Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 281: The flag flutters here

On the second day, the highland battlefield was noon and sunny.

Empire Army Battalion.

Although in accordance with the requirements of Brandon de Salion and the Imperial Council of the Skydome Imperial Palace, troops from various places were stationed separately on the East and West Sakran on both sides of the Gem River to reduce logistical pressure. A small-scale legion came; but the strength of the blockade line on the highland battlefield now reached a terrible 150,000.

What is the concept of the barracks of the 150,000 Legion-if spread out, it is almost the area of ​​two or three Red Blood Forts!

A more accurate description, that is, a city that can move. All the 150,000 residents in the city are fully armed, carrying weapons, and their brains are full of murderers and killed men.

On the plains of the West Sacran that stretched for miles, a small highland surrounding the banks of the Jewel River was covered with dense military camps like a starry sky; Sackland, Byrne, Elmans, Arles, Boss Yi ... Except Lotel, even the banner of Ebden can be seen in the vast sea of ​​flags.

The Bayern knight who swallowed the flag, the caster and the alchemist in the robe of the Nine-Man Star Witch Tower, the bohemian ride of the magnificent, the sacred Legion of Sacran, the majestic Elmand two-handed swordsman The arrogant Arles hunter ...

Like the banner of the sea of ​​flowers, the army gathered here, the barracks lined with terrain, and the logistical armies that are mobilized from the imperial capital to maintain this super-large barracks, almost twice as much ... all for one purpose only .

"Frighten these gangsters!"-This is the original words of Brandon de Salion.

In the middle of the army camp and the highland battlefield, a black lion gold battle flag hunted in the middle of the ruined battlefield.

"It seems that the Azore elves really decided to accept our suggestion."

Outside the barracks, looking at the Azore elf warriors assembled in the highlands in the distance, Grand Duke Elman was relieved.

"Although it was different from the initial plan, it would be a good thing if the battle could be ended as soon as possible in this way."

"Our decision?"

Almost as soon as Yuli Wiltz's words fell, a slightly provocative voice sounded.

Grand Duke Elmans frowned slightly, turning his head to look at the source of the sound—Nolan Oder, who raised his mouth and smirked, also stared at him.

"Dr. Arles, what are you suggesting?"

"Hint? No, no ... Grand Duke Ellerman, you are so kind." Nolan Odd shook his head with a disgusting smile: "My words are what I mean, nothing else."

"It is the decision of the Duke Byrne to fight the Azores in the Highlands. The emissaries sent are the guards of the Duke Byrne. They are confronted by the army of Bine and the Duke himself. So, how can this be called all of us 'S decision? "

"Don't the Duke Byrne bypass our princes and His Highness Brandon on his own, did he make his own decision?"

"Oh ... Or, should we now call it" Admiral of Golovin "?" Grandpa Arles snorted.

Listening to the other person's unabashed sneer and sarcasm, the expression of Julie Wurz, who said nothing, was extremely extreme.

"His Grand Duke Elmans, I know you and Duke Byrne are comrades who fought side by side on this battlefield, and I also believe that you are loyal to your friends and empire, but ..." Nolan Odd licked his lick Cracked lips, like aftertaste:

"Before I came to the Imperial Capital, I just killed my uncle myself."

"I love him, he is my very important family, nurtured me and personally helped me to the position of Duke, helped me kill many traitors, but ... he has the ambition that should not be."

"No, it should be said that he had thought about this in the years he nurtured me-support me, and then take away my title and inheritance after I had an accident, all planned ... Waiting for so many years, just to be in At this moment the flowers are bearing fruit. "

"So I killed him and killed his family according to the ancient tradition of Arles;"

"I ... peeled his skin by myself."

Staring at Julie Wiltz ’s unsightly extreme expression, Nolan Oder smiled happily: “But in Arles… the ambitionist who had the undesirable idea, the status, prestige and power that should not be deserved , That's the end; I don't know how to deal with the rest of the empire ... "


A cheerful voice came from behind them.

