Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 125: Midsummer feast (1)

Along the clean and tidy cobblestone avenue, the delicate carriage wandered through the sound of wheels and horseshoes, and stopped like a row of flying fish in the Silver Hall-one of the richest families in Ebden, the residence of the Bellini family.

At the beginning of the Chinese lantern, the visiting guests walked off the carriage in a well-dressed manner, lined up in a tacit agreement outside the garden, and handed the prepared invitation to the guards outside.

The visiting guests are also absolutely small people-the nobles of the Liberty Council of Eboden, the veterans and mentors of the Nine-Mang Star Wizard Tower, the representatives of the Holy Cross Church ... Half of the gatekeepers of Eboden are gathered here.

They certainly did not just come to the banquet, just as the Bellini family held this dinner not to celebrate the summer festival. This will be a historic moment, and they are all witnesses.

And they are no different from them, just not good intentions.

Standing behind the gate, Loren looked at the magnificent mansion behind the lush garden. It was a three-story building. The silver dome was still dazzling in the dark.

You should know that this is the essence of Eboden. Being able to have such a palace in this place is not only daunting financial resources, but also a symbol of power and strength.

Putting on a red and black dress, Loren held the "Tree Heart" in his right hand, the caster was hiding in the pocket inside the robe, and the well-made "bright silver" was simply hung as an ornament on the right waist- -Even at a banquet, he must be fully armed to rest assured.

"Do you have any good plans?" Asriel's voice floated on Loren's mind on his shoulders: "You have invitations now, you can enter in a fair way, and then-directly grab the potion formula and run away?"

"It's not impossible." The black-haired wizard carried his right hand on his back and constantly looked at the garden inside the gate. He could see the heavily armed guards patrolling almost everywhere, and there were no fewer than twenty outside. , There must be more in it:

"However, it seems difficult to break through, it seems that the Bellini family has learned the lesson."

Ruth Infinite, who had come here by himself, once said that he and Ebden ’s night watchman had tried to break into the silver hall of the Bellini family, resulting in heavy casualties and only grabbed a small bottle of test article. It seems that the Bellini family has strengthened their defenses since then.

Even if he is very confident in himself, Loren does not feel that he can be lucky-let alone many guests tonight, there are many skilled wizards and superb knights, bravely hard ... that is to die .

"Then what are you going to do?" The teenager's voice was full of confusion, and he didn't forget to joke: "Say two good words, and ask them to give it to you?"

"I'm more willing to adapt." Loren smiled slightly, his black pupil looked at the other carriage parked outside the door, and a petite figure was walking towards himself.

The "intelligent" black feather eagle took the initiative to fly away from his shoulder, and landed firmly on the eaves of the entrance of the silver hall. The scarlet eyes looked around. If you did not pay attention, it was no different from the summer crow.

"It's so early, His Excellency Ain Rand."

Ariel Corona, who also found him, smiled at Loren. Different from when I met in the theater before, the girl put on a black silver-rimmed dress similar to Loren. The gray and white long dress was tied to the top of the head, and the neck was a delicate agate stone necklace. The sapphire brooch on the chest was dark at night. The dazzle is still dazzling.

At this moment, Ariel is no longer the sick and weak girl that Loren knows, but the honorable Miss Corona.

As for the only thing that hasn't changed, Loren, who slightly dropped her pupils, "inadvertently" glanced at the corner of the girl's skirt, and the bare feet exposed from below.

Is it because of special reasons or just a hobby?

"Sorry to keep you waiting for a long time." The girl stepped forward and took the initiative to extend her right hand: "If there is anything rude, I hope you are not angry with me."

Of course, Loren could hear her meaning-not that it was late, but to threaten herself with human feelings and had to accompany her to attend the midsummer banquet.

"You're welcome, this is my honor." Holding the delicate little hand, the smiling black-haired wizard and the girl walked side by side to the door of the Silver Hall. The guard who received the invitation heard that it was the old lady of the Corona family.

After passing the gate, Loren raised his head and smiled at the black feather eagle toward the eaves, and a certain "teenager" was also staring at him, flapping his wings lazily and saying goodbye to him.

"Are you looking at?" The girl next to her suddenly asked, her steps were extremely gentle.

"It's nothing, just a crow." Loren changed the subject immediately: "Almost you should tell me, why do you want me to accompany you to this banquet?"

"You are really too anxious." Ariel's bloodless lips curled slightly: "Did someone say this about you?"

"More than one, more than one." The black-haired wizard looked straight ahead, his eyes constantly sweeping around, remembering the environment and the number of guards as much as possible: "But I still want to know."

"If I tell you that I want Alto Bellini's alchemy recipe, will you believe me?"

Ariel suddenly spoke, but did not see the slightest waves in Loren's face, calmly even a little abnormal: "So how are you going to get that potion formula?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, but no matter which method I need your assistance." The girl smiled cutely: "If all goes well, the recipe will be yours."

The black-haired wizard didn't answer, and still looked around, just like the guests who really came to the banquet, strolling with his female companion in the garden.

"Just kidding, Ariel's goal is not a potion-Ariel wants to get more precious than the recipe, and it is more difficult to get."

The girl ’s smile suddenly relaxed: “So tonight I ’ll just check to see if that thing is in the hands of the Bellini family. Even if it really exists, I do n’t have to force it.”

"... I guess you won't tell me what that thing is, right?"

"Since I know it, why should I ask?" The thin, delicate body embraced Loren's left arm, and the girl exhaled gently on Loren's ear on tiptoe:

"But if Lord Loren wants to get the alchemy recipe, Ariel will definitely help."

"You misunderstood, my only mission tonight is to accompany you throughout the banquet." Loren, who didn't change his face, whispered, "As for other things, it's just ..."

The black-haired wizard who had broken his words froze for a moment, frowned slightly, and looked to the side of the garden, where a very familiar figure was standing there, only to promise to serve the young nobles around him.

He obviously put on makeup and disguised himself. He looks just like the other waiters here, but he is tall, and his eyes and face are not deceptive.

Peter Fasha is absolutely right.

At the same time, it seemed to feel the sight behind him. The "waiter" turned around inadvertently and looked at Loren together, and the picture was frozen at this moment.

Suddenly, the expression of the "waiter" changed suddenly, and there was fear in his eyes immediately, avoiding the eyes of the black-haired wizard without looking back, and fled panic and fled the garden.

What is going on? For a moment, Loren fell into thought ~ ~ Even if he was posing as a waiter and wanted to get in here, he wouldn't be afraid to look like this if he saw himself.

Or is he not looking at himself, but a certain look behind him? !

Thinking of Loren here, there was even a little fear in my heart, and some dare not look back.

"What are you doing?" The girl holding her arms suddenly said, "Did you see a friend you met?"

"... Nothing, I should have mistaken." Shaking his head, the pretending Loren smiled as if nothing had happened: "Let's go in quickly, it has been a long delay."

It seems that this summer festival banquet is more interesting than I thought!

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