Holy Cross. When the new bishop arrives in Ebden, the Bellini family will donate the recipe of the Holy Blood Elixir to the church, and they seem to be preparing to use this agent on a large scale in Ebden ~ ~ Both of them are a win-win situation; the Bellini family will gain great prestige, and the church will establish authority in the hearts of those at the bottom of the people-in Ebden, the headquarters of the wizarding world has re-established the positive image of the church. "

"Well, what ... what are they going to do ?!" Peter was shocked to be speechless: "Here is Ebden! Again, even if they really do, this is a brand-new potion, no one has been tested. Know what its effect is like ?! "

"So they started long ago."

Edward ’s expression was not much better than Peter ’s: “A few months ago, after the time when Rut Infinite led us to fight for the Holy Blood Elixir, the Bellini family had already begun experimenting on living people It ’s big, too. "

"Then why no one found ... wait! It's impossible for them ..." Peter suddenly guessed a terrible fact.

"Yes." Edward nodded:

"It's in the sewer."

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