"If you remember correctly, the Bayern people like to behead; the Boi people like to be buried in the sky, the Elmans throw the sinful **** into the old forest in the mountains, Lotel is the heart of the arrow, and the Sacran people love the pillar of fire ... oh, although I do n’t know what the hobby of the Eboden people is, but it is rumored to be a living dismemberment. "

With a cheerful tone, Brandon walked to the center with a smile, tilting his head and looking at Nolan Odd: "This is how the traitors are dealt with in other parts of the empire."

"Especially the traitors who did not follow the orders, yang yin and yin yin, renounce the oath!"

The two Grand Dukes looked different, bowing to the "Humiliated Prince".

"Oh, by the way, what are you just talking about, looking so happy?" Brandon, a curious baby, asked, as if he hadn't heard a word in the content just now.

Pulled the corner of his mouth, Julie Wurz was stiff, and he refused to say a word.

He is really unacceptable to the "Huge Heart" Crown Prince and the upcoming 14th generation emperor of the empire.

It was Nolan Odd who was cold-hearted, as if it was not him who was just stricken behind his back: "Nothing, we are just discussing how this agreed duel will end today."

"It is well known that Byrne is the home of knights, and the army of the Azore elves is centered on wearing light armour, wielding long swords, flexible and tacit" samurai "-knights wielding big swords and long legs The duel between the warriors of the earth is really exciting. "

With a touch of emotion, Nolan Odd's voice did not fall, and he found that Brandon, who was still very "curious", suddenly had a strange expression on his face: "What's wrong, Highness? Could it be ..."

"No, you misunderstood." Brandon waved his hand, with a strange expression: "I mean if you want to see a duel between a knight and a warrior in today's battle, you ... may be disappointed."


Nolan Odd instinctively turned his gaze to the far side of the Byr Knight who was still hunting in the middle of the battlefield, and there was a bit of consternation in his eyes.

And at this moment, it was not just him who was stunned.

"what's this?"

Looked at the weapon that resembled a spear in his hand, and the expression of Karl Colin was inexplicably extreme.

The main body of the "spear" is composed of a brass metal tube nearly two meters long, and the ancient surface is also engraved with simple ancient runes; the tail and the bottom are simple wooden brackets and card slots ; In the metal tube, you can still see three round cake-shaped fluorite stones, staggered in series stuck inside.

As for the peripherals ... In addition to the "spear" in his hand, the servant standing next to him also holds a zigzag shield with a card slot in his hand. At a glance, it is a stand for the "spear" in his hand. use.

In other words, this "spear" must be used by two people?

"Well ... this is a projecting weapon, the name ... It is tentatively called" Jiaoguang Spear One ", you can be regarded as a heavy crossbow powered by the power of the void." With a strong look on his face, Loren, who didn't smile, explained to the demon hunter in front of him.

Because he did not expect that the little wizard and Isaac had finished it so quickly!

"Oh, powered by the power of the void?" Carl Colin lit up: "So, this weapon is very powerful ?!"

"Uh, it's not very strong, it is similar to the more powerful crossbow arrows ... there is no problem shooting through the chain armor, but the plate armor is more difficult."

"Nah ... its range is far?"

"The limit range of the test is 150 meters, but the actual effective power is only within 50 to 100 meters, and if it is 50 meters away ... it is difficult to get accurate."

"Oh, is the rate of fire fast?"

"It is faster than ordinary heavy crossbows, but it is not much faster ... It is better than nothing."


The three paragraphs ended, and Carl Colin's expression was like a cold water splashed in front of him.

"Then why did you bother to make it out and call me over?" The demon hunter's expression was inexplicable. "Why don't you spend money on this weapon, why not just equip more heavy crossbowmen?"

What is the difference between the two, and it is enough to have a heavy crossbow alone, and it takes two people to use this broken "spear".

"There are many reasons. For example, the cost of this weapon is cheaper than that of a heavy crossbow. For example, the use of a heavy crossbow requires a lot of physical energy, and it only needs to pull down the switch to launch. For example, it does not need to consider the weather ... etc. . "

Speaking of these Loren Turin, I can't help but think of the words that Harlem van Ashamah said to himself during the battle of the defense of Thousand Accounts many years ago.

"One day, we can let these weapons be held in the hands of the soldiers, standing three hundred steps away and launching dozens or hundreds of crossbow arrows that can pierce the armor;"

"This weapon will eventually make the sword a dispensable thing, the exquisite armor into an ornament, and all the wars will be separated by three hundred steps. Compare with each other to see who kills the other faster. Cruel competition; "

"Roll the glory into waste paper, make the war rigid and rigid, and transform all the courage of the soldiers into a joke of three hundred steps; calm killing will replace **** melee;"

"Finally destroy all beautiful fantasy and decoration, let the war expose its most true and cruel appearance."

Looked at Carl Colin with a suspicious look, the black-haired wizard smiled: "Of course these are not the most important, the most important thing is ... I promised you."


"Yes, you once said that if I think you should continue to fight, and you can continue to fight, you will not stop performing every mission I gave you."

Looking at the metal prosthesis on the other party, the dark-haired wizard said lightly: "This ... is the task I gave you."

"Demon Hunter Carl Colin, I now officially authorize you to command my new guard."

"You, will become the first army in the history of the empire, all armed with void weapons."

"As for your name ..." Thinking of the appearance of the little wizard when he told him, the dark-haired wizard could not help but want to laugh out loud:

"Tentatively, it is the" shooting army "."

"Shooting Army ..."

The moment he heard the name, Karl Colin couldn't help but hold the "bright light spear" in his hand and whispered.

"You tell me that you want me to give you a reason to die." Loren stared at him seriously: "This is the reason I gave you to die."

"Karl Colin, under my command, more than half are knights who adhere to dogma and tradition, half are ordinary people who know nothing about the military-to make a change, I need a person who is not afraid of death and does not care about tradition People. "

"So I will give you this task, just like I gave the wings of the sky to Lucien."

Karl Colin did not speak, and the silence remained.

Holding the "Jiaoguang spear" in his hand tightly, he raised his head and looked at Loren Turin with a solemn expression.

"I understand ... If this is your order, then I will accept it-to become the commander of the shooting army, for you to let them in this battle, really shine."

The voice fell, and Carl Colin raised the "Jiaoguang spear" and knelt on one knee.

From the day I stepped into Rut Infinit ’s room, what was he tirelessly pursuing?

Revenge? status? reputation? Power?

Is not ... I am an ordinary mortal, of course I care about these, but this is not what I pursue.

What I'm after ~ ~ is a meaningful one, knowing the cause and reason, the reason to die.

If so, why should I refuse?

"Woo —————————————————— !!!!!!”

The whistle of the eagle roared from the high ground in the distance, echoing over the entire battlefield, so that the devil hunter and the black-haired wizard could not help looking back at the same time, looking towards the source of the sound.

"it's time."

Fighting hard against the heartbeat that was about to rush out of the chest, Anson Zade, who was calm and calm, clutched the Azore elf battle flag, eyes staring deadly at the Bayern battle flag on the far battlefield, and ...

And the one standing under the banner ... Golden Lion.



The blindfolded elf girl calmly like water, slowly raised the ancient knife in her hand, and held the handle tightly in her right hand; "Bao!" A trace of light traced over his head.

Responded to her with the sound of a blade resounding in the highlands; thousands of thousands of stars shone brightly like a fish scale under the sun.


Pulling a nearly hoarse voice, the elf boy shouted loudly:

"Our Azore Elf Warrior--"

"Perform the agreement--"

"With Duke Byrne--"

"Dead! Fight! To! At the end—!"

:. :

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